My father is small in stature, but he is strong as an ox.
we are dough
Why are ox strong...? -
Ice man
I believe it's because trolls already have the monopoly on stupid. -
we are dough
Collect $200 when you pass go....
we are dough
Sounds gay.... -
Try saying that to his face. -
we are dough
Where is it....?
No, not really. He had a large waistline, drank too much and liked to push his weight around whenever he felt it was safe.
we are dough
I am that man.... -
Ice man
Daddy !! You've come back from the grave. Was it too warm down there for you ? -
we are dough
Chatting with you, I am always warm too down there.......
Nope~! He was tall and a professor type
I guess he would have been strong enough in his youth. Later his drinking got to him. Don't think he was so muscular.
Not really.
No, my father was over 6 foot tall but slim.
No, but he could box.
My father was 5'10" tall in his youth and early middle age. He was strong and muscular from limbing logs with an axe in the woods. He always did physical labor and stayed strong, After he got old though, his stature shrank to about 5'7", and he lost his muscular nature, By the time he passed at a bit past 90, he had shrunk up so much he reminded me of a cricket! 5/30/23
Many of my childhood memories were working out with my dad. He was 1.75m tall, but quite muscular most of his life. When he quit smoking, he started eating less healthy foods for a few years, and then, when he got sick, he lost a lot of weight and ended up quite thin.
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