• a sperrn donor never gets to know his kid
    • Linda Joy
      I know what a sperm donor is. What makes a father different? What do they do that sperm donors don't?
    • pearllederman
      they support the kid
  • A father doesn't use a hole in the wall (night deposit) at an after hours sperm bank.
    • Linda Joy
      I know what a sperm donor is. I had one. Tell me how a father is different. Explain what I don't know.
    • Azlotto
      How can I tell you what you don't know when I don't know what you already know?
    • Linda Joy
      I just thought with father's day coming up I could give people an opportunity to brag on their dads. Obviously I should have used the other Q&A site.
    • Azlotto
      Just joking, Linda. My father is 77 and walks three miles a day. What other Q&A site?
    • Linda Joy
      Its a private group on FB for former members of MSN's Q&A. I have an open QnA group, but don't use it anymore. Too much drama on FB! Its where my family is! But not on the private group so I still use it. Much more response there.
    • Linda Joy
      My mother, father, and both stepfathers who molested me are dead. Happy freakin' Father's Day!
  • A Dad is there for you and always wants the best for you. He spends time with you and is interested in your thoughts.

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