Non Contact Infrared Thermometer -- $19.99
While Supplies Last
I am a professional photographer and have worked in this field. My suggestion to you (assuming you have attractive/pretty feet) is to scout out some of the paysites and see what they are offering in return for photo-sets. You would need to have someone (a professional or advanced amateur) produce some high quality photos, preferably artistic and unique with decent mood lighting backdrops/background etc. using your phone camera will not cut it. videos also will help (and sell). If you decide to do it on your own there are plenty of forums and sites that will allow you to advertise or you can establish a personal website, accept paypal and sell your videos and photos. If you go the personal route also offer "used sweaty socks" that you can wear for a few days and sell as a package, personalized (by request) photos and socks. Just a few ideas that may make you some extra cash and they have worked for many people, once you get started you should move along fairly smoothly.
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