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Yes, I absolutely agree.
Thank you. It is great all the time esp when its good but I was thinking sometimes I have been with someone and we just go at it all the time and its about that chemical attraction and just the motions that it stimulates. Not primarily about orgasms or emotional bonding but those are just the results. -
i agree as well
Thank you. -
agree hell yes
This is going to sound somewhat woolly headed and hopelessly romantic, but here goes. My gf and I have been living together for 10 years now and have three children together. So I think I know a little bit about the sheer joy of sex. I love my gf - we both agree that we don't want to be married - and we both enjoy sex a lot. The two older children - both boys ages 7 and 6 now - were unplanned. It did not diminish our happiness or our enjoyment of sex one little bit. I was hugely excited when she told me she was pregnant. I cried when they put those little bundles of joy in my arms. However, we decided we wanted to have one more child and so 4 years ago we had a little girl. (Prompting me to suggest to my gf the theory that when we plan to have children, we get girls, and when we don't, we get boys. So sometimes, I'll say, spur of the moment when I am in the mood, "Want to have a boy tonight?" She just rolls her eyes, smiles at me and pats my cheek.) The funny thing, though, there was something special or different or call it what you want about sex when we were having it in part to try to have a baby. We both felt it. To me, there was something that was deeply emotional and that bonded us together. My gf was giving me her naked body to carry my child. We were creating life together. It sounds silly and I am almost embarrassed to say it, but there was something truly beautiful about it. Don't get me wrong. We enjoy sex - and I had a few other partners before my gf and I met - and we like variety. (Oh, and yes, there is something of adventure from time to time when a little person pops in early in the morning or for a middle of the night drink of water and catches mommy and daddy being busy. It has happened at least three times with complicated - not to say comedic - explanations to follow.) So while I fully agree that the sheer joy of sex is in many ways the greatest sex. I have to say that having sex to make a baby was different and special too. Sorry for the long winded answer, but it is something that I have often thought of and your question brought it to mind.
Thank you. In a larger sense all sex is a natural reproductive strategy whether we acknowledge it or not. Even young and being conflicted about having kids going "unprotected" raised it to a much higher physical and emotional level. And even now, long after my reproductive days were at an end, just the thought of it gets me up there. Perhaps because I never had children. -
Yes, I agree that there is an "evolutionary" component to it, but there was something else. We enjoy sex and even with little people in the house we have it fairly frequently. That's the "biology" so to speak. I always know that there is a chance of pregnancy even when we take precautions, but my instinct is still to have sex. However, and it is very hard to get the words, I seemed to "want" my gf more. The sex was more intense in an emotional way. I love her deeply and sex means a lot to me, but it was "different." In this connection, I also enjoyed it while she was pregnant - and I was lucky in that my gf's sex drive actually increased significantly, as happens with some women, while she was pregnant almost up to the 9th month. Yeah, I know, I am probably just repeating myself, but it WAS different. Don't get me wrong, our sex is almost always amazing, but there was something different that went beyond our natural biological instincts. -
As happens with most women I know. You are not long-winded at all and thank you for sharing. Its great you are still so into one another. -
Yeah, my gf - and the three little munchkins she gave me - are the best things that ever happened to me. Thanks for your comment -
What a great answer. And I don't think it's silly at all when you said, "My gf was giving me her naked body to carry my child. We were creating life together." I think that is a very beautiful way of putting it! :) -
Thanks. You are kind. When it comes to my gf, I am a besotted puppy. I love her more than anything - and my little munchkins, too - and that experience of making a baby - when we knew that was what we were trying to do - just meant more to me than I know how to express. Even now, I don't know that I have ever fully captured it. With our first born, we were just having sex and --- ooops! Still, I will never forget the day she told me she was expecting. I came home from work to find my gf in tears. It took her a while but she finally told me. Then I started to cry. She was crying because she thought I would be mad, I was crying because I was so happy. Yes, we make quite a pair. Of course, the sex was sex - we had no idea that we were making a baby. With our second, same thing - and we were both excited when we found out. However, when we decided to have a third child and began making love to make a baby, it moved me in an emotional way that I can't describe. I am touched that you found what I wrote to be beautiful. It just seems like the words don't do it justice. Thanks so much for your kind words all the same.
Absolutely. The best sex of all is when I'm feeling most passionate and desperately need it.
Hi ladyE I have been trying to place you since your message a few weeks ago. Did I chat with both you and your boyfriend on AB two years ago? And we talked about our experiences?
Any sexual encounter can be "great".
Mmmm hmmm.
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