I think it was aliens who stopped by wanting directions on how to get to Roswell, New Mexico.
Aliens are polite...I wonder if Trump is planning a space wall. -
Ice man
I never thought of a space wall. I'll bet he'd want the aliens to pay for it too. : )
My first guess would be melamine sublimating from the skin of the capsule.
Ice man
Sublimating melamine ... okay, I'll let you run with that !! lol -
Jewels Vern
Mexico tried to launch a space station, but the adobe walls collapsed.
My best guess is the expansion and contraction of the metal capsule when the temperature changes.
Ice man
That's what I thought when I first read the article - then it dawned on me .... it was made in China !! lol -
"Made in China" lol...Yup, that sums it up pretty good.
Pizza Hut ... ( smiling )
Ice man
lol Man-O-Man now that's what I call delivery service !! : )
It was the crew from Firefly coming to visit.
Ice man
Wouldn't he just shit if it was William Shatner !! -
Linda Joy
Captain Picard! Yum!
His imagination.
Ice man
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