Hi, As a young boy growing with parents, two sisters and my other brother was a special time in our life when it snow. Snow play a big part in our life as it one of the nature element of life. Snow is also a spiritual event.
I love snow. My friends hate it. I hear we will have a much snowier winter in New England than last winter. I hope so. I'm wild about winter!!!
I like looking out my window and seeing a fresh white blanket of snow on the ground and covering all the tree branches. It's like a winter wonderland postcard picture.
I hate everything about it.
I hate heat and get ill from it. We had a light dusting and it's wonderful. I'm just hoping fall stays and than a real winter comes after.
I do. I'm in SW Florida right now so no chance. I'm headed North in February to a snowy place though. 11-23
i wish if we have snow in my country
Where are you from? Nov. 25
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