The ego. The big, giant, over-inflated ego.
The liberal media lies about him constantly. -
Charin Cross
too right Reisan!
They don't..when journalists are paid to support one candidate people need to shut off the TV and look for themselves.
Sorry to disappoint you. - get ready for a landslide
It appears so. More republicans coming out to vote early and I was reading about how less black voters have gone out to vote early, so, it's looking bad for the dems. Oh, then there's that whole FBI re-opening her case, thing.
Because he's a sexist pig. And a pig in general. Hate. Hate.
Ice man
Good points. I agree he's a real slime-ball !! -
Liberal media has blinded you. -
The liberal media preaches hate against him constantly. You have wrong ideas about him. -
Linda Joy
Sounds like YOU are the one full of hate. -
Army Veteran
Half of the Democrats are pedophiles and all you can come up with is "sexist pig"? Joe Biden can't keep his nose away from little girls' hair. Do you have any proof of your claims beyond what you've been spoonfed by the pedophiles (((YOU))) support? -
Liberal media??? I don't watch/read media/news. I watched the first season of "The Apprentice" and recognized what a phony, incompetent he was. I scratch my head that so many people didn't watch that program or didn't see his character during the election!! Scary.. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You need to stop watching Fox. They lie.
Just love and prayers for Trump where I am.
Because democrats tell them how to feel and think. People would rather listen and take everything they say rather than actually look into anything themselves. Take a look at Project Veritas sometime and you'll see the instigators at his events are all hillary supporters who've been trained to disrupt and cause trouble at his events. They'll remind you of brown shirts if you've ever read a history book. Anyway, we've been told by the media and the left that it's his supporters that are violent and that his rhetoric incites violence, when we have democratic operatives admitting they train and fund that sort of behavior. Take a look at that video that came out recently where a homeless woman was assaulted by a bunch of hillary supporters and you'll see what kind of people support hillary.
I think it all starts with his mouth and all the crap that comes out of it !!
he treats the role as if he is in some type of reality tv show. Twitter really, I mean the guy really does not belong here, and congress has to pas a law where it states only qualified politicians can run, all these actors and businessman can step off. -
It starts with liberal media lies. -
Linda Joy
The rules for vetting a President have already been legally established. Obama DID NOT meet them Trump did! -
Archie Bunker
Fox - what is a "qualified politician" in your eyes? -
Which rules did Obama not meet for vetting a President? If this is the old birth claim, do you realize that George Romney, Mitt's dad who ran in 1968, was born in Mexico? Didn't matter then either, parents were US citizens. As to "qualified" politicians, for better or for worse, it is the American way not to require any specific experience. -
Army Veteran
It doesn't matter if George Romney was born in Mexico or on another planet - HE wasn't the one running for President. As long as the candidate was born in the US he is qualified in that respect. This brings us to Obama. He was NOT born in the US and it doesn't matter how many times they pull out his supposed "birth certificate". That piece of trash was proven to have been made in Photoshop. He has never produced a valid birth certificate nor even proven that Stanley Ann Dunham was his birth mother. This could be verified easily enough through a DNA test with his "sister". Stanley Ann Dunham does have a daughter. A DNA test with her would prove whether Obama is related or not. But he has refused to take a DNA test. Consequently, he has no verifiable proof that he is a US citizen according to the requirements needed to be President. And the more he avoids the truth the more transparent his big lie becomes.
I think it's his arrogance. That HE can make America great again. Despite its problems, I think America is pretty great right now. People don't need him for their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Barack Obama tried to ruin the USA. His severe damage needs repairing.
I don't hate him. I just think he is not a public servant. He bullies and runs people down. We didn't support him but voted for him.
he is very rude and frank but id rather him ...........
He's not a very nice person.
Many people are mindless puppets of the media. Liberal bias dominates the media, and it deceives people to promote its bias. It lies about Trump 24/7, refuses to give him credit for his accomplishments and diverts people away from things. It has aroused a mindless frenzy of hatred and rage toward Trump. Things are headed for an attempted coup and civil war.
They have Trump derangement disorder.
not sure, maybe theyre jealous
I do not hate Trump the man. What I hate is his lying politics that is harming this country to great lengths
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Tell me one of one lye and I'll respond with democrap ten times over! -
Obama harmed the USA, but liberals imagine he's a saint. -
Army Veteran
It's easy to accuse someone of lying - but too hard to prove it in many cases.
One of the reasons I hate him is because the fact he said he would bang his daughter if they weren't related. That's weird and considered pedophilia..
Linda Joy
Not if she's not his daughter! -
Army Veteran
When did he say this? And on what media?
The liberal media tells them to hate him.
That's true. Many people let the media think for them.
Who ?
Many people are puppets of the media, and liberal fake news media constantly degrades him. The liberal media is arousing an insane frenzy of hate and anger against him. A civil war is likely to result.
nnaybe theyre jealouos of hinn
Personally, I dislike Trump and very much wish he weren't president because he's unintelligent, selfish, and has shown himself to have a lot of prejudices: sexism, racism, ableism, etc. Social issues like that matter a lot to me. Trump is a very privileged person, and he doesn't really seem to understand how the world works.
Archie Bunker
Yeah. Forget about the record unemployment. Record job growth. NAFTA gone. Yeah. He doesn't know what he's doing. -
Linda Joy
Calling him unintelligent with an IQ of 156 (130 is genius btw!) only shows how stupid YOU ARE! There have only been 5 presidents in American history with a higher IQ! -
You mindlessly believe horrible lies about him. He is a genius, so anyone who calls him unintelligent is an imbecile.
Where do I begin? Oh, let's start with his comments about grabbing women's crotches. That should be enough right there.
Army Veteran
Oh, that all you've got? If you want to hold that against him, you might as well condemn every guy who ever went to high school, because that's the kind of talk one would hear in a high school locker room. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not - when adolescent guys get together and try to outdo one another, their boasting usually isn't true. But then you'd have to spend a little time in a boys' locker room to find out.
Whether it is a sign of National disgrace or a sign of a masterful diplomat: one of the main reasons people hate Trump is because he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
Archie Bunker
Finally. A politician that says what he thinks and doesn't just pander the change tides. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is just like asking a question and someone gave you an honest answer, but you didn't like it and got mad. We can either deal with a realistic answer or hold a grudge.
The same reason people hate used cars salesmen, braggarts and other slime-ball hucksters.
Donald Trump does not fit into your category.
Because of prejudice mostly. Because he stands up for America and the world is used to our presidents paying other countries in one form or another to like us. We don't need for them to like us. We need to stop government spending and balance our budget. Since he took office our economy has improved crime has gone down, unemployment has gone down, the markets are up. And those who call him unintelligent are obviously not very bright themselves because he has an IQ of 156 which is 26 points higher than genius and there are only 5 or 6 presidents in US history who have scored higher! And his big mouth and big ego. But at least he's doing what he said he would. Can't remember the last time a politician did that!
Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll even convince yourself, if you drink hard enough. Trump is simply claiming credit for Obama's work, nothing more. -
No, Donald Trump is trying to repair Barack Obama's severe damage to the USA.
They are Democrats.
Because Trump gave the top 1% tax cuts and now he's paying for the cuts by cutting medicaid, medicare SNAP and Social Security He cozies up to foreign dictators, ie Saudi Arabia, N. Korea etc. He;s rolled back environmental protections including slowing down climate change.
You believe lies told by Lunatic Left Fake News Media.
Its not my job to watch the news for you. It doesn't work that way.
The media despise Trump, and the left follow their media like sheep. Baaah!
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You mean like you eat up whatever garbage Trump gives you...?
He is a very smart and capable man and has done a lot of good for this country. But he can be a bit brash, and people didn't expect that in a president.
They don't. He's sill filling up rallies and the 75M Americans who voted for him KNOW the 2020 election was stolen. You can NOT honestly believe America wanted a weak senile demented old coot for President.
It started out because he defeated Mrs. Clinton when it was her turn to be potus. The left got angry because they had elected the first black potus and wanted to put the first female potus in office too. When that failed, and she called for her cult to "resist" the hatred and animosity began. Then compound that with his abrasive personality and some of the things he said and it snowballed from there. It seems he still lives rent free inside the heads of many of his haters, because they can rarely have a conversation without bringing him into it somehow.
The Dems are the embodiment of hate - this has been observed numerous times when people like Maxine Waters spoke to crowds of people telling them to hate Trump supporters and to not let them patronize public restaurants. She further called for violence in Minneapolis if Derek Chauvin was acquitted. She is held in the highest esteem by her colleagues. The Democratic supporters follow this kind of rhetoric because they've been brainwashed into hating Trump as well. [] "Sexist pig"? REALLY??? This from the ones who support Biden, Hillary Clinton, and the entire pedophile administration? Clearly, we have a group that is in denial.
He lies and brags and never takes responsibility for any thing.
He is a braggart and an outright liar (over 1600 documented lies).
Since Communism started dictating our elections (Obama administration), candidates have been chosen based on popularity. Obama was elected not because he was the best choice (and not because he was a US citizen as it turns out), but because everyone wanted to see the US elect its first black President. Next in line was Hillary as the nation's first woman President - and you see how furious half the country got when that didn't happen. The Democrats have spent over 4 years using a terrorist tactic created by Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin's longest-running secret police chief who bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. He was known for saying, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. Trump wasn't elected to sit in the White House and look pretty. He was elected because he understood the needs of the people and he had the clout with leaders of other countries to fix what was broken. Obama cared nothing for America - he wanted to turn it into a Muslim terrorist refugee camp. Hillary was a Communist and Biden is a Zionist (for those who don't understand, just think "he's a bad man".) Corruption has been going on in this country since FDR was in office, mostly by the Democrats, although some Republicans have been guilty as well. Trump paid for his own campaign and thus owed nobody anything - and this is one of the reasons he is hated, also. He owes no one and so no one can get any kind of leverage on him to play him like a fiddle (the way they've been doing with Biden). People hate him because they can't control him - and as long as he's eligible to run again, they fear him. As much as they've done to him and this country, if he wins in 2024, they know it's all over for them and so they're desperate to prevent him from running again.
Trump is a pathological liar, delusional and psychotic. That’s exactly what he is and he is bad news. All those Trump followers are screwed up individuals and messed up in the head.
How do you come to this conclustion ? You realise Biden and Trump are both 2 heads of the same beast? -
Shadow Of The Mind
It’s not a conclusion. It’s an observation of how Trump really is. -
Have you ever listened to a word Biden says its all bullshit everytime. Majourty of the time its incoherent ramblings is it not? But keep tossing off you pathetic democrat rubbish. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Do you have anything better to say? Apparently not. I am a person who believes in equality of rights and treatment which is a democratic view but anyone who has a problem with that such as yourself is the one with the problem and not me. It’s time you stop talking rubbish and learn about respect and not insults
stop watching fox
I can understand where everyone is coming from when they point out his mouth and the fact that, in his reality TV show he acted more or less like a bully. I didn't like him for those reasons. But where I parted ways with you intellectually challenged Liberals who are still holding to his past to use against him is, I am able to think for myself and see that those idiosyncracies have nothing to do with his ability to do his job as President. One of the things he learned to do very well was to negotiate with businesses and world leaders. THIS is what I hired him for, not to be America's Etiquette Ambassador. You people are CHUMPS - the Muller Report is still churning out evidence against Hillary, James Comey, and the others who illegally spied on Trump's 2016 campaign, and all you can do is worship your Democratic gods.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - So you are still are worried about Hillary's emails when Chump is selling classified documents to the North Koreans? You should be in jail. -
Army Veteran
What kind of proof do you have that Trump sold classified documents? The FBI's say-so? We know for a fact that Hillary destroyed classified emails - but the only thing the FBI and DOJ have on Trump are baseless allegations. Your "fearless leaders" have no proof, so they follow the "guilt by accusation" rule. The same "guilt by accusation" rule that they tried to use against Brett Kavanaugh - but failed (as usual). So, how is Christine Blasey Ford doing now? Her OWN LAWYERS exposed the FBI's investigation of her claims as a sham. We're talking about the FBI that, at the time, was headed by none other than the same slimebag Christopher Wray who illegally invaded Trump's house. Can you say "weaponized politics"? SURE ya can.
Why do you yanks bang on about Trump hes no longer Presadent the Demented ole fool you have now is no better. They are both different heads of the same beast none of them do anything for the people. Will it matter who is presadent until the system changes nothing will change. Enjoy eating bugs , people living in tents on the sidewalk is normal?
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