It is if you're a Muslim.
None of them are. None have ever been proven. All are cult gibberish.
I don't really think religion in general is right.
If you choose Islam then it is the right religion for you. The same applies to all other religeons, atheism, and agnosticism.
I don't know if Islam is the right religion. But what I do know is that it is NOT the right religion for ME.
In what sense? If you are asking do I believe it is true, then no. It was the way that the Arab people managed to unite themselves for the first time in history, by transposing stories from the Old Testament from Israel to ARabia, and turning themselves into the Chosen People. Historically, it has no support for this, therefore cannot be true.
Good answer.
if hve doubt read qu' will definetly get the answer
yes and god knows knows best.
Uhhh only a Muslim can answer that. Anyway here's a helpful link:
No, but I do not care what religion you choose so long as it does not direct you to kill innocent people, especially my children.
That takes care of roughly every global religion I've ever known!
No, but I think the idea of "right religion" is an oxymoron, and self-defeating. Do I think Islam is close to the truth? No...but I think that about the entire Abrahamic tradition.
there is no right religion.
Islam is not the right religion for me; I am a Christian. The only person who can answer this question for you is yourself. We must each choose our oun path.
I think every religion is the "right" religion for the believers. As long as they practice it with respect toward others, and treat people with kindness, it is right for them.
yes of course islam is the right religion, and you will find this out for sure in the end, let's hope you chose the right path before the end does come about. And for those people that are thinking islam mistreats women then they are wrong, i am a muslim women living in australia, i have studdied the quran and it nver once says or implies women are to be mistreated infact it outlines womens rights over and over again. i think the reason why peopl have this idea about islam is because some people especialy arabs mistake tradition for religion. anywayz hope u make the right religion' salam
It must be the right religion for mankind. And here are some of the reasons why: 1 Amongst the major revealed religions Islam is the closest to a universal religion. It’s not based on any personality, like Buddhism and Christianity, or region of the world, like the link Hinduism has with Hindustan (India). Islam is for the whole of mankind without preference for any race or nation. There are no chosen people in Islam. To any that claim to be chosen for paradise HQ 2:111 says “bring your proof if ye are truthful.” 2 The word Islam simply means ‘submission’ and ‘peace’, so the religion of Islam offers the attainment of PEACE, within oneself and without, through SUBMISSION of one’s will to the Almighty, the universal God. 3 God can be seen to be most just. He made sure that all people that ever lived were taught Islam, meaning they were taught submission to God on His terms. This was done through His numerous prophets from Adam, through Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus to the last one, Mohammed to name but a very few. However, many people either rejected the teaching, distorted it or deviated from it. 4 Islam agrees with common sense, it recognizes that sincere belief has to come from within a person, borne out of conviction, preferably based on reason, otherwise it is meaningless. HQ 18:29 says “(it is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whoever will, let him believe, and whoever will, let him disbelieve.” While HQ 2:256 spells out what logically follows from this by stating “There is no compulsion in religion. The right guidance is now clear from error.” But, is there any evidence that Muslims have lived up to this? Yes, and the religions of the majorities in both the Iberian peninsula and in India, for example, after centuries of Muslim rule are adequate witnesses to that. 5 Islam is totally against senseless violence. There are many instances where the HQ speaks out against wanton destruction. For example it says in HQ 5:32 “whosoever killeth one human being for other than murder or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had: saved the life of all mankind.” 6 The simple and pure monotheism, the logical and practical beliefs, the excellent values promoted and the dignity given to women by Islam have led to many people from all cross sections of life, and increasingly amongst independent women, to embrace Islam (a few examples of entrants into Islam who have become prominent are listed below). It is this attraction of Islam that helped it spread rapidly throughout the world resulting in about 1.5 billion people professing the faith today. These values have also brought out the best in people. They sowed the seeds for the elimination of slavery which was so common and they transformed an unknown, warring, desert people, at the time of Mohammed, into world leaders in justice, reasoning, morality, philosophy, the sciences, mathematics, medicine, geography, etc. Muslims then helped Europe to pull out of its dark ages. Some of the many crucial contributions of Islam to the world include the Arabic numerals, the concept of zero, advances in arts, science and technology and terms such as Alchemy, Almanac, Atlas, Algebra, Algorithm, Alcohol, Admiral, Coffee, Cotton, Carat, Check, Earth, Guitar, Jasmine, Lemon, Magazine, Rice, Sugar, Safari, Sofa and many more. Some prominent new Muslims Yusuf Estes - former preacher and federal prison chaplain – read . Zaid Shakir - African-American Muslim speaker and intellectual – read - watch . Yvonne Ridley - British journalist who became Muslim after being arrested and released by the Taliban – read - watch . Ahmad Thomson – British barrister and writer – read . Malcolm X – African-American civil rights leader – read . Hamza Yusuf – American intellectual and scholar – read . Suhaib Webb – American Islamic activist – read . Timothy Winter - prominent British Islamic thinker and scholar, and a lecturer in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. – read .
Well, first of all many of you who are not Islam is very hard to answer this question which means that if you can not answer such questions then do not even bother to comment it. There are different circumstances that you need to avoid to answer such questions, it might seem that I am deffending Islam and it is true, however, for you being responsible intellegent person and not being bias or hate any religion, I would recommend not to beleive the bias of the western media toward Islam. Therefore, if you have a time I would advice you as a friend to do a little research of what is Islam all about and i hope you will find an answer to you question, Check this site @
No. (Read everyone else's answer for my explanation)
The question of whether is Islam is the right religion is a subjective question so you must must search in your soul for the answer to that question but to be complete you should read the Quran in its entirety, and make at least one muslim friend or visit a mosque to ask questions until you are satisfied with an answer to this question. I can tell you it is right but until you feel it inside or are convinced then what is the actual value of it? If you were studying religion on an academic level a part of your PHD you would take a very comprehensive approach but most people are very ignorant about their own religion and especially the religion of others to the extent that they only know what they heard in rumors and they often follow traditions that are alien to their religion. The same can be said about many muslims as far as being ignorant of actual islamic teachings but there exist within many muslims a sense of brotherhood and a general desire to do what they believe is right. The problem is when they (uneducated) are misled by clever liars into believing what is wrong is right and they cannot tell the difference.
Islam is the right religion because they do good things and we believe jesus is a prophet peace be upon him and the main religions are jew christian and islam because they got books from the same god but when a religion comes by a prophet the other one is expired so therefor if you don't be muslim you go to hell?
Allah He it is who shapes u in the wombs as He pleases. There is no god but Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. He it is Who fashioneth u in the wombs as pleaseth Him. There is no god but Allah, the Almighty, the Wise. He it is Who shapes u in the wombs as He likes; there is no god but Allah, the Almighty, the Wise.He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are Verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: Those who reject Faith, - neither their possessions nor their (numerous) progeny will avail them aught against God/Allah, They are themselves but fuel for the fire. (on the Day of judgement) neither the riches nor the progeny of those who disbelieve will aught avail them with God/Allah. They will be fuel for fire. (As for) those who disbelieve, surely neither their wealth nor theirchildren shall availthem in the least against God/Allah, and those it is who are thefuel of the fire
Each religion is right only to those who follow it.
Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of Allah/God, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah/God to mankind. The name of Allah/God religion Islam was not decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah/God Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man.In final book ofdivine revelation, The Qur,aan Allah/God states the following: Allah/God says in the book the Holy Qur,aan "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam(submission to Allah/God never will it be accepted of Him" "Abraham/Moses/Jesus was not a Jew nor Christian; but an upright Muslim."
I was raised to believe that religion is a very personal thing between you and God (call him God, Allah or Dio, etc...) and that as long as you are headed to the right source (meaning God), no path is wrong. For me, Islam is the only path alhamdolillah! I was a Roman Catholic/closet Protestant for many years (35 to be exact) but the shoes never fit right on my journey. Then I discovered Islam and now the journey is comfortable and right for me. My husband would say no that Islam is the only way but I believe it's a personal issue. Not sure if I helped answer your question.
1) "- Some claim that a specific religion is the right one and all the others are wrong. However they are in conflict with everyone that believes in any other religion. Another possibility is that perhaps parts of all or some religions are right or partially right and they are just different paths to the same place. Finally perhaps all religions are wrong as there is vary little hard evidence for any of them. - The one which allows you to believe what you choose to believe, but still love your brothers and sisters who may have different views. One which focuses on love, and living your life in a loving way. Religions damage their own credibility by fostering fear and hatred towards those with different views, ideas or lifestyles. - The multitude of religions exist show that no one single religion is the correct one. No religion should claim itself to be the only true religion while marking all others as misled and wrong. It is highly suggested a person study all religions- current and past- in existence before deciding which one they believe to be the best path to live for themselves. Children should be taught to study themselves from all beliefs, then derive what they believe is best, and not be raised strictly under one religion. - I personally feel that there are a great many paths that lead to the same place. If you are comfortable with your beliefs, and harm no one else then you are probably on the right path. Choosing a religion is not something about which you should consult anonymous people on the internet. Talk to people you trust. Check out the doctrines of different religions and read their texts. Talk to clergy and worshippers, if possible, of any religion you are interested in. Any religion that does not allow you to question its precepts can have a great deal of validity. - If you are seeking for a religion, I think you ought to choose the one that makes you feel better. People need religion to feel good, to feel safe, to feel secure and loved, protected by a God." "- It is probably true that no religion is correct. Most will put boundaries around established laws in order to keep their parishioners farther away from the possibility of sin. It's important to note though that true Christianity is not a religion, and those who tell you differently have seen the 'boundaries' that have been created by men who feel they need something more than just a relationship with Christ. True Christianity is a relationship with the living God and nothing more." Source and further information: 2) "Which religion is "right"?" 3) I think that Islam is probably the right religion for its believers. I don't need an established religion for myself. For me, any of the established religions is not the right religion. But that's just me.
It was the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and all the other major and minor prophets in between. They all taught total submission to the will of God, or, to repeat that with an Arabic word, they all taught Islam. All of them can't have been wrong, can they?
Not if you want to go to heaven it isn`t.
there is no right religion!! Muslim people think Islam is the right one , Christians believe Christianity is the right one , it is different for every person !
yes it is the right religion I mean I wasnt born believing that Christianity was the way to go and woah it wasnt...Different Bibles every other year? In Islam it is believed that yes we were all supposed to follow christianity but then ppl started making alterations(changes) such as new Bibles...then Judaism was created due to changes made to Christianity and then Judaism was changed by ppl...SO, Allah (god) created Islam the last/FInal can you say its not the correct religion when not even one person couldnt copy the HOLY QURAN (holy book)..the way the Quran was designed is unlike any other book and it has so many scientific discoveries that werent discovered by men until years me the only ppl that say its not the right religion are either ignorant or just evil themselves...hey I did my part and spread my knowledge...didnt come here to argue...ASALMUALIKUM =]
There is no right or wrong religion. You believe what you want to and leave it at that.
Only if it feels right to you. The world is a buffet of religions and sub-sects. Islam is only the right religion if it feels right to you.
it is if it makes the person better. but the same can be said about every other religion in my opinion. for the terrorists it's the wrong religion, but christianity is wrong for people like reverend phelps and his followers because their religion has made them hateful. ;)
This is a bitter taste of reality. Tough to watch,but much tougher if ignored. This is the film by Geert Wilders. He's a Dutch writer who is now under protection from the Islamists in the Netherlands. This is the film that has the EU and the muslim world with their pants in a wad. Most websites have removed it, including You Tube. All bowing to threats. Google still has it posted as of today but, will probably bow to pressure soon. It is about 16 minutes long but, worth the time. Can be a little tough to watch in spots. But this is what we are up against. I think we better get REAL serious.
first of all, to justify Islam, though I am not Islamic, but i do stand for the truth, you have no right to say anything about a religion unless you have read what that religion believes in. There is no quick choice in deciding your religion, but i have read both the Bible and the Quran, but the above statement is not correct, it is just what a lot of Americans believe Muslims are based on common stereotypes. Muslims actually hold women in very high position and in the case of war, is called Jihad, and it's not in that sense. Jihad is a way od decision, if you see something bad you should know its wrong in your heart, for example, if you see someone getting raped, you know its bad. The second step it to say its bad like "hey stop that" and when nothing works, then you resort to physically getting that person off from the other person. That is what Jihad is. You have extremists in every religion so you cannot look soley at them. If that is your justification you might as well also think that all Christians molest little boys since a few Catholic priests have. Do your research before making that choice. If you chose to look on the web, Ive found the best websites are ones that bash no religion seeing as how with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all believe in peace and loving your enemy.
I don't think it, I know it.
No, I don't. I don't think there is a "right" religion, though some are more hurtful or helpful than others. I have no love of the Desert Faiths in general, due to the damage they have done to indigenous cultures, who already HAD their own religions. My own forefathers were Heathen before the coming of Chrsitianity to Europe, and the genocides perpetrated upon Heathen populations (by Charlemagne, for example) were horrendous. They rightly worshipped the Aesir and Vanir as their forefathers had since the dawn of our people. In Egypt, the old Gods under different names were worshipped before the coming of Islam, and in Canaan, they were displaced by Judaism. Asherah poles were cut down in Canaan, and the Imrinsul in Germany, and the Parthenon now stands as a tourist attraction rather than a sacred site. Fortunately, many modern people are returning to the ancient ways of their people, trying to undo the damage done by the Desert Faiths to indigenous spirituality. Personally, I put greater value on the Old Gods, by whatever name one calls them. There are various traditions being reclaimed, such as Asatru, Hellenismos, Religio Romana and Kemetism. I put more faith in Freya and Odin and more trust in those who follow them and who follow Apollo or Osiris or Athena or Asherah than I do in Allah those that follow him. But that's just me. Follow your own heart, and may the Gods bless you.
Sure islam is the right religon , and iam thank god 100% sunni muslim until my death isa , but the answer of the question cannot just be answered in few words , whoever wants to find the truth he must read and research for himself and iam sure that allah ( GOD ) will help him with this if he is really honest with himself , i hope that all people can find the truth because at the end we are all humans and brothers and sisters and we have to wish the good to each other,thats all what i can say now , al salam allikom :)
Hi Islamistine. It was said in some of the previous answers that 'Islam is the right religion if you're a Muslim'. This is an incorrect statement, as Islam is the only religion for mankind. Of course this may sound extremely bias seeing as I'm a converted Muslim myself, and I would never encourage anyone to blindly follow anything in any matter. Rather, if you have doubts, questions, inclinations - speak to some people, read a few books and see where it takes you. For those who do not believe in God, take some time to reflect - remember it is not us that brings the rain so that we can grow food to eat, and it is not us that brings nightfall so that we may rest...
I don't know. What do you mean by "right" religion?
i think islam is right religin...why?because ....all others religion have more than one god(one believe 3 gods and tell us that is one, and there are who take a cow god ....many thing i can't bielive it) islam give me the solution of all problems....ex: no sex before the married,no layer, no kill,no evil.... islam is good religion and when you see a one take the wrong way, you know is not a muslim and islam far for all this...
I don't think there is a "right" religeon. There are over 2300 religeons on this earth. It would just be a cruel joke if God expects us to sift through them all to find the one. And we know God is not cruel. So then enjoy whatever religeon you choose. All I say is remember the important part is to have a relationship w/God. I like to say all rivers lead to the ocean.
Yes ofcourse islam is the truth but most people who represnt islam make a bad image of it
any religion must stand on two basis truth and logic. Truth means that the books and sayings concerning that religion are the genuine words spoken by God and his messenger and to be certain that this condition is available you must be certain that this book or sayings are transmitted through a chain of narrators right from the lips of the Messenger down to any reader of the Book now and this condition is the basis upon which Islam is based. We read now the Quran and we know with certainty that it is in the same form and language spoken by our Prophet. As for the second tenet Islam doesnt contradict logic rather it complies with it in harmony, anything that may seem contradicting common sense is totally neglected so the claim of the atheists minds that religion is the opium of the nations has no room in Islam because Islam doesnt teach superstitions and beliefs in mysteries as do christianity for exp, rather Quran itself is giving now full and marvellous answers on many scientific issues that were just revealed few decades before
A religion where people pray to the pedophile prophet mohammed is in no way the right religion. Islam is stuck in olden times and hasn't moved along like other religions. Also I have never seen so many people use islam to kill other people in it's name like it does.
Not even close! Tell me what other religion has an agenda to do away with all the unbelievers - Jihad. The Qu-ranWe says that all infidels (non-believers) must be killed because we don't believe in the false go Allah or the false prophet Mohamed, now that's love!
i think Islam is the right religion. It teaches all good and the right way. Anyone that reads Qu'ran cannot disagree, they are the pure words of Allah
Yes, of course. Let us be fair and say that not all Muslims are terrorists, and ensure that Islam is a religion of peace, but terrorists are people who have understood our religion the wrong way And those who insulted Islam, unfortunately, And if you read the biography of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him u will know that he was not calling for terrorism and extremism, but only for peace Please do not maimed blocked the image of Islam and understand the message of Islam and I hope you watch this video and then Judge of Islam and Muslims We are all brothers in humanity and even if we were not all Muslims thats what my religion islam taught me
It is the right religion for its believers. every religion is right for its own believers.But those who thrust their religion on others are fanatics and should be avoided.
yes of course i do. thats not just bc im muslim ,im very open minded to everyones religion and i beleive islam is the right religion for me and i wouldn't have it other wise!
Nope. No religion is the right religion.
It is up to you to decide the right religion for you. I only ask that you not impose it on me.
Who are any of us to say what religion is right or wrong? It's not our place.
Yes it is.I think that Islam is great.
There is no right religion. My take is any religion which is not dictating you, is good. It should be the other way. Freedom should come with it.
of course..............
Not for me!
Nope. Unless you believe that killing all the non-believers in your religion makes it right.
Why do you ask? According to my God, an indecisive man is unsteady in his ways (Jas 1:8). Your lack of knowledge, conviction and integrity make you an easy target for false religion.
If you’re a Muslim
I'm afraid of Islam because if you don't please those people you're liable to get harmed physically. God does not do that God allows you to live your life out and then God judges you he doesn't harm you prematurely if you bring no physical or mental harm to another person and stay to yourself. I think everybody else should do you the same favor
if anyone is gonna believe in a God and that God made the world and all in it , there can only be one God and one religion and any religion that says all other Gods /religions are not true well they cant be the true loving religion and we wont ever know for sure til we are all dead anyways
I was taught to believe that the name of the one true God is Yahweh or Jehovah I got that from a book called The Bible. The Islam book cannot possibly be older or more accurate than the Bible because it mentions Christians and Christianity. At the time the Bible was written there was no Christians or Christianity and the almighty God that was speaking called himself Yahweh or Jehovah. So I'm going to worship almighty God that made all things by the name of Yahweh or Jehovah until he tells me different if he comes down and tells Earth hey my name is Allah and I want you to worship me in the way that the Islams tell you I will be glad to do what God says. But in the meantime I believe that the word of God the Bible is what we are supposed to do and believe
Here’s my take on whether Islam is right. Many Muslims believe the scriptures such as Hebrew scriptures, the Pslams, the Greek scriptures and gospels etc. are not in their original form. But many of the verbiage in the modern manuscripts is very similar in content and substance to corresponding manuscripts that date back about 1,000 years before it. In fact the Koran says if in doubt, go back and examine those earlier holy writings to see what’s in them. One thing Islam touches on that is in the scriptures is the idea of living in Paradise. In Psalm 37:10, 11, and 29 speak of a time when wicked people will be done away with here on the earth and the righteous will live forever on it. Other parts of the Hebrew scriptures speak about what this paradise will be like, such as there will be peace between all humans and animals (Isaiah 11:6-9), and people will build their houses and enjoy their work to the full (Isaiah 65:21-23). Notice how these paradise conditions are to take place on earth and not in Heaven. This is in harmony with what the scriptures say was God’s plan for the earth at Genesis 1:27, 28 and 2:15, when he created the first man and woman and gave them the assignment to cultivate the earth and make it a paradise. Of course, when Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6), that is how sin entered into the world (Romans 5:12), and how the world has gotten to be morally depraved and corrupt (Ecclesiastes 8:9; Galatians 5:19-21). In fact, the Greek scriptures indicate the time period called the last days of this system of things in which conditions on earth would get worse, and we are seeing these things currently being fulfilled (Matthew 24:7, 8; Luke 21:10, 11, 26; 2 Timothy 3:1-5). Since these days are called the last days, the time is very near for God to act and bring about change on the earth to transform it back into the paradise it was meant to be. In order to do this, God will have to bring an end to this system of things, and he will do this in a final battle called “Armageddon” (Revelation 14:14, 16). This will involve putting an end to human governments as foretold at Daniel 2:44 where it describes God setting up a government to bring an end to these present governments (Revelation 17:12-14, 19:20) and then going on destroy other unfaithful human beings (Matthew 24:30; Luke 21:25; Revelation 6:15,16). So going back to Daniel 2:44 it said that God would set up a kingdom to rule over the earth in place of all these human governments to bring about peaceful paradise conditions. The scriptures later foretell some of the details of the rulership of this kingdom. It states that the prophet Jesus has been given authority over all the earth (Matthew 28:20) and he refers to “his kingdom”(Luke 22:28,29 and 1 Corinthians 15:25). Then in Revelation, it describes certain people, amounting in total to 144,000 as being brought from the earth and resurrected to Heaven to rule with Jesus. When Jesus was on the earth, he told his closest disciples that they would take part in ruling in his kingdom and be co-rulers and judges (Luke 22:30, 12:32, Matt 25:34, Rev 1:6, Eph 2:6). Revelation 20:6b shows these individuals will be kings and priests with Christ. Rev 5:10 also confirms this, and it states that these individuals will rule over the earth. So this rulership does affect those on earth and the b part of verse 9 says these individuals are bought from every tongue, tribe, and nation. Revelation 14:1 and 7:4-8 show this number to be 144,000. So these scriptures show that the prophet Jesus and 144,000 people who would be resurrected to Heaven would rule over the earth after the battle of Armageddon and transform it back into a paradise. So in conclusion, the Holy Scriptures give thorough answers as to the reason God created man, what his purpose for the earth was, why the world is in the terrible condition it is today, and God’s plan to go back to his original purpose for the earth, and the rulership arrangement he will use to accomplish this. While the Koran may touch on some of these, the way I understand it is I don’t think it touches on the subject of the prophecy that these are the last days we are living in, and for the earth to become a paradise. Jehovah’s Witnesses have done extensive scriptural research on these topics and have logically pieced them together. We certainly don’t force anyone to agree with us. But for anyone who reads this and is curious for more information about what the scriptures say about these matters, whether you are Muslim or another denomination, you can go to for more information. Since we are living in the critical last days of this system of things, these are urgent times for us to find truthful answers on God’s plan for salvation for mankind and for the earth. Our goal as Jehovah’s Witnesses is simply to educate people on these issues.
my wife left me Ive changed to Islam we are stoning her tomorrow.
For some people but not for everyone.
No. Christianity is the right religion. In all other religions it is up to man to bridge the gap between God and man and God is helpless. Any religion that teaches that God is helpless where man can succeed is obviously false. Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
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