Yes, it is, as long as a handicapped person is not already waiting for it. It is suitable for parents with small children who need the extra room, etc., and in our jurisdiction, there are no laws restricting them to handicapped persons only, the way there are about handicapped parking spots. I have several handicapped members in my family, so I am particularly sensitive to these issues. Of course, if you leave the stall and find a handicapped person waiting for it, a polite apology is never out of order; just a courtesy, mind you. Edit 01-01-2006 The apology which I mentioned is in no way an admission of 'wrong-doing'; my position is that no overt law or rule of etiquette has been broken. This apology is simply an acknowledgment that the person waiting for the stall may have been inadvertently inconvenienced, which the person using the stall could not reasonably have foreseen, particularly if the restroom is not heavily used.
If there twenty poeple in wheel chairs watiing for that stall it may be a bad Idea.
No it is not okay. The handicapped stall is there for a reason and should be respected as such. A handicapped person who may or may not be assisted by a caregiver should not have to wait in any circumstance, let alone for an able bodied person to vacate the stall. A mother with children should also be considered priority for the handicapped stall in the event a disabled person is not waiting to use it. It is about respect and protecting the dignity of the disabled. Edit: For those who feel a need to give a poor rating based on my answer. Obviously you have not lived with or cared for a disabled person. How appalling you as an able bodied person cannot wait or have the patience to stand in line. There are times a disabled person is unable to wait and thanks to you and people like you life becomes a bit tougher for them. Please don’t add insult to injury. Develop patience and respect. It will take you far in life, and God forbid, especially if you end up disabled yourself.
Archie Bunker
The women's restroom is different than the men's room for a reason too. Well, until Obama came along. -
Linda Joy
Well, fathers need changing stations too! Its difficult to change a toddler with them laying across your knees!
It is just as okay to use as it is to walk on the handicapped ramp in a building. I like the ramp. In a bathroom that is crowded you use whatever stall is open. If theres a handicapped person in line with you and you are ahead of them and the handicapped stall is open you use it. It is very nice to offer it to them but please realize that bathrooms are first come first serve and just because they are in a wheel chair does not mean that they have the authority to cut infront of everyone. Its an interesting double standard...they dont want to be treated as different but when it is in their favor they jump at the chance. And yes I have handicapped people in my family.
I have strong feelings about needing privacy in a public restroom. I find it very difficult to "go" in those restrooms at work and in public places with the metal partitions that leave large gaps through which others can see me. It is especially annoying to me when I'm at work and use the very last stall in a row of about 6 to 8 stalls that are all empty, and then a gay guy comes in and sits the very next stall right next to me instead of leaving an empty between us. What nerve! Now, I have nothing against gay folks, per se--"live and let live" is my motto. But that is so rude! For these reasons, I tend to seek out such handicapped stalls that offer a little more more privacy than the normal stalls. Until recently, McDonalds has put the toilet in a separate little room by itself instead of in a metal stall, which is very nice for both handicapped and non-handicapped folks. And those private unixex bathrooms, that are becoming common in shopping malls and large department stores, are ideal. Of course, a non-handicapped person should always give priority to the handicapped, or nursing mothers, etc. But we all have our needs and we need to have the right to make our own judgments what is appropriate based on our own needs. [Edit: Kinkstar: LOL! Sorry for making you ill :-) [Edit: Libbers: You have no clue what you're talking about. But I can't explain myself in a single "sound bite." So after the thoughtless comment you just made to me, you owe me your full attention here: I've got nothing whatsoever against gays. In fact, I'm one of the few people you'll find who truly believes in equal rights. I just happen to like my privacy in the restroom. I can understand the lack of privacy when the restroom is busy; but when there's a whole row of empties and someone deliberately chooses to take the one right next to me, I resent the unnecessary invasion of my privacy. Furthermore, calling me bigoted merely because I'm straight is no different than telling a gay person that there's something wrong with him for being gay. That's a tad bigoted and hypocritical of yourself, Libbers.]
Depends, Stalls are stalls, and you can use it if their is noone who needs to use it who is handicapped, but it's not fair to use it when there are 3 stalls you can use and only 1 they can use. So be respectful. In another light it is very hand to go to the bathroom in a handicapped stall. Room for your legs to stretch, they are always clean, and have bars for power squeezing.
Perfectly ok. Parking is one thing, but in the bathroom, it merely means it is WHEEL CHAIR accessible. I prefer to use it because I have long legs and when the doors swing in, sometimes these regular stalls are so small that I can barely close the door and then I bump my sensitve legs and bruise. On a different light, what denotes "handicap"? There are people who are handicapped and not in a wheelchair. I for instance am ambulatory, but with the regular stool height and the fact that my knees are bone on bone, the higher stools and grab bar are a necessity for me at times. Therefore, I don't believe anyone should be given dirty looks as they leave the "wheel chair accessible stall, just because they are not in a wheel chair.
I have been in a wheelchair for 21 years and have used many public facilities. I believe if the restroom is busy and the handicapped stall is the only one available, then anyone should be able to use it. I only get upset when I go into a restroom and there are many regular stalls empty and there is a obviously non-handicapped person, a mother with 3 kids, or an employee of the store in the handicapped stall. Some people in wheelchairs do not only have the problem of not being able to walk but also have bladder issues. I have found though that most women, if there are many people waiting will let the handicapped person use the handicapped stall as soon as it is available no matter where they may be in line. I believe this is a courtesy and I appreciate it very much.
Ok... as simple as this seems... it's not. There is no right or wrong answer. You could argue that it is wrong or right for a long time. So, you're looking for opinions since opinions are what will ultimately give you an answer youre comfortable enough with. First lets mention what is absolutely wrong! -Inconsiderably occupying a stall, fully aware that a disabled person was waiting to. Thats just WRONG! Everything else is argueable. If you enter a restroom and there are other stalls available, other than the handicapped, for your use then please use those. "But why? No one is there to use the handicapped one." Well, you should try and preserve the condition of the toilet. The more people use it the sooner it malfunctions and since public restrooms usually only have one stall reserved for disabled, if any, it would be a great inconvenience. But say you choose to use the handicapped toilet anyways... I mean it really isnt wrong; its roomier and most likely cleaner. Then while youre handling your business a handicapped person enters the restroom and notices that "his" stall is occupied. Youre probably thinking that hes thinking theres another disabled person in here. How would you feel when you vacate the stall knowing you made him wait for you, an able bodied person. On the other hand... big deal you know? He probably thinks nothing of it. He wants to be treated equal. He doesnt want to think of the specialized stall as a handicap. If you enter a restroom where all stalls are occuppied but the handicapped and you notice people are still in line trying to avoid using the handicapped stall then maybe you should wait too, unless you dont mind looking like a jerk... unless you really really had to go (people would understand). Im reading this back to myself and it seems kind of like its jumping around. I hope this made some sense. Im just voicing my opinion on this issue and am absolutely not trying to impose my comment(s) as being correct one(s).... just giving you my perspective (jeez Im obviously overly concerned with people getting a bad impression of me so Ill end this... now!).
This is to good to pass up The answers are all here There are the conservatives…. the rules are the rules There are the liberals… .rules are made to be broken. There are the rest of us….it depends, just use a little common sense Ed
I have wide shoulders and find it very difficult to use the regular stalls and somewhat claustrafobic
I have over 25 years experience in assisting people with disabilities in a voluntary capacity. Put it this way- in most cases you have a choice, they do not. Not to mention that many of the people with such conditions (not to mention their caregivers) face very unpleasant results and/or an emergency situation if they cannot "go" in time because someone who could go elsewhere thinks they have a "right" to use the facility. The people who built the facilities would not have gone to the trouble and expense of putting them there if there wasn't a need for specially designed ones. If you are absolutely desperate and stuck and can be sure that no disabled person is going to want to use them for however long it takes you do your business then I guess there is some excuse. But if you can wait or there is an alternative facility available which you are able to use then you have no excuse for using them, any more than a man has to use the ladies' one or vice versa. However remember that not all disabilities are obvious so there may be valid reasons for someone using them when you wouldn't realise that is the case - but that is still no excuse for using them if you can do otherwise!
Ok they wouldnt put the little picture on the door of a disabled person if that wasnt who it was intended for. Also I am carer, this is not a question of disabled people feeling like equals so should wait like us, this is a matter of medical need in some cases. To put it bluntly if their catheter is full to bursting and they have to wait for an able bodied person to finish they are going to have a humiliating and messy situation on their hands, not fair eh? Respect that they dont think they have a higher right to go to the loo first they just might need it more, and if they dont get there in time for any reason the consequences are alot harder for them to deal with. If you get what im saying? Just leave it free incase eh? I know i couldnt handle the guilt if they had to suffer because of me.
I do not feel there is any reason to park in a Handicapped Parking space. If you are not handicapped you are very fortunate, you DO NOT NEED THIS SPACE LIKE AN ACTUAL HANDICAPPED PERSON.
I think if an able bodied person stepped out of disabled toilet that I was waiting to use, he’ll end up needing a wheelchair. Screw all the other answers, the only answer is no. Just because there's no one there when you walk up to a public toilet block, it doesn't mean that within a minute or two a person with a disability is going to need the toilet. Persons with disabilities may not be able to "hold on" as well as you so called normal people. Also the inner workings may say, "I need a loo and I need one now." There's enough people starring at you when you’re in the chair, without knowing their starring at a huge wet spot. Just the effort of going to the toilet for some is hard enough. Having to change is a difficult and time-consuming task, which is bloody hard. In any toilet block situation, whether it is a shopping mall or porta potties and a live outdoor event, the ratio of disabled loo's to regular ones is about four to one. You have everything. Leave us with some dignity.
Personally, I have used a handicapped restroom before. However, I think it's best NOT to use a handicapped toilet, if it all possible, simply because a handicapped person may need that bathroom stall because they cannot utilize any other stall. Bottom line: If no one else needs to use the restroom in the handicap stall, then I would recommend utilizing it; unless, someone else is needing it, then of course, the right thing to do would be NOT to use it.
Ever see a man come out of a womens rest room and vice versa? today, it makes no difference. just pick one that is available. when the urge hits, its the relief that counts. i really do not believe that handicapped people would object to using thier stall, if it is unoccupied. at least, the one i asked, did not object under those conditions.
Yes, of course. Handicapped bathroom accessibility is seriously just a building code. It's ridiculous that with X-number of stalls, one is never used. It's even more ridiculous in older buildings that were converted and are missing 1-2 normal use stalls to handle the traffic. Use common sense for the RIGHT situation to avoid it. 1) Workplace: You already know if you have any handicapped people, so use it normally or reserve it kindly. 2) Airport: did the designers make a stall large enough for your carryon luggage so you can protect it from terrorism? Watch your bags! Take them with you. 3) General Rule: If you are in a situation where using any stall would reasonably inconvenience someone, choose another stall. However, the offchance that someone needs that particular stall within 1 minute of entering the restroom is rare, right, so why do you feel guilty? Apologize if someone did show up and wait. 4) PERIOD: okay ladies, if you have a sink at home next to your toilet, it's for a reason, because it's needed. This isn't a third-world country where we give up hygeine before, you know, that time of month. Go ahead and use the stall with sink. Especially important in restrooms without paper towels. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: If there is a line for all the stalls, do NOT wash your hands inside the handicapped stall. Do NOT squat to fix your hair or put on makeup in that bad slanted mirror, just because you can...that's nothing but inconsiderate. Shame on you! Move it along. They have sinks outside too. That would explain some of the dirty looks. VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Leave it clean! If someone has trouble walking, surely they can have mobility trouble cleaning up after you. Right?
Only if the rest are taken.
I do use it sometimes, I'll admit. But, only if all the other stalls are occupied and I have my son with me. The regular stalls are not big enough for me and my toddler son both. Also, in alot of places the changing table is in the handicapped stall. Am I just supposed to lay my son on the nasty floor or ridiculously soaked sink counter top (that is another common courtsey issue of mine. You drip water, wipe it up!!!!)? I, of course, will let a handicapped person go in front of me should one be waiting behind me. That is the only fair and decent thing to do. I thinks it all depends on your upbringing and your personal views about the handicapped. I do the same for a non-handicapped elderly person. If I am ahead of an elderly woman and a stall opens up, I will let her go ahead of me. Being polite is always appreciated and will never be frowned upon.
I think that as long as there is no one in the washroom who is in need of the handicapped stall, it's alright. These stalls are simply for the conveniance of people with handicaps, but if there's no one using the stall, why not? I prefer these stalls personally, I like that it's wider and more roomy which makes me feel less squished and claustrophobic. As long as your not taking up someone else's space, i can't see the problem.
If you are big or overweight, it can be more comfortable. If you want to hold onto a railing while you squeeze one out, it is helpful too.
A wheelchair accessible stall is the ONLY one in most public restrooms. . It's a toilet. meh. .
I use it when it every time I take my daughter to the restroom, because the others are too small for two people. I will use it by myself if it is the first one open. I prefer the first one though, people don't use it as much.
I walk everywhere, so I always use them. Putting my daughter's stroller into one of the other stalls is impossible, and I'm not leaving her out by herself.
It's fine. Personally, I always use the smaller ones, unless I have my son with me. Usually it's the handicapped stall that has the diaper changing station.
I use them whenever is nice to not have my elbows touching the walls....they get all the good places....
You mean for sex with your girlfriend during school? ...
I have only ever used one when i desperately had to vomit!
If it's the only available stall and you need to use it for its intended purpose: Nothing wrong at all. If, on the other hand, all stalls are free and you would like a larger one in order to take all of your clothes off and practice yoga: It's wrong.
i dont think so, unless you dont have much choice, one time i needed to use the bathrm at church and someone was using the handicapped stall, i have hip implants so i needed that one, i used another one and when i got up i fell cause the seat was too low for me and i hurt my ribs for months cause of it, wish people that didnt need it wouldnt use it
Absolutely. I don't want to be all boxed in and I need room for my purse and the stuff I'm holding I just like big area
Just self-identify. Then you're cool. And remember, it's handi-capable.
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Only if its an extreme emergency and there are no other stalls available and no one is in there or waiting to use it. Otherwise it is extremely selfish and rude!
You might get a ticket from the poolice!
If it's the only one available and no disabled person is waiting it is ok.
No, its not okay. They are reseved for he disabled. How are you going to comply with that rule if a disabled person comes in after you are already there?
if no one is using it its ok
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
No it isn't. You aren't disabled. What if s disabled person came in if yo were in there.
Hey, any port in a storm.
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