I don't think so, not anymore, it's more about the southern heritage than anything.
I suppose it depends on the intent of the person or group that is displaying it. If it's a redneck carrying one in the back of his pickup and he hates blacks, yeah it racist. If it's flown over a confederate cemetery, it's not racist. It's just remembering fallen soldiers from a terrible war.
When used as a racist statement, yes. Otherwise, it is a part of history especially in the South.
There are several views on this. A flag cannot be inherently anything. It doesn't hold views. However, it is a symbol of many things/ideas. The Confederate Flag represents many things, but they are embodied in that which was the Confederacy. The South (later Confederacy) was an agrarian economy based upon slave (free) labor. This came into a conflict of interest with the industrial North. They argued a lot over taxes, trade, and tariffs. The slave labor was all non-white, and a belief in white superiority was all but universal. However, the same can be said of the North. Most abolistionists didn't believe in full equality of all races. I believe it has its place in history, and a place among the fallen Confederate soldiers; however, in general it is associated with racism (if not inherently racist) and should not be associated with the present. To display it in such a way is inherently disrespectful and callous towards the suffering imposed upon the slaves.
I live here in the south and yes it is our heritage. I hate that so many believe its a racial sign. True, some people go overboard and display it in red-neck fashion. I also was disappointed when so many people here in the south started relating to it in a racial mannor. The civil war was an awful war however both whites and blacks lost lives during this terrible episode of history. However if this had not happened we Americans would not have the joys and pleasures of living in this great FREE country.
No, they are just flags. The society they represent was and still is racist. I think that people from the former Confederate States can find a better way to show solidarity. It's time to let that part of our past go and move on to better things.
The flag itself isn't racist. The problem is that MANY people use it to advertise their racist beliefs in a tongue-in-cheek manner. It is a symbol to others like them as well as others NOT like them that they share a certain view of the world- one which is often tempered by racism. Should they be allowed to do so? Of course, that's the great thing about the US. You are free to be an arsehole if you want to.
I don't think so; at least I haven't seen them perform any racist acts.
the people who have them are.
In reality no; but the minds of certain people tend to give their thinking on that flag a racist meaning!!!!!!!!
Yes. If we are being honest, yes. Whatever it meant originally has been transmuted into a divisive symbol in modern times.
I think so, yes. It represents a society that was racist so I think the symbol itself is racist. My neighbors have 1 hanging outside their house I'd really love 2 rip it down & shove it up their asses. (I live in NY)
No it is the flag of the south every state has their flag
Look at Florida's flag, it retains part of the Confederate flag but worse that that it is just plain hideous to look at. I grew up in NY and that was a nice flag; I'm just prejudiced against cold weather though.
I would not say racist in themselves, but I think they are offensive in a racial way. That is, they have been associated with racism to such an extent that it cannot reasonably be associated purely with southern heritage. By the way, the actual confederate flag is the one I have attached. If southern heritage proponents flew that one, I would have much more sympathy for the practice. The one that people use now (the "Dukes of Hazzard flag") is a conglomeration of the confederate naval ensign with the colors from the battle flag. (the battle flag was actually square, where the naval ensign was rectangular, but had a lighter blue) The modern "confederate flag" was not in use by the CSA.
No....the people waving them are.
No. They are a symbol and statement of defiance against Federal tyranny and despotism, and resistance to intervention by an alien power into local community affairs violating all principles of self-government.
Bad racist again? Study why the Civil War was really fought. The flag may have flown over an area of the country where a large number of slaves were used. But then, the US flag also flew over slavery!
Probably not Obama has one tattooed on his butt.
No. It shows the proud heritage of the southern people.
The flag was never racist. However when you have a person that believes in the kkk or the unlawful treatment of others yes it is. I do own my own but I don't flaunt it in under everyone's nose continously. I like the design nothing else. You and I both know that when someone says you cannot own what they call racist a person is going to make a point of buying 3 or 4. If people would have dropped the idea alot less flags would've been sold.
Confederate flags could be both. For most of us from the South, it doesn't stand as a symbol for racism, more just a symbol of our pride for the South. I've seen many people up here in Northern Illinois (right outside of Chicago) that ride around with the flag on their trucks, and they've never EVER even sniffed the South, and think they are cool cuz they have it, and that they are somehow gonna be thought of as Southern. I despise those people because they have no clue why we love that flag. I know many black people down South that wear that flag. Also, I know many black people that hate that flag, and many white people that use that flag as their symbol for their racism. It just goes to show how diverse the feelings, and reasons, are for loving or hating that flag. I personally love it, because of my love for the south, and no, I'm not racist, I have many black friends, including one of my best friends, and I've dated black women, including my ex whom I was engaged to.
It did represent the continuation of slavery and trampled on the rights the blacks should have had in a free nation.I would say ,what it stood for is highly racist.
No..people are racist. You can turn any object into a symbol of racism if you try.
I am mixed with black and a few other things and some black people think its rascist but i dont think so i just think it has to do with the war between the north and the south but some others would disagree and try to get me to think that it surely is rascist
Some people live and die by that damn flag. Hell yes, it's racist and I dare anyone who carries it to tell me it's not because you would be a baldfaced liar. And while I'm on the subject, that country song by Hank Williams, jr. about "the south's gonna do it again" is completely retarded. What is the south going to do again - get their asses kicked? Sorry for the rant.
I wouldn't say that they are a symbol of racism....treason, maybe, but not racism... Eh, I really don't care either way.
Yes. Because it is represents the "pro slavery" movement. AN while most people today feel it represents the "south". its roots are based on pro slavery values
I don't think it is. I think it has gained that perception because of various groups claiming it as a banner for their beliefs. The Confederate Flag, in my opinion, is representative of a way of life that has become arbitrarily condemned by those that don't really understand it. It maintains an appeal of rebellion, which is ironic since most of those that condemn the banner are now or were rebellious against conformity or established standards themselves.
No. The proof is that, for the most part, the world knows and recognizes only the Confederate Battle Flag. The vast majority of people are unaware that the national flag -- the one that flew over Richmond -- was the state flag and not the battle flag. If you saw the state flag would you read racism in to it? Probably not. Probably you wouldn't even recognize it. The Confederate Battle flag is a racist symbol only if the viewer reads racism in to it... otherwise, we would see racism in the Confederate state flag when viewing it for the very first time.
NYET! The Stars and Bars are all about Southern pride, and the original American value given to State's Rights. Slavery was a secondary issue to Southerners. The North simply used it as a propaganda tool. one which has worked for far too long.
For some it is. For others it is a symbol of their heritage. I live in South Carolina where the Confederate flag has been the subject of debate, boycotts, division, and hatred. Once it flew over our State House dome along with the SC and USA flags. No one really paid any attention to it. The NAACP effectively got the legislature to remove the flag from atop the dome where no one really noticed it and now it flys in front of the Confederate memorial directly in front of the State House where the whole world sees it. For many years, it was a symbol of a proud heritage of ancestors who fought in the Civil War. I wonder how quickly any group would work to remove signs of oppression that offended white people in this politically-correct era in which we live. As a Southerner, I have no feelings about the flag one way of the other.
No. It is a symbol of Anti-American pride. The South sceeded from the U.S. Instead of belonging to the United States of America, they formed the Conferedate States of America. A seperate country! I don't think people in the South really realize that to people in the North it is a rebel symbol. Displaying it just continues the bad feelings of the rebellion and the Civil War. Wake up!!
I don't see it that way, but some people do. I guess it has different meanings to different people.
No I personally do not believe it is.
Honor is important in the South. And the United States that came out of the Civil War is a far cry from the united States that were designed by the Founding Fathers. In destroying the Confederacy, you also destroyed yourselves.
The flag symbolizes racism no matter how you say it. It may symbolize keeping the governmant from telling them how to live but the slave owners where telling slaves how to live. What the conferderate flag represents is rich white people having the freedom to live how they choose while stripping the basic human rights of blacks and forcing them to work for no pay. Sounds racist to me.
No. The rednecks driving around with them in their rear windows are;)
I don't know are Nazi flags racist?
So as you can see the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism because the Conferadacy was formed to keep the right to own and trade blacks. Celebrating the Conferadacy is celebrating slavery which is celebrating racism. So in this Jayhawker's opinion flying a Confederate flag is the same as flying a Nazi flag because they both represent the oppression and mistreatment of human beings. I see Rednecks flying that shit in their pick up trucks where I live and want to grab the dumbfucks and say, "Kansas was a free state." I'm all for state's rights and i'm all for free living, but I also believe in morals and human rights and no one has the right to own another person.
The so-called "Confederate Flag" was never the flag of the Confederate States of America, nor did it ever represent the Confederacy as a whole. It was the Battle Flag of the army of Northern Virginia and the Naval Jack on CSS Ships originally sailing out of Norfolk. The fame of the Army of Northern Virginia made it popular and it became quartered in the flags of some 180 other regiments. The flag was first adopted by the Creole (i.e., part black) General P.G.T. Beauregard and made most famous by the exploits of Robert E. Lee who was himself an ardent abolitionist (when Lincoln was not). Also, Virginia did not secede at first, but stood with the Union until Lincoln refused to acknowledge the lawfulness of the secession of the first 7 states of the Confederacy, and ordered Virginia (along with the other Union states) to raise troops and call out its militia to invade the Confederacy and kill Confederate American soldiers. That's when Virginia seceeded. In other words, the battle flag of Virginia had nothing to do with defending slavery or championing racism, and everything to do with defending harth and home against federal tyranny and despotism. The flag that flew longest over slavery, the flag of the Dred Scott Decision, fugitive slave laws, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act, was none other than Old Glory herself. Finally, please note, northern whites were never less racist than southern whites, they were just differently racist: the southerner never cared how close a black man got, so long as he wasn't too rich or too educated; but the northerners didn't care how rich or educated a black man got so long as he didn't get too close!
The flag creates negative energy in certain ethnic groups so it should always be avoided. It's offensive.
Absolutely not. It's just another example of having to tiptoe around so people aren't offended over nothing
no, but i think that many who fly them are. the "stars and bars" has come to mean racism whether people like it or not. just like the swastika was originally a sun symbol it was perverted by the nazis and connotes racism, it's the same with the confederate flag. no matter how much it sucks for those that like that flag, sorry folks, most everyone else will see it as racist. it has already been tainted in the minds of the public.
I live in the New england area and if someone sees you with a confederate flag we assume your racist, but I visit the South quite often and found that white and black americans will hang or use the Confederate flag to show that they are proud to be from the South..
If you have to ask the question of whether or not something is racist then you already have the answer. The answer is in the question...RACIST.
The flag itself cannot be racist, as racism is a human trait. It's like the old gun story line....... Guns don't kill people, people kill people. So the Confederate Flag is not racist, but people who fly it might be.
You ever seen Black people fly it?
Not technically, but it's silly. The confederates were defeated, ergo their flag should have become a footnote in history. Instead it's still used, why?
Everyone who rocks it today, knows full well its racist. Even if it didn't start out that way. Everyone knows full well today it is just as bad as a schwastika.
They are a piece of our history. They represent the battle over states' rights, and should be respected for that.
Obviously not. A flag is a piece of cloth. I've never known a piece of cotton (or nylon or polyester) to have any attitude whatsoever. Whoooo! Cotton hates you. Nylon loves you. But seriously, folks. Those who fly the Confederate flag may be racist or not. Many are showing respect for the heritage of the Old South, with its traditions of States' Rights, bravery, self-sacrifice, resistance to Federal intrusion, and a few others. Regrettably, many are showing a racist attitude in the only way that is still acceptable. But you can't blame the others, or the flag itself, for that.
Nope... not in and of themselves. But they are anti-American, unpatriotic, and down right traitorous.
No. Anyone who considers the Confederate flag a racist symbol is out of touch with reality. In Texas, we all fly the Texas flag, bu no one accuses anyone of racism for that. The Texas revolution came about because the Mexican government prohibited slavery.
Do porcupines copulate carefully?! ;-)
Is history racist? I do not think so
Well in all ways there was or is this law affirmative action which because I am white and male hurts me, but I an Native American also so well there is that. In all ways all groups rec. better treatment and status than I do the typical white person or as Obama Preacher Wright Said The Rich White Man. Funny thing is I paid for my College yet they are talking about giving that aaway to poeple and I suffered all my life bought a house and now they are going to try to keep people who bought homes they couldn't afford and want me to pay for it. I'd say I was massively screwed over I pay for mine and others which is BS!
I think they're historic but I can see why people can get offended and I agree with the decision to remove the flag from our capitol building (South Carolina). . My uncle wouldn't agree though!
Antique,a thing of the past,dead and gone,never to return,I hope, for the sake of sanity,for the sake of humanity.The flag represented inequality,and slavery,a dark time in US history.
I'd tell you, but last time I did, it cost me a whole lot of DR's. So much intolerance here!
As a Flag I like it. The idea that it conveys to many people is very sad .
It reminds me of the Civil War and all the people who died. It does not shout "racist" to me as it does to some people.
A part of history. Nothing more, nothing less.
It reflects a time in history that was rooted in racism. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your roots, but I personally wouldn't feel pride in knowing that my ancestors supported slavery, the holocaust, or any of that. I don't like seeing the confederate flag, and I assume the person who flies it is racist or ignorant.
no, the war wasn't just about slavery its also about the south's voice in government.
The flag itself is not racist it never was. The problem lies with racist groups hijacking it as a symbol for racism. It's just ignorance on their part.
no their honorable
Maybe. the confederate flags have a bad reputaion. when we had the confederacy those people were racist and white supremists. Those peopple flew those flags. And a few of the southern states today have conferderate flags as there state flag. Georgia is one of them. Racism and white supremisy still exist today for that reason Confederat flags CAN be seen as racist. Especially the The battle flag (the one that read with a star filled blue X.
No. The flag and the reasons for the war are too complex to explain in 1000 words or less which is all you are allowed here.
no. i dont think they are
No yhey are not.The american flag flew over slavery just as long as the confederate flag did.the confederate flag symbolizes the south which in the past may have supported slavery but now does not
No, the confederate flag is not racist. I'm not speaking from experience but as far as I'm concerned whenever someone flaunts(probably wrong spelling) that flag its a way of showing some sort of freedom
Not at all. The flag is hijacked however by racists not bright enough to come up with an original symbol.
definitely not. if it is, the American flag is also. The Union abolitionists also believed in inequality towards black,s Irish and German immigrants (naturalization), and so on. The majority of the Confederacy were not planters, they were poor white farmers who did not have slaves. The flag in connotative. To me it represents rebellion, courage, and determination.
Archie Bunker
People forget that there were more Irish slaves and indentured servants than there were blacks.
Yes, many disagree with this, but one of the major issues that broke the country in two was the right to own slaves, and the majority those who were in the confederacy approved of slave ownership. I know people try to say its about southern pride, but when people see that flag, there's always going to be a racial association with it. If you want to fly it on your house or car that's fine, its your right, but don't try to turn it into something honorable.
Linda Joy
That wasn't a major issue. The major issues were urban vs. rural living, taxation without fair representation, land division disputes, the placing of a railroad, and the right to secede. Slavery was tangential. -
While some of the States' articles of secession superficially couch their grievances as being over generic self-determination rights, it is clear their issue was the right to own slaves and to allow its spread into new territories. Mississippi made no bones about it: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." -
Linda Joy
So why act like this was the sole reason for the war and fail to acknowledge the others? Second point being the flag considered to be the "Rebel Flag" or "Confederate Flag" was never officially a Confederate war flag! It came to popularity AFTER the war.
- Yes it is no matter if it is just a simple flag .
Objectively, it isn't. It's just a symbol of a life style.
not that i know of
No, a flag has no feelings nor does it make judgements or hurt anyone in any way. Its simply a piece of cloth. The only way it can have any power over you is if you give it that power! Only people are racist or perceive racism, real or imagined.
Depending on a person's self-esteem, there is a sense of racism among black people. In a divided country, people are more troubled by failure and tend to exaggerate. I wasn't born in America, so to be neutral: without the mixture of religions, races and cultures, America would not be the diverse country that it is today.
White supremists and other racist groups appear appear to be the majority of the groups obsessed with displaying confederate flags so yes, it appears that they are racist. It's a bit like saying that just because one is wearing a wet suit, flippers, and wearing a dive mask that does NOT mean that person is a diver. A lot of people dress like that, right?
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