Israelite refers to a native or inhabitant of the ANCIENT Northern Kingdom of Israel. An Israeli is of or relating to MODERN-DAY Israel or its people.
About 2000 years?
2-17-2017 I'm not an expert, but AFAIK there never has been a country named Israel until the one we have now, and a person born there is an Israeli. An Israelite is a descendant of Jacob/Israel. Most Israelites have forgotten their heritage, and the ones who remember are of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, the ones we call Jews.
The Bible has already refers to the Land of Israel. -
A number of Black Israelite organizations have been founded since around 1900. One of the more well-known, the African Hebrew Israelites, formed in Chicago in the 1960s, claim to be descendants of the lost tribes. Their founder formed a community in Liberia, then moved to Israel.
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