Not much, but it's definetly better than black licorice!
Yes I sure do! Twizzlers! You have given this member too many positive ratings in the last week. We know you're trying to help, but some of the other members would love to have your input as well! :P
Mr Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious . . . .
I love cherry or strawberry licorice but I abhor anise, black, licorice.
I do but the quality of what American candy producers has gotten SOOO bad! It's like chewing old warm vinyl. And they seem to only make it that horrible fake strawberry flavor. I much prefer cherry or raspberry. The best you can find around these parts is imported from Australia, and is night and day different. WAAAY better! So How bout a care package luv? J/K
no sorry,I dont like any type of licorice at all!!,I hate the stuff!!
I love any red licorice - but really strongly dislike the black!
I prefer black.
Actually I've heard that black licorice is a natural aphrodisiac for men, so obviously I prefer black.
I liked it so much as a kid, I ate too much at a swim meet that I threw up in the pool during my race and it was gross! I lost and everyone had to get out of the pool. I hate it now!
Not as much as I love black and the black is good for you. Good for your stomach, good for digestion.
Yep better than yucky black licoric!
Red over black definitely.
Never had red liquorice, had the black liquorice and it was nice
If it tastes like strawberry yes.
Yes, I do.
No I don' t because if you mean Red Twizzlers its false advertising. This candy is mostly sugar. Plus its terrible for virtually everyone because of its high sugar content and especially for people with diabetes. It contains absolutely no licorice. BTW licorice is harmful for people with hypertension,
not too much. Natural Black is where its happening
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