Possibly due to the sacrifice Jesus made to cover our sins?
I could argue that he has shown signs of being wrathful (the Asian tsunami killed 150,000; a year before an Iranian - I think it was iran- had an earthquake that killed 60,000); Pakistan and India have both had earthquakes in the past five years that killed tens of thousands; and Aids, and famine - not to mention genocide- have been sweeping across Africa for many years. But I won't make that argument, because it would sound as if these people are being punished for something and I don't believe they deserve it or even that God intervenes in earthly matters. He means for humans to work on these problems.
New Testament Christians forget to focus on the wrath of God. He was, is and always will be angry at sin. But He loves sinners and that is why He sent Jesus not to overlook sin but to deal with it by the perfect sacrifice of an innocent victim who is Jeus of Nazareth.
But was there actually more evil in the world prior to the Resurrection, or was it not very effective?
Because he's not very nice... I don't really understand it, really - I guess it's just the way they wrote the character, but then I don't see how killing your kid makes you better... I mean, he's God, isn't he? A 'perfect, all powerful being'? If that's the case, then why kill your kid to forgive?!
She went through Menopause. :)
Don't make the mistake of letting others (a middle-eastern tribe from 3000 years ago, or a fear-based fundamentalist today) define the terms of God for you and say "this is it, take it or leave it". In the Bible-writers' defense, though, anybody's idea of God is filtered through the lens of their times and personality. It's probably only in pretty recent times that people have much objected to, eg, the story of Abraham being told to kill his own son, instead of the old-school thinking "isn't it awe-inspiring that Abraham obeyed God so much that he'd kill his own son, and God stayed his hand so it's OK anyway."
As old as I can get - 100 or more - as long as I can be productive and have quality of life.
maybe He thinks we should learn from places like sodom and gamorrah. the two cities were bombarded with fire from heaven.
I think he is letting Mother Nature give us a wake up call, think about it, tsunamis, hurricanes etc and it appears to be getting worse.I'm sure there is something in the Bible about this,its a long time since I read a Bible so I'm a bit rusty on the subject.
The bible records the beginning of time until 2000 years ago, roughly. It may seem like a lot of smiting was going on, but, really there were hundreds and even thousands of years where there was no smiting at all. It's wrong to look at God in those terms. A study of the time lines will show that God has always been patient and only smote after extreme provocation. And then, only after repeated warnings.
God was not really all that wrathful in biblical tiems, I presume you mean Old Testament/Hebrew Scripture times? He told the prophets that if this ..then that...but always forgave and held out the promise and had a remnant; He also favored the Anawim, the Little Ones of the Earth and said he wanted mercy and not just empty external worship, devoid of innter conversion of heart. Today the high incidence of AIDS, war, all destruction of life from the womb to the tomb arise from our inhumanity, but are often seen as God's punishment for our conduct or God's vindictiveness. But the thoughtful person will see that nature takes its course, we do a lot of what causes evil and God awaits the final outcome. Jesus for the Christian believer is the eikon (Greek), our word Icon or Image of the Unseen God and shows us that non-violence, forgiveness, compassion and un-conditional Love are the answer. Slowly the lesson will be learned by the culture and society but it must needs be done consistently. people who want baby seals protected cannot be anti-life for the unborn; while money used to protect "Freedom" might be better used to protect people from catastrophic medical bills and bring water to Africa, or Korea, rather than provide weapons to people we favor and want them to kill people we do not like wherever they may be on the Planet!
I think you have picked the right word there Beef Chuck. Patience can be seen as 'waiting' or the 'willingness to supress'. Understand that God's judgement in the old Testament was now! Atonement from sin was achieved through blood sacrifice. God then took on the body of flesh and paid the ultimate sacrifice that not just His chosen people could access eternal life but all mankind. He purchased back what was stolen in the Garden of Eden with His own blood. Then He says.. "He who believes on me'. It becomes a choice. The Scriptures say that one day, because of the choices we make in this life will result in a judgement. Two books are opened.. The first is the Scriptures.. we are judged from God's Word, the manual which He has given us to live our lives. Then another book is opened, The Book of Life. Who's name is written in that book will enter into the Kingdom of God. God still is wrathful against evil. The supression of that wrath will be unleashed. Read Revelation for insight.
That is why Jesus was sent. To find out more read the new testament
It took time to realize we are slow learners.
Because now we have video cameras.
because he is letting us destroy ourselves to teach us a lesson.
I don't think we are destroying ourselves, there's more of us than ever!
He's getting old. Remember when you were a toddler how strict your parents were, then a brother or sister came into the picture, they were less strict with each child until the last one who got away with murder.? Thats how it is with OMG.
And what makes you think he is patient now?
Hi Beef Chuck, Please read your bible pertaining to the verse below. Eph 3:2 2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to youward: KJV We are living in a period of GRACE where every human being that has heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ has an opportunity to make a choice to recieve the gift of eternal life. It is a gift. One cannot earn it or even deserves it. Beef it is good to ask questions. However be careful who you are asking these questions. Man sometimes will mislead you to believe his own explanations. Therefore I urge you to ask God the Holy Spirit to teach you. John 14:26 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. KJV If you have not received Jesus as your personal Saviour I urge you to do so. May the Lord richly Bless you. Regards Shane Ramlall Email:
He came to the conclusion that his 7-day experiment was a flop!
This will likely be misunderstood, but: Because *humanity* has changed!
He was probably going through puberty at the time. You know how teen angst can be...
because Jesus is in charge these days and is holding Him intercession.. but thats not gonna work for too much longer
He has a better PR agency now.
if we read the Old Testament and see all the chance after chances HE gave HIS chosen, the Jews or Israelites and still they went right back to idol would see and understand the patient and loving God that HE is, and understand the Wrath HE had and felt...HE was patient then and HE still is...the unbelievers after New Testament times, will not see HIS wrath again until Judgement Day.... I am grateful HE finally gave up on having a chosen and opened up salvation to all through Jesus Christ the Messiah that the Jews always knew would come....some Jews accepted HIM, some didn't...some Gentiles accept HIM , some don' is our choice....
god is the same today yesterday and tomarrow it is people who change ... in the bible it says there is nothing new under the sun everything that will happen has already happened before and nothing new will happen.. also , god made the end when he made the beggining. all wisdom and knowledge are from god.. He made the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
You must consider that He was harsh with the Jews, who knew all of the commandments by heart, and if anyone broke them, they were extremely rebellious, and God would not allow His chosen people to corrupt themselves like that. There is also two different ways to think of this as well. Some believe that God deals with man in dispensations, in that He deals with man in different ways in different times, for they were Jews and we are Gentiles. They were under the law, and we are under grace. Many believe that it is the presence of the Bride of Christ or the Christians that preserve the peace on earth, for once the Bride is raptured, the Holy Spirit will leave. Many believe that He is on earth to deal with man to lead them to repentance and salvation and to convict Christians of their sin and strengthen their walk with Him, but once Christians are gone, the grace will be gone, and tribulation will begin.
HE is patient now, because HE does not deal with humanity the way HE did in OLD and NEW TESTAMENT times anymore.....after Christ we have FREE WILL. no more Apostles, Prophets,Angels, Moses, Abraham's, John the Baptists, miracles,etc. The only thing that will come about are the Prophecies of Revelations and then HE comes.... HE is the same as HE always was...
God's Mercy and Grace.
Because he is fake. Everything was in chaos a long time ago.
he was harsh because the old testament is primaraly set on the rules and the new testament is more patient because Jesus died on the cross and took all the sins away well. he gave everyone a chance for a clean slate.
One name only: Jesus
By becoming man He realized that we are half-retarted creations, so like a mother with a looser son who is in and out of jail...she still loves him.
Because in biblical times, the bible was used as a set of laws, when it was hard to keep people in line. The fear, and wrath of god, works similar to the way that the fear of prison works today. Since today, less and less people believe in god as strongly as they did in biblical times, due to the advance of science answering many questions that the bible answered in those times. And a police force keeping the peace, instead of a all powerful unseeable force. God was never really wrathful, the stories of his wrath was just a early, and more brutal, form of the scared straight programs of today. And I'll probably get atleast one de-rept from a annoyed bible hugger, but that is my answer based on my closest preception of logic.
cuase he likes watching all the tv shows we made...
Because people in biblical times were ignorant of science, logic, and natural phenomena - they attributed everything they couldn't explain, whether it was a plague of locusts, to a mass hallucination to the wrath of god. These days, people know better...although you still have the nutjobs out there who think they can see Jesus in their waffles.
God is like a parent. We where babies back in the ancient times and God is or was weening us from him like a mother does weening her child from being breast feed all the time. Just my 2 cents worth. Take my opinion anyway you like.
age really changes a man....
According to the Bible, God was the primary ruler back then. He gave the Israelites the choice between having him as a ruler, and having elected officials like much of the other people groups. When we chose to elect our own officials, he stopped being the official, so he stopped administering judgment upon so many people.
If we're going to strictly interpret this notion, it would seem there was a change in the nature of god. Either she went through menopause or he got older. But seriously, all these questions make the assumption that there is a god (or God) who is carefully observing everything AND intervening whenever he/she feels it to be necessary. I have trouble with this because I like to think (actually I believe) we all have free will, we all have the opportunity to accept or reject what the universe presents to us and we all are here to learn. The teacher is life and we are the students. We are guaranteed to graduate. What we still need to learn will be presented to us again and again. Lifetime after lifetime. That is "hell". "Heaven" is when we have finally learned what we need to become one with the universe.
his wrath is no longer needed with such things as war bouncing about
Why shouldnt he be patient..we are killing ourselves.
No we're not. We're living longer, we've over done it a bit on the amount of us but that's leveling off. -
No we're not. We're living longer, we've over done it a bit on the amount of us but that's leveling off.
He is on a 2000+ year paid absence leave(work stress related matters)!
He is old and tired now. Back then he was young and angry. Soon he will die.
It just proves that God is female. Have you never had one of those discussions with a woman/girl where she suddenly begins agreeing to everything you say, just so she can either a) give you a guilty conscience or b) metaphorically stab you in the back when you least expect it?
Public relations
The wrath of God that you are referring to is predominantly in the Old Testament. When you read the old testament you see it's a series of stories about covenants or agreements between God and man, and man continually falling short. Then, as man fell short, there was atonements for that sin, and again, another covenant was created. With the good news of Jesus Christ, the covenant with man was simple: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ. With the death and resurrection of Christ also came a promise for Christ's return - and a judgement of all mankind, so I'm not so sure you want to say "He's patient", because that wrath will permanently separate good from evil.
Jesus definitely is the answer to that one.
Read the OT entirely, HE had every REASON to be wrathful...HE CHOSE a people to be HIS (Israelites)to KEEP HIS NAME ALIVE..continually PROVED HE WAS GOD...and still they LEFT HIM...and always broke HIS covenant with them...worshipping IDOLS...Spiritual Adultery the 1st Commandment!!!!! AFTER 1,000's of years and many Redemptions, begging and pleading to "come home"...You would be WRATHFUL too.... After the Messiah opened up HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE for ALL mankind , there was no REASON for the CHOSEN PEOPLE to keep HIS NAME ALIVE....JESUS has done that quite well, to the ends of the earth... there were many , many, Israelites who did BELIEVE on the Messiah when HE WALKED...and those are PRECIOUS to HIM but then so is any sinner today that "comes home" to the Father..and like the Prodigal Son's Father, HIS ARMS are always OPEN, UNCONDITIONALLY!!! we are human, like the Israelites, and continue to turn our backs...but each and every one of us, can "come home", he is "long suffering and patient" now and "wishes no man to perish"... every man will ALWAYS fall short....and God knows this....all HE wants is for us to constantly be working on our "heart condition"... hope this is simple and practical so the BIG PICTURE is easier to took me many years to understand GOD better, but I am GRATEFUL everyday....HE is helping me understand... Jesus is my friend, Barbara
Because those who gain earthly power and influence and no small amount of sheer wealth from his popularity realized that a nice guy wins more converts than a psychopath. So, they re wrote his character. Of cou8rse they kept the wrath so as to put "the fear of god" into people as well. Nothing like a carrot and a stick with which to lead the ignorant into your church or mosque or temple where they can conveniently learn for whom to vote, whom to bomb and where to leave that donation.
Get a chronological Bible and it will snap into clear focus. His wrath was confined to a pretty small window of time and for a very specific reason. The Israelites had joined with their neighbors in worshipping the Baal. Baal worship included sacrificing children and raping children (it says that in the Bible, its no secret why He was so mad). I think that is a pretty good reason for God to be wrathful, don't you?
The one I have is The Daily Bible by F. LaGuard Smith. Its a Guidepost publication and its available on or they have it on Amazon too. I like it very much for the way it makes things clearer. It has some problems in that it eliminates redundancy, so you don't see how the Gospels agree with each other. It sort of compresses them. I would say to read this translation one year, and another the next.
Everyone who so claims represents god. Since there is no god to say otherwise anyone is far safer making claims on behalf of god than on their neighbor. I'm glad your girls good. No one should have to suffer, especially kids.
That wasn't where I was going at all. What I was saying is if you and your culture are at x, and God tries to take you to y, it might be such a change for you as to overthrow your mind. Much like what has happened in the Arab world when oil money suddenly started flowing in the last century. Many Arabs went from a tribal, stone age lifestyle to the twentieth century in just a few years. For many of them, it was too much too soon. I think that is why we have seen so many leaders rise up like Khomeni. I think God knows we need to grow into things slowly over generations.
That doesn't mean, however, that the Bible doesn't still speak to us and tell us about God's nature. There are consistent themes throughout the Bible that still speak to what God wants to be to us and what He wants us to be. He has constantly told us that He loves us. He has been disappointed with our behavior, as a father often is with a child, but He stays by us and moves us farther along the path to what he wants us to be. He has always been merciful and patient. That doesn't mean that he doesn't punish us, anymore than it means a loving parent doesn't punish their child. But He loves us even when we've erred.
Please ignore
Who said he stopped being wrathfull? Natural disasters arfe still going on, the curse on Africa and the middle east is still going on ( fammine, war..) We are still dying humans are striken by deadly deseases everyday. Aids replaced the plague! And then there is the big and most lethal threat to the face of this earth, something that we keep forgetting about.. the ozone layer is dissappearing. It's not that God has gone patient it's just that God doesn't get blamed these days. Also there is the fact that nations do not believe in the fear of God like they used to in the beginning of our creations.
I believe having a Son changed Him into being a more patient kind and understanding diety.
For background and answers on this one, visit:
The people who imagine him are mellowing out.
Because some time ago... People stopped taking notice and documenting things as beng auspicious, omen based, retrobution on the part of God. If we had kept up the tradition and actually added to the Bible imagine the things that one could attribute to Gods wrath if one really wanted to? Some people still believe those kinds of things in the form of Karma or Bad luck but no one added to the scripture as it stands so it kind of stoopped at a certain point and that was it. We had a historical reference point from A to about L The rest has yet to be documented.
He gave up nobody took the hint.
To every thing there is a season.....God's wrath is yet to come.
Short answer: because Jesus was crucified, thereby changing our relationship with God forever.
I think that the answer lies more in peoples faith. a god of any religion is only as strong as the faith that people have in the god or goddess and as that faith wains then so dose there power to act, and if that faith changes , then may it change the gods behavior or the gods veiws, for example the christian god has been veiwed as a more forgiving god in the last hundred years than in the old testiment , this might be the cause of the change in behavor and the less activeness of the christain god. as more and more god is made out to be more of a reclusive god and less belived to use his powers directly and more belived to have a plan that is unfolding.
Your reference to the Old Testament times is interesting. God many times forgave, and spared lives in the Old Testament. However, many of the Gentile cultures in those days were not above riding through the land destroying life and spoiling property for gain, without thought for mercy. There were no Geneva Conventions my friend. They would take women as their concubines (like it or not) and kill children and men. Some would enslave entire cities. So God did order Israel to utterly destroy some cities. He said sometimes not to leave anything alive.It was, a different time. MAN'S philosophy was "I will take this, and I'll kill all those that stand in the way!". Now, If you are in control of a nation, and they are surrounded by those that hate them. Remembering that ALL men are free moral agents, able to do as horrible a thing as they determine, what do you tell them to do? "Get slaughtered, it's the "big" thing to do."? Perhaps you leave some so that when they get older they kill all of your people? You see God didnt set that in order, He just lead His people. They had to respond to those that wanted to KILL them. So, He lead them to victory. Where The Law was concerned, Israel CHOSE The Law. That Law that was written by Gods finger in the stone tablets was not the way He would have dealt with Israel. But when He tried to deal with them personally they said, "No, lest we die". It was their wish to have the law. Read Exodus.
God has always been merciful and lonnnnnnnnnnnnng suffering, putting up with us wicked and perverse generationS. If God recorded every nano second of each step of the righteous and rebelious, the Bible would have a rain forest of books. I believed God wanted to preserve the trees too, and I believe he didn't want to right every little single sin on those beautiful trunks that we use for wood furiture. If He did, sin would convict us of our sins before we reached the refridgerator! LoL God has always been patient. He never changes. He is "forever" and eternal. Everyone has a cup, and in the end of our walks, it will be either with His goodness or His Wrath. God bless you and may He be with you till the last very day.
He's getting old the poor lamb, building universes, one after another got him tired. Gone are those wonderful youthful days, those get me the foreskins of 400 philistines, ahhh he was lovely then. Now he just lies around having a nap. Just a few tornados or earthquakes to keeep himself buisy.
Grow up you lot, if I ran into a church saying that God told me to gather 400 foreskins and here they would your vicar priest mullah or rabbi react. Hopefully with policemen. Times have changed and we no longer listen to raving lunatics.
We need to think of the Old testament as the law administration, and the New as the grace administration, and this is why; that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound through Christ.
HE was wrathful to those who did not HEAR, and will be again in the end to all those who still will not HEAR....HE is as patient now as HE was then....we are definitely not worthy of HIS patience & undeserved is our individual choice...right & wrong
Voted out, new administration came in.
Not sure it has anything to do with god..It's more like..Now when fire and brimstone fall from the sky..we know it's a volcanic eruption..when the earth shakes..we know it's an earthquake..etc etc.. :)
God treats people the way they can tolerate :) People tolerance is changeable not God :)
Because you spank 5-year-olds but protect them from the natural outcomes and consequences of their acts. But you don't spank your teenagers while you do let them face the consequences of their acts.
The Hebrews (& everyone else) in the OT was under The Law, that is, Gods absolute rights and wrongs as given to them through Moses to highlight the fact that following them is impossible. From the death and resurection of Christ to present, humanity has been under grace (by faith in Him) when we realize we do not have the ability to follow Gods laws by our own abillity.
At least someone is paying attention! Because the OT god and the NT god ARE NOT THE SAME gods!
Your father hits you at young age not after matured.
God is not lack concerning His promise but is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentence and an understanding of the Truth. It hurts God to let the earth go on this way. But if he comes back now a lot of people will perish because they can't stand before Him. He's waiting for you to realize the Truth...
Wow what a great question! The reality is though, that God hasn't changed any and we need to be cautious how we look through certain context. It is true that the OT shows alot of wrath but keep in mind there were 100's of years between most of these. In reality if we look closer at what was going on we will see a huge sense of patience on the part of God for His people. Some of the "Wrath" seen was actaully correction - kinda like a holy spanking. Other times it was true wrath on those who deny God all together. This isn't any difference today. We see alot of crap going on around us and it seems that God is not doing anything about it - he is till expressing patience. For those who believe in him and his son - we still get the occasional correction but still not wrath. Under what's called the new covenant - that is the era of Jesus - so to speak. The wrath of God is being held until all have had the chance to choose to accept or reject. The day will come (in the end) that we will see the wrath of God once again - but only on those (like the OT) who have rejected his truth all together. Again - great Question!!!
He's not the wrath is seperated by thousands of years what we now understand as nature is a for of wrath volcano's tornadoes, etc
he figured out that he's wasting time on humans. he's got a better project to work on on some other planet
GOD knows people gotten so out of religion that he feels bad for us
cough cough. he doesn't exist and the bible was made up as moral guidlines. and how is genocide and disease patient? some people say its wrath for our sins. i dont see how a raped 12 year old in Sudan can commit any sins, but whatever.
The Bible gives many explanations for this seeming change. 1)idne had it right by saying that God has always been patient. the punishments meted out in Old Testament times were done so only after "EXTREME provocation" like the flood of Noah's day where the Bible records that "...the thoughts of his [man's] heart were only evil continually..." 2)one reason was that not all of God's revelation had been revealed to man. the Bible is a book written over generations as God moved holy men to pen the very words of the LORD. whenever God speaks, He always accompanies His message with fantastic miracles to authenticate the speaker of His message. sometimes, those miracles are the fulfillment of prophecy which often has to to with wrath and judgement. in short, people tend not to take God seriously until they are punished for their rebellion 3)another reason is found in what Christ calls His church and can be seen in practice with Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gamorrah. Christ calls His followers the "salt of the earth." Salt in Christ's day was used primarily as a preservative rather than a spice. our presence as Christians on this earth stays God's hand of judgement lest the "righteous" should be destroyed with the "unrighteous" as Abraham put it. Remember, God agreed with Abraham not to destroy those wicked cities if He could find only 10 righteous people in them 4) and most importantly, we call this time period from Christ's resurrection the Age of Grace because the Bible tells us that Christ stands before the Lord continually making intercession for His children. it is undeniable and supremely unfortunate but Christians (at least those claiming to be Christians) have been responsible for some of the most horrid acts in history. However, Jesus Christ is our High Priest and continually intercedes on our behalf. It is important to note though that God's wrath is not lost or forgotten. The Bible also tells us very clearly that the wrath that we as sinful men deserve for our atrocious acts is reserved against us. There is coming a day for all those that do not believe in the Bible's message of salvation where all that pent up wrath will be delivered on mankind in first the Great Tribulation and then in the Lake of Fire. As Paul said, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid! How shall ye that are dead to sin live any longer therein?"
He's been taking some kind of tranquilizer.
Who says He was "so wrathful" in Biblical times? There's the story of the Flood in Genesis 7 -- which is also a story of God's faithfulness and mercy -- the story of the Sodom in Genesis 19 -- which is also a story of God's faithfulness and mercy -- and then there's the story of the 10 plagues of Egypt and the Red Sea victory in Exodus 1-15 -- which is Judaism's foundational story of God's faithfulness and mercy. But there's a lot more to the Bible and Biblical history than 17 chapters from the first 2 books. The rest of the OT is all about God's incredibly long-suffering patience and forebearance with Israel, and his mercy. Over the following 1000 years, only when Israel had gone too far for too long did God disciplines/chastises *Israel* for their sins IN ORDER TO BRING THEM BACK to righteousness and Godliness ... which is also a testimony to God's faithfulness and mercy. In fact, the most empassioned declarations of God's love and mercy are found in the OT. (Meanwhile, the entire doctrine of Hell and damnation comes out of the mouth of Christ Himself in the NT.) As for now, who says God isn't wrathful (as well as patient and merciful) now? What do you think the Civil War was? (Read Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural and the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic: both recognized that the war was God's judgment on America for slavery.) What do you think World War I and II were? (God finally giving man over to the consequences of their sins of social Darwinism, imperialism, the cult of progress, and anti-Biblical Nietzchean beliefs - popular and endemic in all Europe and the Americas, not just Germany.) Whenever the world get's what's coming to it for its sins and hubris, that's God's "wrath" (and mercy) at work.
2-20-2017 First you must realize that everything you know came from other people. Most of what you think you know is not in the bible. Six days creation? Not in the bible. God killing people? Not in the bible. If I could just read the bible to you, you would realize that you have been told a whopping load of bullshit. You don't need to explain it away, you just need to dump it and read the bible.
Mr PantsFellDown
My bible said 6 days. It even said "on the 7th day he rested" (and so that 7th day will be for resting, the sabbath.) ...Perhaps someone ripped a few chapters out of your copy? -
Mr PantsFellDown
Wait, "god killing people, not in the bible"???!!! HA! --> Noah? Jericho? Sodom and Gamorah? Kill the homos and bury their bodies? Locusts? Famines? Pestilence?? Etcetera??? ((And, according to the bible, only 144,000 people will be considered good enough to "save", so that upwards of 12 billion will NOT be good enough...and God - being all loving & powerful - will, instead of just blotting them out, TORTURE THAT MANY SOULS MERCILESSLY FOR TRILLIONS OF YEARS. Hello??!!! "Groaning and gnashing of teeth in an eternal lake of fire" anyone? -> God not a killer??? HA!!! -
Jewels Vern
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." No six days, it was in the beginning. There is no more creation until verse 21 when soul is created. See what I mean? You are merely reciting what you have been told it says instead of reading what it says.
He doesn't exist. "God" is a creation myth. People make these excuse-laden stories up to use for social control, and to alleviate fears of death and insignificance. (But we are insignificant. And dumb. And mean. A dog is a more noble animal than homo sapiens. An asteroid should obliterate us all and do the cosmic neighborhood a favor. I see no hopeful future for a species that kills and kills and kills, and would put BILLIONS of people in misery just to steal even more money they don't have any use for! (And those who arent stealing are supporting the stealing, so dont even think of excusing yourself) DISGUSTING creatures, humans. BAH! And they want to imagine they're worthy of eternal life. Excuse me Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ...ha ha ha ha ha ha...HA!!! Bwaaaaaa..ha ..ha ..ha ..ha ..ha ..ha HAAAAA ha ha ha ha. Hooboy!! Thats rich.
Jewels Vern
You want a REAL question? The bible says God made two lights. The ancient Egyptians recorded two suns before the one we have now, and one of them was green. So where are they now?
I don't believe nor ever have of a wrathful God. That would be a man made attribute designed to manipulate the gullible into submission. The God I know is All Loving all the time unconditionally and is inconceivable by the human mind.
He needs to be patient to put up with some of the assholes who abound these days! Lol:)
God is our parent. He is much more patient than our parents. But His wrath is kindled when we hurt each other or ourselves thru sin. But he offers the process of repentance to reconcile our sin and gain forgiveness.
I personally do not believe that God was ever 'wrathful'. I have not read anywhere of how HE acted 'out' in wrath. The flood account of Noah occurred because all the people of the earth were doing what they thought was 'right' according to their own heart's desires, and the sister city of Sodom (keep in mind the term 'sister' city and not 'brother' city) were also living in the same ways as they were before the flood. And with the account of sister Sodom, the people around the city cried out to God night and day and so God came down to see for Himself if what was being cried out was true.... After sister Sodom and Gomorrah was 'destroyed', I can't really recall any other 'destruction', per se...
This is a major problem with people Christian or not. What makes you think the Lord God is wrathful? Have you ever looked into the reasons why the Lord God has done something? The main reason is for disobedience. When the Lord God gives a commend and those to whom he has given the command fail to do it or only do it part way then those having done the wrong get punished. In some cases it was necessary to remove certain people from the earth such as the Nepherum (sp) whom were descendants of the 200 fallen angels that mated with the women of earth. Don't just assume something in the Bible without learning what the Lord God was saying. This has gotten many in trouble.
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