I would totally press charges. I mean, I know you must be close to her, but I think there should be a punishment for that. I think it's unacceptible.
Get away from the crazy b*tch, now. Find a new girlfriend who has a far different conception of "getting physical".
Spread the word in her/your friends circle that she is HIV positive, thats why you left her.
Get away from her,if she percist get a restraining order.Document everything that has happened and on what date. Dont tell anyone what your doing cause she might do the same to you.
Defend yourself, dude.
you might not want to press charges but maybe you should
Ignore it, let her get away with it. Then go to your doctor and find out why you dont have a backbone.
Hardcore Conservative
They didn't include one when he bought his little girl panties.
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