• The main difference is that Roman Catholics consider the Pope to be the supreme leader of the Christian Church and Christ's representative on earth. Protestant's, on the other hand, do not consider the Pope to be their leader - though some may express great admiration for him nonetheless. Other differences are not universal and differ between denominations and even between people of a single denomination. Generally, Protestants view communion as a symbolic act, whereas Catholics believe the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Christ during the miracle of the Eucharist. For this reason, Catholic mass revolves around the Eucharist but Protestant churches may have communion weekly or rarely depending on the church. Also, Catholics put more emphasis on the Pope and tradition as sources of guidance whereas Protestants focus more on the Bible. In addition, in Roman Catholicism there is a belief in Purgatory - a place for sinners to pay for their sins and earn their way to Heaven, though especially bad people still get a one-way ticket to Hell. This belief is rare among Protestant denominations. Generally, Catholicism also puts more emphasis on the Virgin Mary and saints as intercessors between humans and God. Priests also play the role of intercessors in that sinners are expected to confess to them.
  • To add a few distinct differences I'd like to add the following items: Catholicism was the only Church between the time of Jesus' death 33AD and the Great Schism (1000 AD - Catholic/ Orthodox Split) Orthodox = Catholic - Pope. Same Church, same Mass, same Eucharist, but minus the authority of the Pope. Protestantism began as a "Protest" against the Catholic Church by Martin Luther 1500 years after Christ established it. Catholics believe we are saved through the death of Jesus by the Grace of God and through his response to our efforts to do good, which is an ongoing and lifelong process. Protestant's believe we are saved at one particular moment in our lives and by the Grace of God alone. Catholics believe that the body of Christ is present in the Eucharist (communion). Protestants rarely have communion services and believe it to be a representation of Christ's body - not his actual body. Only a Catholic or Orthodox priest has the apostolic authority to administer the act of transubstantiation (bread to body) Catholics believe in confessing our sins aloud to our brothers as Jesus requested (confession/reconciliation). Protestants confess their sins alone to God. Catholics believe and follow scripture and the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church which dates back to Peter and the apostles. Protestants follow scripture alone (sola scriptura - doctrine proposed by Martin Luther appx. 1500 AD) The Catholic Church complied the new testament and old testament books to make the bible. A thousand years later Martin Luther based the reformation on the "scriptures alone" in spite of the fact they are part of the canon of the Catholic Church. Many Catholics venerate, honor, and ask (pray) a particular saint for their assistance and prayers to God. Many Protestants take great issue with this and consider it a form of idolatry.
  • What does it mean in ephesians chapter 4 when it says that it is by grace that we are saved...NOT BY WORKS....? Also, when Jesus said to practice the Eucharist in memeory of me...Do you think that he was only talking to people that are priests? Do you think that Jesus would deny his own blood and body to the rest of the world just because they are not a priest? Your religion is only offer the body and blood of christ to those who are only catholic. when the WORD OF GOD say in john 3:16 For god so loved the WHOLE WORLD that WHOSOEVER believes in him should not parish but have everlasting life. It doesn't say for God so loved that catholics and they they are the only ones that should be offered my body that was given for the whole world. And when you pray , go into your private room and pray to your father which is in heaven....then your father will reward you....for your father knows what you need EVEN BEFORE YOU ASK HIM. Matthew 6:5-9 We believe that God is all powerefull and all knowing, and omnipresent.... he sees all and knows all. i dont think he needs any extra help hearing and answering our prayers. Then he instructs us to pray like this...OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN......Matthew 6:9-13 He didnt say to pray to any saints. He also said that he is a God of the living not the dead. Matthew 22:31 he also said to follow me and let the dead burry their dead. Matthew 8:22
  • One accepts the primacy of the Pope, the other doesn't and Protestant sects do not view priests as intemediaries in the same way as the Catholic Church does. Also, the saints are not acknowledged in the same way in Protestantism as they are in Catholicism and the clergy are not celibate as they are in the Catholic church. Those are a few of the differences. There are others.
  • There are a number of differences, but in my opinion the most significant is their differing views on how to get to Heaven. Generally, Protestants believe in Salvation by Faith in God. Good Works are of secondary importance or irrelevant. Generally, Catholics believe in Salvation primarily by Good Works. Good Works take the form of good behaviour and participating in Religious Rituals known as Sacraments.Salvation by Faith is possible, but it takes second place to Salvation by Good Works. Catholics have 72 Books in their Bible.Protestants only have 66.Orthodox Christians have 78. Roman Catholicism is a single denomination of about 1.2 Billion people. Protestantism is a loose grouping of 10 - 20 major denominations and countless minor ones. There are perhaps 500 million Protestants in the World. Catholics believe that they are the Church founded by Jesus 2000 years ago and that the Apostle Peter was the first Pope.Protestants do not accept this. Catholics aslo venerate (but do not worship) the Virgin Mary and various Saints.Protestants do not believe in this. Generally, Protestant Churches are not as elaborately decorated with pictures and statues as Catholic ones. The Crucifix is the symbol of Roman Catholicism.The empty cross is the symbol of Protestantism. In the past, each group thought that they were right and that the other was evil and satanic. Nowadays, most Catholics and Protestants do not believe this anymore.
  • There are a number of differences, but in my opinion the most significant is their differing views on how to get to Heaven. Generally, Protestants believe in Salvation by Faith in God. Good Works are of secondary importance or irrelevant. Generally, Catholics believe in Salvation primarily by Good Works. Good Works take the form of good behaviour and participating in Religious Rituals known as Sacraments.Salvation by Faith is possible, but it takes second place to Salvation by Good Works. Catholics have 72 Books in their Bible.Protestants only have 66.Orthodox Christians have 78. Roman Catholicism is a single denomination of about 1.2 Billion people. Protestantism is a loose grouping of 10 - 20 major denominations and countless minor ones. There are perhaps 500 million Protestants in the World. Catholics believe that they are the Church founded by Jesus 2000 years ago and that the Apostle Peter was the first Pope.Protestants do not accept this. Catholics also venerate (but do not worship) the Virgin Mary and various Saints.Protestants do not believe in this. Generally, Protestant Churches are not as elaborately decorated with pictures and statues as Catholic ones. The Crucifix is the symbol of Roman Catholicism.The empty cross is the symbol of Protestantism. In the past, each group thought that they were right and that the other was evil and satanic. Nowadays, most Catholics and Protestants do not believe this anymore.
  • One protests a lot while the other one prays to Mary
  • Top difference: Idolatry is permited by the Vatican. mY 2 CENTS.
  • Transsubstantiation and a few trillion dollars
  • This is a horrendously complicated question. But in a very very basic form, the main difference is that Catholic interpretation of Faith is first taken from Pope, and distributed as inerrant to the faithful who then attempt to live the instruction accordingly. The protestant Faith teaches that the onus is up to each individual to Interpreted the Scripture for them self, apply it according to “their” Faith into their lifestyle. Ultimately, your lifestyle will define you, you will not be judged by what you did not know, only by what you did with what you did know. Think of denominations as a ”teacher” – at one point you do become “ready”, to live your life of Faith, it’s really only then that you start a life in eyes of God. How you got to this point, it really does not matter. In Christ..
  • I won't even attempt to give you the main differences because there are too many to try to explain. I do want to give you more of what the Catholic Church does, because I know more about it that the Protestant churches. 1. The Catholic Church bases its doctrines from the Bible and Apostolic tradition. 2. In both is the hierarchal system of government with St. Peter as the Vicar of Christ on Earth. He was the first pope. Then the tradition of electing popes began with cardinals making the choice of who the next pope will be. 3. Church services are different. The Catholic Church has a daily mass, which is in two parts. The first part is the liturgical part, where readings from the Bible are read, followed by a Homily(the sermon.) The second part is the ritual part, where there is the blessing of the bread and the wine for communion, uniting the congregation with the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 4. We go to confession with a priest. I've been to Protestant churches where they confess to one another. 5. We follow the 10 Commandments as well as 7 Sacraments of the church. These are very basic differences, but I'm sure, I have hardly touched the surface.
  • The main differences will have nothing to do with their religion. The main RELIGIOUS difference involves one and only one thing: the Pope. The Roman Catholic considers the Pope to have authority over what that person believes and should believe, the Protestant does not consider the Pope to have any such authority. Given that there are literally tens of thousands of Protestant denominations, each with their own set of teachings, there are VERY few other religious differences between ALL Protestants and ALL Roman Catholics. Eucharist? Some Protestants do that. Church tradition? MANY Protestants consider that to be authoritative. Priests as intermediaries? MANY Protestants do the same. Saints? A few of the oldest and largest Protestant denominations view saints in much the same way as Catholics. ALL of those things are NOT differences between Catholicism and Protestantism since LOTS of Protestants share those same beliefs and practices.

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