Tao Shiatsu Ryukyu Endo sensei introduced this form of Derivative Shiatsu. He followed Zen Shiatsu theory, but left “Ioh-kai” after Masunaga sensei died. This theory contains religious and spiritual practicum, for example reciting a Buddhist prayer before lectures. There are several one- and two-day workshops available in Tokyo and Kyoto. Endo sensei studied Shiatsu directly from Namikoshi Sensei and graduated from the Japan Shiatsu College. Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy of preventative medicine. It uses pressure of the hands and is a compliment to conventional medicine. The founder of this therapy was Tokujiro Namikoshi who died at age 95 in 2000. The first clinic was in Tokyo in 1925. Students wishing to become a Shiatsu Practitioner or a Registered Massage Therapist must learn the Chinese Meridians first. The meaning of Shiatsu in English, “SHI” is finger and “OYAYUBI” is thumb. “ATSU” is pressure, so Shiatsu literally translated means “finger pressure” or “thumb pressure. Shiatsu began with “TEATE, which literally translated means 'hands-on' in Japanese. In today’s vocabulary it also means “treatment”.
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