To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. Sounds simple, but it's not. Drink lots of water. Set small, realistic goals. Find ways to sneak in exercise. Use good portions when eating. Also, its good to track what you are doing. You can put it in a journal or there are places like and where you can do it online. SparkPeople has a point system like AB to encourage exercise and good healthy decisions.
I know that low calorie diets work ok, but I honestly think that low stress, being active, and not depriving yourself of what you like will help you lose weight.
Coconut Oil can help you lose weight if you eat like a spoonful a day. Also, if you put it in your hair it makes it shiny.
Stop eating so much !
CARBS give you energy to burn fat, protein stores carbs, hahaha ok so basically, how about you eat healthy and moderate what you eat, dont eat anything excessivly and you will lose weight, also if you drink soda or really sugary drinks, switch to water, soda causes weight gain. and caffine is just bad for you anyways.instead of fruit juice, actually eat fruit, and if you dont like alot of vegetables then start to drink V8 , i love the stuff, and like vegies anyways. but try to just eat healthy portions of healthy things, and let yourself have what you want every now and then, because studies have proven that if you keep youself from the things you love(carbs count as one of these things as well)you'll eat way more at that point in time than you would've when you could have let yourself have a little bit before.
Drink your water... eat your fruits and veggies patient...I personally have to take each day, and meal as it comes.If make a poor choice, skip the excercise or have that extra cookie..forgive yourself and refocus..
Avoid dieting (challenges the immune system, is risky for the heart and often causes weight gain) Just stick to exercise and avoiding fast food, chips, soda.
Good eating(no fast food, eat fruit, etc) weight train two to there times a week. Cycle, Run/walk, swim, scuba dive, boxing training, get up off the couch and go down the park! walk dog, play tennis, clean house, increase metabolism. Do a program ie The abs diet, body for life etc.
stop concentrating on it so much. I find that if I obsess over it, then invariably I eat too much or have painful mental struggles. generally I gain weight over the summer, because I don't have enough to do. get yourself busy with something else.
Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and workout at least 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes even if all you do is walk. Infact get yourself a dog or see if your friends or neighbors will let you walk their dogs for them.
I've lost about 77 lbs on Weight Watchers. My blood pressure and cholesterol are now normal and I have lots more energy. It's not a "fad" or short-term diet. It's a healthy way of eating and living, and my doctor as well as most others recommend as one of the safest and best diets. I am now a Lifetime member.
Eat breakfast and lots of water, water, water.
Reduce your calorie intact, increase your stacardio exercise. It's not quite that simple, but it's almost that simple. I found an excellent article aptly titled "How to Lose Weight," on
Count calories and don't have more than 1500 per day and try and burn 200-300 per day. Have foods high in fiber and protein so you can feel full for less calories. Take a multivitamin so you don't get cravings from lack of nutrients.
walk at least 15 per day drink plenty of water-sometimes you think you are hungry when its water you crave! eat s l o w l y-rushing makes you bloated and you wont be able to tell if you are full STOP eating before you are full up-i know its hard but its worth it!
believe me u can eat whatever u want as long as u excercise! I was swimming for 2 monthes and lost a lot of weight! although I had Macaroni and sandwitches 4 dinner
Three words... South Beach Diet. It's not so much a diet as a change in your lifestyle. Reducing bad carbs and understanding the affects they have on your body. My husband and I started this on the advise of his physician. He lost 30 lbs and I lost 12 in two weeks and we have kept it off for six months now. If you find you seem to be always hungry, crave carbs between meals and never feel really satisfied, you may be a carb addict. I was.
If it tastes good, you shouldn't eat it.
everything in moderation..a balanced diet.. a trick I use is that I never eat to the point where I am full..If I am still hungry 20 minutes after a meal I can then go back and eat some more..but I never leave a table feeling for me:)
i have figured it OUT after years, not a diet but a life change, high protein, i dont eat animal products so i have a protein shake, made with water and fresh fruit, eat every two hours, drink my water, and eat as fresh as i can, no processed foods if i can avoid, i stay full, and for my fat, i eat one serving of nuts, this really works, i have lost 35 lbs in 2.5 mths, oh yea, forgot to add the biggest part lol i work out on my elipiglider every morning on level 4 for 30 mintues, then do a toning for 35 min, then i do this again around 6ish, after my supper, if u have questions for precise , gimme a buzz. Amanda
Weight train, cardio, eat 6 meals a day. Lots of water, fruits and veges. Get your vitamins in to.
besides the usual exercising and dieting endurance and having a positive attitude are always good ones
Depending on how much working out you do you should be eating 4 to 10 very small meals a day. What it come down to is you need to find out how much you should be eating. Ex if you are a female and weigh 180 lb you should be eating 1240 Cl per day. also drink less pop and coffie and more water
eat more fruits and vegetables, they fill you up and give you energy
Eat from all food groups, even fats. Just make wise food choices. Eat a variety of things but smaller portions, and get lots of exercise. Move around, it's a must. Do not buy diet food. Don't eat lowfat or not fat versions of food. Just eat real food, simple food, the less processed the best. Stay away from artificial sweeteners as they tend to act on the brain to make you more hungry even though they have less calories. You can end up eating even more as you are hungrier.
try SlimALLi these pills are magic...they are made from natural stuff and are actually really good for us as it prevents fat absorption...i lost more than 15 pounds in just 2 weeks time... read more at
Exercise and cut down on carbohydrates. Increase intake of fruits and veggies. And give it some time.
Don't eat in between meals whether you eat 3 or 4 meals a day. At first you may eat a little more during the meal but you can curb that later.
May I recommend this great Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Buy and read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. Yes. Have all of your mercury filling removed ASAP. Mercury is highly toxic and causes weight gain and fatigue and that is what you have. Metal fillings are 50% mercury. Mercury is the second most toxic substance on the face of the planet, second to radioactive plutonium. Mercury does cause a plethora of health problems.
Drink apple cider vinegar before meal!
I found that South Beach Diet book to be very educational regarding eating habits. It's a tough read cover to cover, but if you skip the testimonials you still get all the information. The back 1/2 of the book is loaded w/ recipes.
Periconne's books are the best, they teach you how to eat w/o shifting into an extreme diet.
You'll find once you get into a healthy diet (fruit, no lollies or chocolates) it will be quite easy to say no to the bad stuff. I find that when i exercise i get less hungary and I certainly dont feel like eating greasy foods after a workout. Just stick to it and you'll be healthy no matter what.
well all I got to say is Eat low fat and fat free foods and Low calorie foods. eat three meals a day and drink lots of water. it's what i am doing and I am deffinatly losing. weight watchers is good too but expensive.
Swimming is the best way to burn calories. so, try swimming at least once in a week. Walking is also very useful for you. Don't Eat too much fat items. The below link may useful for you to reduce weight.
Sex does wonders.
Cycling ,daily for Half an hour will do sufficient!
Chew each mouthfull until it is liquid. Usually about 30 times. It works!
I've lost about 40 lbs. over the past 20 years. I did it by changing my eating habits and lifestyle. I eat what I like in moderation...dieting makes you feel too deprived and you don't stick to it. I get lots of exercise....brisk walking is good and not too difficult. Staying active and drinking lots of water is so important!
more and more drink water.
green tea, physical activity and well the first alot of liquid
water ,water ,water dont eat pass 7 30pm eat every 3 hours change my life.... i started off 190 im now 150 lbs all i did was use portion control ,and drink water allll the time.. im losing weight and still going
Lots of really good answers so far, havent read all but for me. eat breakfast no sugar no fried or fatty foods Cut down to 1500 cal. per day. Fast food, go to Subway or Chick Fa la Exercise, even just walking Lots of water NO soft drinks, even diet soft drinds Eat lots of turnip greens, salids, and green beans Watch the salid dressing on you salid, get a low calorie dressign
Run really fast down the Twinkie Isle!
It all boils down to move more and eat less.
Yes..don't eat junk and exercise more..
Eat less food Walk to the park and walk back Skip in a skipping rope Do weights to turn fat into muscle
don't eat carbs and proteins together... have them in different meals about 3 hours apart. they work better separately. and only have fruit in the morning, before or with breakfast. any exercise you can do helps. i once read a story about a woman who found exercise in everything. she would unload her groceries one at a time for extra walking! tons and tons of water.
Chew some gum so you don't have the urge to splurge on tempting foods.
I've been on Bromalite for one month now and I've dropped 11 pounds. This product is not a 'miracle'. You still have to watch what you eat and daily exercise for 30-45 minutes. It is truly way to lose weight. Thanks to Bromalite. Good luck!!! More information about this product -->
Linda Joy
You actually eat shit to loose weight?!! "The most well-known types of bromalites are fossilised faeces " Fossilised or not I'm not going to intentionally eat any kind of shit!! I'd choose to weigh 300 lbs first!
Eat less, exercise more. +5
Exercise five days a week and eat healthy
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