• A simple way to approach this would be to say that matter causes gravity because gravity is 'generated' by all matter in the universe. Put another way, every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle of matter: the force of this attraction is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them: Gravitational Force = G(mass1*mass2)/(distance)2 where G is the gravitational constant 6.67 x 10E-8 dyne * cm2/gm2 What really causes gravity? This is a difficult question because scientists have yet to understand exactly how gravity works. A description of gravity's effects is about the best that science can do at this point and the result is the formula listed above.
  • One way to see just how little we know about gravity is to look up the defintion. I have not yet seen a definition actually "defining" gravity... only describing it. Current and past theories, etc, include particles and curvature in space around an object.
  • The short answer is scientists do not know what causes gravity. The long is as follows. Newton first found a mathematical model which accurately predicts how macroscopic bodies(i.e rocks, people, planets, stars, etc) interact with each other. This Newtonian model is called the universal law of graviation. It states in words the the force between to bodies is the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance of their separation times the gravitational constant. Or in mathematical form: F = G*(m*M)/r^2 where G is the graviational constant, m and M are the respective masses of the planets, and r is the distance of separation. G has a value of 6.743 * 10^-11m^3/(kg*s^2) (meters^3 per kilogram second ^2) Now fast forward 300 years to Einstein. Over the centuaries, as better data verifying the Newton's universal law of gravitation, found small inconsistencies with the theory. I shall not go into them here, but if you wish to know e-mail me. Newton's basic assumption was that time is a constant; meaning that regardless of the speed of travel the interval of one second remained the same. What Einstein proposed was that let us assume that time is not a constant. The results of that assumption led him to his General Theory of Relativity. This theory corrected experimental inconsistencies found in Newton's theory. It also predicted that gravity caues light to bend. Scientists are currently pursuing what is called the Higgs Boson which if the theory is corret and if found may be what causes gravity. It is an area of active research so your question of what causes gravity is a great question. I hope this was helpful
  • A simple law of nature reveals the cause behind: the cause of - gravity, - dark matter, - dark energy, - black holes - and much more
  • The push and pull of atoms against each other creates gravity. When this occures at a very fast rate you have what is called a solid, if this occures as a slighting faster rate then you have a gas. When this occures at a slower rate you have a liquid. When you have all of these states of matter occuring at once against the core of the earth and the core spinning, exerting its own force back the atomic structure constantly breaks down and rebuilds. So a force(A) against a force(B) where the centrigual force(B) exerts its own force back on force(A) creates a constant pushing and pulling effect on all atoms contained in each force thus creating gravity.
  • Anybody knows that nobody knows what causes gravity. It is just a force that all very large masses exert. All stars and planets. Even your own body to an extent. Perhaps it is a force God himself(in the case that he exists) creates. Thus, we simply will never know.
  • Graviton interactions.
  • its caused by my fearsome force....
  • adding flour and water to meat juices
  • Ross Perot. And that giant sucking sound.
  • We still don't know what causes gravity, even though we are able to predict what it will do (as many answers already note). Scientists are trying to use Quantum Theory to explain how gravity works. Quantum theory has been able to explain electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces, by discovering sub-atomic particles (photons, gluons and bosons). There is a theory that a subatomic particle called the graviton might exist as predicted by string theory. However, these particles have not been observed and there is no proof that they exist. And so gravity remains our weakest and most enigmatic force.
  • No one really knows. Science does two things: it describes and it predicts. As far a gravity goes, we are very very good at predicting what effect gravity will have. Newton nailed the basics and Einstein elaborated. We have precise formulas. The second thing that Science does is to make up a little story to go along with the formula. In Newton's day the story was "that's just the way it is". In Einstein's day, the story became "mass is a dimple in the curve of time-space. Particles are areas of the fabric of the universe which are lagging slightly in time. Then there was some stuff about gravitons. The important thing to realize is that the story part is just that. We can only experience gravity through our limited senses to the story will always be a story. Some stories, however, are much more satisfying than others. And they can lead us to find new formulas which more accurately predict future behavior.
  • The answer below is a common man's understanding. Plenty of correctons from experts will be required. PLEASE DO NOT DOWNRATE FOR INACCURACIES OR FOR MY TOTAL MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE TOPIC. Gravity is the result of the Density and Mass of objects. The denser objects with greater mass attract the less denser ones. Here on Earth nothing is denser or has greater mass than the earth itself. So all objects remains attached to the earth. We call this gravitational pull of the earth. Airplanes remain airborne by using momentum of speed to stay above the earth. They will remain airborne as long as their engines provide the momentum to remain neutral to Earth's gravity. The airplanes and all other flying object like birds also use the cushioning support of air in earth's atmosphere to stay afloat lessening the burden on their engines. The moment the momentum is lost they fall. Same as a stone thrown up into the air launching itself up and falling down the moment their momentum is negated by gravity. However when objects are moved away from the earth beyond a certain distance and into the space beyond the atmosphere, they can use the earth's gravitational pull to remain in an orbit around the earth supported by earth's gravitational pull. Moon uses this principle to orbit the earth. Lesser sattelites we launch into space too orbit the earth using the same gravity of earth to stay in orbit when launced by firing of powerful rockets that can negate and overcome the Earth's gravitational pull. The rest of the Planets and their satellites too follow the same rule to stay in orbit and to maintain the same distane from the Sun keeping the whole system going without colliding into one another. The real challenge for us has been to break free of Earth's gravity. This has been achieved time and again by satellites by rockets fired at the exact points in space by the satellites to give them the necessary thrust to break free and move towards the Moon's field of gravity or into outer space. What I have described is my understanding of the topic. It is a layman's understanding. Experts are welcome to clarify all inaccuracies by way of comments. Please do not downrate my answer above for inaccuracies as I am an ordinary person trying to gain some scientific knowledge by clarifying my thoughts here.
  • Peter Griffins Midsection Just ask any Family Guy fan!
  • "The best short answer to the question "how does [the general theory of relativity] treat gravitational interactions?" is that [the general theory of relativity] treats "the gravitational field" as (part of) the curvature of spacetime itself, i.e. as a geometrical effect which affects how objects move, how clocks behave, and so on. In addition, energy and momentum act as the "source" of the gravitational field, i.e. when they are present in some region of spacetime, that region is curved in a certain way. This circle of ideas is very well summarized in the famous slogan of John Archibald Wheeler: "[the geometry of] spacetime determines how matter moves, and matter tells spacetime how to curve [which changes its geometry]". " Source and further information:
  • Attraction. cause people fall for eachother all the time.
  • An imbalance between space and mass. Space is curved as it approaches substantial bodies (according to Einstein), and you can think of large objects as spatial sucks. The spatial "cavity" you're in is experienced as gravity.
  • There is no such thing as gravity. The world SUCKS!
  • Gravitons. Buy em at Walmart $2 for a pack of 1000
  • a lot of it has to do with air pressure. some of it has to do with the moon. and the sun and other planets. part of it has to do with the spinning of the planet. also the molelecular structure is so designed for gravity. the structure would have to be different to adopt an anti gravity mode. gravity is said to be an illusion. its all part of the electrical matrix we live with. asked in 2004
  • The Plant Earth SUCKS!
  • the earth's gravity is caused by the earth spinning so fast that it sucks every towards it like a tornado.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Mass warping the fabric of spacetime. They don't why mass does this, however.
  • heavier air
  • Gravity is caused by atoms passing subatomic particles back and forth between each other.
  • Ask a believer they will say god...LMAO. It's hard to explain and by asking what causes it I can tell you lack a basic understanding of physics. I suggest you google it and start reading.
  • There are a number of theories about that. My favorite is that gravity is a pushing force, not a pulling one.
  • Physics courses.
  • the curvature of space-time by a relative mass.
  • check out that takes a new approach on Gravity. it is based on the current approach of an expanding universe that in other words means that space itself does not have an impact on the size of the universe and only objects have, and this is actually Gravity that is not using space to separate objects.
  • check out that takes a new approach on Gravity. it is based on the current approach of an expanding universe that in other words means that space itself does not have an impact on the size of the universe and only objects have, and this is actually Gravity that is not using space to separate objects.
  • Gravity causes allah . Allah is the one create in this world
  • Oh I don't know... Something GOD made.
  • Some people say it is a force leaking out of a nearby universe into ours, which is why it is so weak here. Others say gravity is a push, not a pull, and heavy bodies pull it through their centers and out of this universe. I think gravity and inertia are basically the same force, and any mechanism that reduces gravity will also release free energy in the process.
  • The TRUTH about GRAVITY was discovered in 2008 by Gravity is Mass Expanding. This is proven Mathematically so it's not just some crazy "theory". Theories that are proven Mathematically are no longer theories. They are fact. Gravity is the root source of ALL Energy in the universe. You must see
  • gravity is a from of EM-electromagnetism under varying frequencies. EM is 42E42 times stronger@!
  • Seriousness. +2
  • increased dimensionality of proximity to a real particle. This allows for more space within the particle. If you notion it all, it allows for super strings betwean particles with vast infinities sweaping out tubes for such a vacuole.
  • Solids, the bigger the object, the stronger the gravity.
  • The force of gravity was found by Einstein to be indistinguishable from acceleration. If you are in a spaceship in outer space accelerating forward, you would feel the same push on your back as if you were lying on your back on Earth. If you were cut off from all visual and audio clues, the two forces would be indistinguishable. So it would seem that gravity is the result of some sort of acceleration, perhaps in a dimension not readily apparent to us.
  • The distortion of space-time from anything with mass. At least that's how I understand it.
  • It is the rotation of the Earth.

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