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You could orgasim so good you trip and land on the on switch to your laser... and lay unconsious while the laser blinds you.... But other then that.. No.. it wont..
Ah the classic myth! Ask yourself this: could you go blind from having sex? No, of course not. So how can masturbation make you go blind? What possible mechanism in the body could cause such an extreme reaction? The answer is, of course, that there is no connection, there never has been and there never will. This is simply a way for people who don't approve of masturbation to dissuade others from doing it.
must be why i have to keep getting stronger glasses every year.
Of course not! If that was true, I bet about 90% of the population would be blind!
no total myth. or it hasnt happened to me or anybody i know
"if you jiggle it more than twice, you're playing with it."
I can't quite make out your question. Could you please use a larger font?
Depends what you are playing Do you mean masturbation if so i doubt that your penis/ clitorus is attatched to your optic nerve it is not in the average human. If you are talking about Solitaire or something much more dangerous if you are addicted eyestrain can be a problem You decide
Blind from maturbating? No. But from misspelling? Yes.
Yes masturbation can make you go blind. The favorite answers asks "What mechanism could account for masturbation making a person go blind?". The answer is the Yin part of the body. Masturbation affects the Yin part of the body, which in turn affects the eyes.
yes it is true,recent studies have shown that this can happen if u hold ur sperm in for too long on its way normally blinds ppl who have a check out time of 45seconds..!congrats by the way..also if u dont believe me..its masturbating...not maturbating..
of couse not !!! but, however if 1 does it right 1 dies and goes 2 heaven
All of these osteopathic answers are wrong... the answer that we have all been looking for is surprisingly YES! You can actually go blind from masturbation, or sex in general. This is true because during sexual activity, heart-rate is increased and also blood flow is restricted in some areas, like the optic nerve (eyes) and cochlear nerve (ears). This restricted blood flow could cause permanent damage to these areas affecting sight or hearing. If one is healthy they have a very slim chance of this happening, BUT those who have heart conditions such as heart disease or circulatory problems by diabetes should beware. If you sense a dizzy feeling or vision loss during sexual activity you should either finish up quick or stop completely until your blood flow returns to normal.
no of course not. it is technically impossiple to go blind from masturbating UNLESS, of course if your penis squirted at 1000 fps then i suppose you could shoot yourself in the eyes and go blind, but other than that, a big fat, juicy, // ( )
Absolutely NOT! I would be blind as a bat and not reading this if you could, because I wack off about 5 times a day since I was 14yrs old! (I am 40yrs old now!)
could you write that in braille please?
Can you see me?.......
If IT=Sulfuric Acid THEN blindness=highly likely
Sorry, I couldn't see your question.
Seeing my mother-in-law naked!? YESSSSSS !!!!!!
I only did it till I needed glasses
help I need readers for fine print on my motion lotion
I hope not.
I don't think so
No. If you could all boys would be blind
No. If you could all boys would be blind
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