• The health triangle is comprised of three sides: mental, physical and social health. Each of these three factors is equally important, and they must be balanced in order to achieve and maintain optimal health.

    Mental Health

    Mental health deals with the way people cope and adjust to everyday life and situations. A mentally healthy person relates well to others, expresses emotions in appropriate ways, and develops good coping skills to help him adjust to a variety of circumstances.

    Physical Health

    Physical health deals with the body's ability to function on a day-to-day basis. Proper nutrition, exercise and rest are essential to maintaining physical health.

    Social Health

    Social health refers to the way an individual interacts with other people, whether individuals or society as a whole. Good relationships with family, friends and co-workers are important aspects of social health, as well as the ability to resolve conflicts in an appropriate manner.

    Maintaining Balance

    The health triangle must be in balance to achieve and maintain optimum health. To keep the triangle in balance, it is necessary to put equal time and effort into all three sides. If one aspect of the health triangle is overlooked or neglected, the other two sides will be affected as well.

    Improving Balance

    If one side of the triangle is weaker than the others, find ways to improve it. Ways to improve the physical side include eating better, exercising more and getting more sleep. Methods of improving the mental side might involve reducing stress levels. Joining a club or seeing friends more often could be ways of improving the social side.


    Mental Health Matters: Relationships

    Georgia State University: The Health Triangle

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