I take the Bible's view of abortions. Even the life of the unborn is precious in God
Just not everyone else (was precious) in that story where the god-creature brutally mass-murdered millions upon millions... gotta love that!
It's a decision between a woman and her doctor.
Correct. It is a legal medical procedure.
Abortion is premeditated murder.
It actually isn't. Children even know that fact.
i really dont agree with it,its killing defenceless babies
What happens in a woman's body is the woman's business. Period. Those guys who are anti-abortion should remember all the times they got laid in high school and what would have happened if she decided to keep the child. Congratulations Daddy! ๐๐๐ BTW Here is the REAL REASON we ban abortion after 6 weeks when they are the size of a grain of rice
Army Veteran
"What happens in a woman's body is the woman's business" is BS. Yes, it is true - until it involves another life that she is responsible for creating. The woman's priority then shifts to protecting the life that is unable to defend itself. Have you ever seen an abortion? Do you know what's involved? There is a living child trying to protect itself from being ripped apart but to no avail. Here's something for your viewing "pleasure" - you should get a kick out of it: -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@1465 1) A lot of procedures are gross that's why we have doctors doing it. 2) So if abortion is wrong, how come they do it to save the life of the mother? Its still the same procedure? 3) That video was narrated by a anti-abortionist, not a doctor. It wasn't objective and was highly propagandistic. 4) Just out of curiosity how many Black kids have you adopted, or is it just White abortion you are against 5) What that video didn't show was a "turkey-baster" abortion that would have bee performed if abortion wasn't legal. It also didn't show the death of the mother if that turkey baster abortion had been performed. 6) I don't believe that the doctor and the feminist stopped supporting abortion after seeing that video. It doesn't make sense Its not that gross, its all done in ultrasound. Not a real picture. I wasn't upset at all. I could let my kids see it. 7) Just out of curiosity, did you go to the Jan 6th rally at the Capitol, what did you think about it? -
Army Veteran
Amazing. You found 7 ways to spit in the eye of God. I never thought it was possible. There is no justifying taking the life of a child. What part of "Thou shalt not kill" do you not understand? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Don't give me that. You were in favor of that useless deadly war in Afghanistan. Don't say human life is sacred to me without a giggle. lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Don't give me that. You were in favor of that useless deadly war in Afghanistan. Don't say human life is sacred to me without a giggle. lol -
Linus van Pelt
Yet you don't believe a woman has the right to refuse to inject a vaccine into her body. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
True because her decision affects those who are currently alive. Something isn't alive until its born. That's what being born mean, "Born unto this Earth" That's what the Bible says. That's the way nature is. That's why you can't give voting rights to a fetus, or let it drive a car. Potential human's aren't real humans. If they were you'd have to you'd have to change its diapers you numbskull! lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans -
Try telling a pregnant women that wants her child that it's not alive until it's he/she is born. You can't give voting rights to a one year old baby, or let them drive a car this doesn't mean they are not alive. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
/CC if a pregnant woman is praying for her fetus to survive then there must be something wrong with it. That is why abortion is okay. Nobody is sure if the fetus will survive whether there is an abortion or not. nature makes mistakes. -
"Amazing. You found 7 ways to spit in the eye of God." Oh wait! Which god would that be, TinFoil Hat? Is it the same god that you can't prove to anyone?
Abortion is murder. When a sperm finds an egg it rotates the egg 7 times counter clock-wise with the use of its tail. The sperm then pernitrates the egg and a spark occurs. It is at that instant life begins. The spirit enters the egg/sperm making alive. it is not a glob of matter.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
abortion is to murder as roasting acorns is to eating a tree. lol -
No, snooks, it isn't murder. -
"it rotates the egg 7 times counter clock-wise with the use of its tail." Or for crying out loud, it does not. You say some of the most nonsensical things. Go read something, and learn. -
Chicagoan I read this one time years ago thought it was intriguing at the time and remembered it.
I don't agree with it personally, but I do think that it should remain legal because there are sometimes cases that need it.
It's a decision between a woman and her Doctor.
It's a decision between a woman and her doctor.
Correct. And that's ALL it is.
Abortion is murder which is immoral. You would have to be messed up in the head to support abortion. If a woman does not want the baby, she should give them to an adoption place. People who are for abortion obviously have anger issues and do not value human life. Thatโs their problem.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I don't like abortion there is sufficient ways to protect oneself against pregnancy. Most abortions do not come about because of rape or the mother's life being at risk. I think that the reality of abortion should not be hidden from women. I know a number of women who have had abortions and live with the guilt and regret. Humans are hypocrites, when the baby is wanted it's called a BABY when it's not wanted it's called a FETUS, I've yet to hear one expectant mother to say my FETUS kicked today, or my FETUS is a girl or boy, we are to shielded from the often grotesque realities in life, we shouldn't be. That includes factory farming of animals etc.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness--Declaration of Independence Conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal--Gettysburg Address. Consider how that all men are created by conception and thus entitled to the right to life.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Linus. No they're not. Not all Fertilized Eggs come out live from the birth canal. And stop making declarations that you can't back up with facts or logic. -
Linus van Pelt
Once an egg is fertilized it has its own individual DNA, unique from both mother and father. DNA is the blueprint, contractor and construction worker and is how the individual is created and therefore has the right to live. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
If a 13 year old girl gets raped by her father I supposed she has to carry it for 9 months too? Is that what you think Linus? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I would like to know how many anti-abortionists are men on this board, and how many are women. I bet we'd see quite a difference in opinion. lol Men need abortion to control women. Its anti-feminist law making. Its about dominance.
It's a choice solely between a woman and her doctor.
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