I definitely believe that superstitions exist. The validity of them depends upon the particular superstition.
i walk under ladders, i have a black cat and my favorite number is 13. HOWEVER, i throw salt over my shoulder if i spill any, i'm careful with mirrors and i start expecting company if i drop a spoon or fork.
I use to be an actor of course I do
I believe they exist,but due to the definition, how could anyone answer yes to their validity?
Yes but no, most of the time I don't. But when I refer to something that has happened to someone else I say knock on wood as a way to count my blessings & hope it doesnt happen to me.
some of it not all. I belive that if you ask for trouble it will find you. If you think postive then so be.
I believe that there is a deep belief in superstitions, certain ones have meaning behind them, others are simply old wives tales IMO If a person believes, then that superstition has validity to them and it is not for others to denigrate the feelings that the other person may have.
nope,because being superstitious is bad luck.
No.....and, touch wood, I never will! ;-)
No, but I never walk under a ladder, not for luck, but for safety.
sure i even create my own.
No. (touch wood)
No and I get angered by anyone ready to knock on wood. My dumb younger friend almost threatened me if I didn't knock. I'm immune to superstitions. My DOB is 7-13, I am the Yin and the Yang of luck.
I don't believe in superstitions.
I grew up with a superstitious Grandmother and Mother and I can't help it!!
Never seen any of them come true, nor any evidence to suggest that they are, so no : P If / When I see them coming true or have evidence as such, I'll start believing them ; )
Not really, but I do find it ironic that I got my first and only downrating (so far) when I reached level 13 (which is unlucky).
I'm a bit superstitious, not too much... but I don't know too many of them.
No, I don't believe in superstitions. It's bad luck to.
None at all.
Yes but I really try not to.
Yes, I don't drive at night with one head light on and while blaring old slave spirituals. It brings out the gnomes.
No I do not. I could walk under a ladder for all I care...
Only if they are favorable to me.
Will always walk around the back of my truck, never the front. Not that I necessarily believe in that one, but do it anyway. I think it began so drivers can make sure the back doors are closed before departing.
I whole heartedly believe in what degree i take them all depends.
I believe in superstitions and superstitious people but I am not at all superstitious!
I think that you attract to you what you believe, I don't think I have any superstitions.
Not at all. My mother is THE most superstitious person in the world. My whole life I grew up with her comments and advice that made no sense, and made her look like an uneducated fool. She actually believed that if a piece of hair fell off outside, a bird would pick it up and make a nest with it which would cause headaches. Whenever I got a headache, she would yell at me about wearing a hat so the birds wouldn't get my hair.
Not at all, knock on wood!
I used to believe in them. But not all. some like walking under a ladder, or if you see a magpie etc. But with time I have come to realise there are certain things that you cannot control, and not within your power.
Just a tad bit superstitious here.
My superstitions have a price, I won't pick up a coin unless it's heads....or a quarter or higher.
I persoally don't believe in bad thinds can happen to you,like if you cross a black cat you'll get bad luck.i don't believe in all that hog wash.
I believe there ARE superstitions, but I try very hard to rid myself of them. : )
Yes, "there is superstition, writing on the wall"
There is also very suspect wine, but you gotta hand it to 'em.
No, its bad luck to believe in superstition.
No, I don't live in the Dark Ages.
Not at all.If you step on the back of my heels I have to tap you on your back 3 times thats total bulls**t.
not at all. I think its a load of baloney! Your mind is a powerful thing. Eva seen the matrix? sort of like that. Your mind makes it real because you believe its real. I dont believe in any of the superstitious rubbish. And those who do.. believe its really, so the mind makes it real. I believe in God. Angels and Demons.. no such ghoast or spooks, etc. Seen a 'ghost'? They are either angel or demon Thats what I truly believe :)
No. But I will say knock on wood and yes, when I spill salt I throw some over my left shoulder..
i believe in superstations and supperstitions
Yes I do believe in superstitions even though I realize its irrational. OTOH I like to be on the safe side. I don't want to take too many chances. Key phrase too many,
No. Superstition is for frightened idiots. They are delusional. I do not believe in luck whether it’s good or bad but I do know there is such a thing as being fortunate or unfortunate which are the correct words instead of luck. The reason why I mention luck is because that is a word based on superstitious belief which is a delusion. The thought of walking under a ladder or 7 years of bad luck breaking a mirror or a magpie being one for sorrow to throwing salt over the shoulder is just silliness. These are the ideas that some delusional people create in their subconscious mind and can’t prove their point in their claims. If someone walks under a ladder and then something bad happens to them it just happens that they are unfortunate with whatever it is and then a superstitious idiot thinks differently because they saw the person under a ladder. This causes the superstitious idiot to create a thought in their subconscious mind making them believe that someone has “bad luck” walking under a ladder when in fact they are being silly. Touching wood is just putting your hand on an object but superstitious idiots create a belief in their mind that they have “luck” when that’s being delusional. 13 is just a number. A black cat is just a cat - a living mammal with black fur and nothing else. A broken mirror is an object that has been destroyed and nothing else. Throwing salt over the shoulder means the person has to clean up their own mess that they made on the floor. There are some silly people on here who are contradictory in their answers
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