I've seen a lot of non-virgins wear ivory or cream or whatever off-white color.
You should do what you want, it's your day.
If-n you feel like it.
In today's society, you can wear whatever you want!
not unless i become a cross dresser
I think that happens in many cases. Nothing wrong with that. It is tradition to wear a white dress. Mind you, it also used to be tradition to be a virgin when you wore one -- or so they told us, LOL
I myself wouldn't. +5
I don't see why not.=)
Why not? Anyway, if the answer is that you should not, then white wedding dresses would cease to exist.
Answer your own question! who the hell paid for your wedding?, and who did you invite that would give a damn what you wore unless they bought it, will they be paying your rent? feed you? you have the choice of who you want to invite,so pick and choose, those whom will attend are those who are willing to share this joyous moment with you and your spouse, and not criticize what you wore but rather remember the event. The color of your dress should not categorize your virginal status, it just tells others where you been, do not please the eyes of others, be pure and loyal to your spouse ,and show the new woman in his life that is more important than ...."Did you notice, she's not wearing white? WHITE IS RIGHT ON YOUR SPECIAL NIGHT!
I would its still part of tradition
No. I would look really funny in a dress.
I'm not saying that we have a morality problem, but if what you say is true, I don't think any white dresses would ever be sold!
Yes, it's tradition, in the same way that many athiests get married in church. I don't know any brides who wore white who WERE virgins.
I say screw conformatry I will wear a black dress(while being a virgin) down the isle coz whos to tell me i have to wear white. It would after all be MY day.
It's your day; you wear whatever you want! It amazes me that people would still question your virginity in connection with the colour of your wedding dress; personally I think you should sample the goods before you get married - what if you find that you are incompatible in the bedroom department after the wedding!?!?
WHO ? say's i'am not !!!!!
You should wear what ever you feel comfortable and beautiful in.
I did.
Wear whatever you want!
No you should wear a non-white 'dress of shame'.
Mr PantsFellDown
Kidding. But that kind of sums up the idea that sinning sluts can't wear white, so that everyone will know and can throw rocks right? Isnt that what it was about, at the start of that idea?
OMG I think most of us got this one really wrong. YOU WEAR WHITE BECAUSE IT'S YOUR FIRST MARRIAGE NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE A VIRGIN.......ok????? in other words, if a lady has slept around before she married, but this is her first marriage, she can still wear white........ if a lady remarries, THEN you shouldn't wear white; but NOT because you aren't a virgin, but because you she was already married once..... furstay???????? :-D
Will the bride be on a table with her feet in the stirrups for guests to do a pelvic when they walk in to be sure.! She should wear what the hell she wants. It's her day not theirs.
i dont see why not
What is the origin of that tradition? We have to be careful that we are not being held captive by means of philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition (Col 2:8). Marriage is a divine arrangement wear something that is dignified for the occasion.
That has been totally outdated for over 40 years.
Yup, but who can you trust?
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