cause black is my favorite color.
because black is slimming. and it goes with just about everything.
because black is slimming. and it goes with just about everything.
because wearing black makes you look smart and sexy
Because we are deep and thoughtful, and we want you to know that on a shallow level.
Because no matter what you wear it with, and no matter what body shape you are, basic black looks good. No fuss no muss. Plus paired with white, it's classy, sophisitcated and classic.
it is slimming and can look very sexy and classey and i like it
Because it is easy to look good in black. Black can be matched with quite a few colors too.
A shrink would say that people who wear black all the time are trying to protect themselves and their psychic energy from attack.
it makes me feel like i am not so much of a fat cow
It's classic, its slimming. I worked as a hostess for 3 years and we had to wear black. Therefore, I bought a lot of black clothes and I guess I got used to it, because I still choose a lot of black.
Black is a base colour which goes with virtualy anything, so people wear it to look fashionable. People might also wear it because they are goth/emo
i dont know about the rest of the world but black is just a good color and most people say its my signeture color
There is one reason and one rason only why I wear black. I can't match colors and I know black goes with every thing!
Black and brown?
Because people who wear black are psychic sponges who are too lazy to put together a decent color coordinated wardrobe.
A lot of people believe black is a slimming color. That is not necessarily true. Also, a lot of younger people wear it in a goth manner. Of course, there are those who simply like that color best.
I see a red door and I want it painted black
It's Slimming
well, different people wear it for different reasons. some people wear it because it goes with anything, others because its slimming, and some because most people dress how they feel, and some people feel sad and depressed,or in other words, theyre emo/goth. but theres nothing wrong with that. unless u cut urself. thats not good. if u do that, GET HELP NOW!!
I like it. It's mysterious, rebellious and sexy! So why not!?
Maybe, because it matches everything.
It doesn't need washing as often.
Black is a beautiful color.
partially for the color blind thing I have going, but the slimning line sounds good too.
I wear it for practical reasons, I enjoy many underground music scenes, and black is chameleon for that, goes well with Punk,Goth,Techno etc.. and I can still look normal and professional for work.
They think they're cool and want to be an individual... just like everyone else.
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black, Why you never see bright colors on my back, And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone. Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on. I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down, Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town, I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime, But is there because he's a victim of the times. I wear the black for those who never read, Or listened to the words that Jesus said, About the road to happiness through love and charity, Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me. Well, we're doin' mighty fine, I do suppose, In our streak of lightnin' cars and fancy clothes, But just so we're reminded of the ones who are held back, Up front there ought 'a be a Man In Black. I wear it for the sick and lonely old, For the reckless ones whose bad trip left them cold, I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been, Each week we lose a hundred fine young men. And, I wear it for the thousands who have died, Believen' that the Lord was on their side, I wear it for another hundred thousand who have died, Believen' that we all were on their side. Well, there's things that never will be right I know, And things need changin' everywhere you go, But 'til we start to make a move to make a few things right, You'll never see me wear a suit of white. Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day, And tell the world that everything's OK, But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back, 'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black -Johnny Cash
because black is beautiful.
It's my faveorit color and I just have alot of it. Also im a bit punk. xD
To show off their dandruff.
Becoz black is the best colour i wear black all the time and it also depends on what your style is. Black is a rockin colour and it goes with almost everything.
So many people wear black because everyone is emo on the inside. Soon everyone will show it.
Everyone looks slimmer in black, and its easiest to accesorize.
Helps me fade in and out easily when I don't like to be noticed, would be much harder with yellow and green :P
Black is a great color to wear. It can be elegant, slimming, fashionable and pretty much however you want to wear it, it will work for you.
To me its because black just works for everything!!!!!!!
Black goes with everything
I don't know about others but i wear it cause its my favorite color and i really like it.
It's a classic. Simple, versatility, slimming, sleek.
I like the colour ^^ It's just a great colour to wear
Easy to wear with other colors. It is a power color. It doesn't show dirt as much. Easy to accessorize. It is slimming because it makes lumps and bumps less noticeable. . My personal favorite reason for wearing black is that it looks good with my coloring. I get compliments whenever I wear black, and never when I wear colors. . I also like that although black fades, it can be dyed over and over. Black sweaters can be made to look new by dying them. The white fuzz becomes black and the entire sweater looks new again!
Because you aren't cool unless you do.
Because its easy to match, and you can easily change it from day to nigh outfit!
Less is more.. its simpel and still cool. It goes with everything. Black is also a powerful color
Johnny Cash did it, why can't I?
Because black is the color of my soul.
Because they want to.
Because black is a slimming color and goes with just about anything.
personal choice.
Well it goes with everything, including my hair and I don't feel weird, like in some other colors, such as yellow or orange
sure i dont know.but its cool and it is my favourite colour.........
I wear black because it's easy and classy.
because its elegant colour .. and it matches with every one
Black used to be the color you wore to a funeral and it was a color to wear when you were mourning the death of a loved one. I don't wear black on the top part of my body because it is not flattering to me. I prefer bright colors that lift my spirit and make me happy. Maybe most people are depressed and prefer not to be happy.
Because any pocket square a man wears in black will look good.
I wear alot of black because it goes well with anything. I have my shoes, belts, purses and jackets in black so that I don't have to spend a fortune trying to get my accessories to match.
its flattering its easy to match to other things its considered sophisticated (think: brown suit versus a black one) its "safe" its a staple in your wardrobe its a neutral its a color that doesn't go out of style
Because they enjoy looking like undertakers.
keeps the lookers' minds from 'imagining' too many things..
Because it goes with everything!
I believe it's because the person in an introverted person. Most people who wear dark colors are,
OMG I love this question......people wear black on the WRONG ASSUMPTION that it is SLIMMING , when it most definitely is NOT.......think about it; you see someone all dressed in black, & do they look SLIMMER?? OH HELL NO!! THEY LOOK BIGGER.........why? because they are standing out from everything around them!! stickin' out like a sore thumb!!!! and no, BLACK DOES NOT GO WITH ANY COLOR... it goes well with cool colors; reds, blues, purples, etc, and NOT with warm tones; such as yellow, browns, beige, etc., etc. so please be aware of this, you all-dressed-in-black-'cuz-you-think-it-slims-you-down people!!!! OK???? OK?????????????? :-D
Because it looks good on any skin tone, even pale, and with any hair color.
cause they like that color
it's a neutral color
Also because its classic, versatile and slimming. But its hot! It absorbs more sunlight.
It's difficult to find a color that doesn't look good with black!!! PLUS, black usually makes me look like I've been successful with my diet!!! ππ
Black must be their favourite colour. Personally I like to wear different clothing of different colour and occasionally I would wear a black T-shirt to compliment other colours of clothing.
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