According to NNDB: "Religion: Atheist"
There is no way Angelina is an Atheist, I believe they said that because when she was in her dark days,(wearing black and believing in the darkside) Did you see the interview she had with Anderson? She mentioned God over 5 times in her interview, a true atheist will never EVER mention God's name. She didnt know who she was back then, she has grown up, and is no longer the dark, cutting the arm confused girl, she is a woman and has found herself and life. I know, I was once there.
weird-ist lol joking..she mentions a lot "thank go for that.." and stuff like that so shes DEFINITELY not an atheist.. and also shes an intelligent contemplative woman who thinks about life so she MUST know that there is god :)
she is ex-satan, ex bitch, ex witch pussy, now she is hottist. shes so hot my hair is on fiaar. No she is definitely buddhist because I asked her agent or whatever on her website.
I didn't know Angelina Jolie was a religion, I always thought she was an actress.
im suggesting u have no business saying "thank god" when you dont believe in god. so yeh maybe im saying your an idiot? i dunno. disgraceful dude.
No doubt an atheist:
she's a Big Lipper. Look it up , it's new.
I did not know atheism is considered a 'religion' but yes Angelina Jolie Pitt is very weird and rich so it makes it ok for those type to be weird I suppose, but she is not christian thats a definite, maybe ex catholic, but her and her ex used to wear viles of each others blood on a chain around their necks so that is just too weird, but she has changed a bit, but not enough to deem herself 'religious'
Ice man
I had a dog like that too. Just couldn't keep him out of the water.
have no idea
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