Orange or pink - OOOOHweeeeee!
red !!
There could be a ton of colors that would be wrong for a dining room. You should ask what colors would look nice in your dining room. Then give us the colors of the things you already have in it, including the floor.:)+3
lime green
Shit brown
I would have to say a dark purple ish color.. maybe a light pale purple would look goo, but a dark deep purple would be icky... ugh!
Some sort of green, like a yellowish green, pea soup color would not be my choice. It wouldn't make the diners look good and it would not highlight the food at all. Pepto Bismal pink on the walls might make me nauseated if I was eating.
Pink camo. +5
Slime green.
Red, as red is a colour of both anger, and lust, not sure if I fancy either of those while eating.
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