Enjoy it? I don't understand the question or the problem. What do you think you should 'do'?
maybe pink punk, garden theme, flamingos, ballet or Paris
Add some black trim all around, and not that cheap Home Depot shit.
Ice man
Black is good. I think the addition of small poke-a-dots, in a nice tartan, would be snappy too. : )
Considering every other lame question you have ever asked here ... My best suggestion to you is ... get someone to do a lobotomy on you. You can get a cheap drill (that will work fine) at Walmart.. The sooner the better
leave it that color
Invite The Pink Panther.
Drink plenty of water. Eat healthy meals. Get plenty of exercise. Work on defining yourself in a way that makes you proud. Try to have a positive effect on your community. Make things. Shake up the parts of the world that don't make sense. Don't be too afraid to make mistakes, but always try to do your best. Find true love. Cherish every moment. Grow old gracefully. Die feeling fulfilled and surrounded by loved ones.
Well, you are 28 years old and it's your room and your favorite color. Do whatever you want to. 9/26/23
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