I don't like solving puzzles so maybe a simple one.
I like word puzzles.
I like your basic 500 to 1000 piece puzzle.
None.I am not good at puzzles.But still,I would go with a small cartoon character.
Cryptic crosswords ^_^
I am best at the type that have hundreds of little pieces of a picture. I can take my time and look at it until I see a piece and where it fits.
The puzzles with the really big pieces.
jigsaw puzzle +5
I like codewords best, the least clues the better. I get quite a kick out of completing them.
ohhh enigma's are the best,,,,hehe
Crosswords, jigsaw and a variety of other word puzzles.
Word games, logical puzzles and crosswords are my thing.
crossword puzzle.
I like Find A Word puzzles....
I am addicted to sudoku.
Hahaha!! I like the type where I get to confuse other Aber's..they get puzzled..thinking 'haven't I answered this before'!! lmao :D
Sudoku, and other kinds of logic puzzles.
Crossword puzzles
rubiks cubes and other things similar :)
I'll say Crossword Puzzles.
I Like to solve Word Puzzles
i dont do puzzles nnuch
Lots of pieces, over 1000
I like riddles where you're given some Clues and you have to figure out what they're talkin about
I like doing jigsaw puzzles on a table with friends and neighbors, but I like the online ones better for personal use, because you don't have to use a table and can't loose any of the pieces and I can usually do one in under 30 minutes. I also like sudoku and mahjong puzzles. And text twist and logic puzzles. I bought the triangle peg game. It was fun until I learned it. Then it was about how fast I could get it to one peg. Now I don't play because I've reached my physical limit on speed. I also like solitaire and other card games
Army Veteran
It doesn't take much to entertain you, I see... (congratulations - you were the first one to correctly refer to them as "logic puzzles".)
Ex girlfriends. The best puzzles on Earth.
Linda Joy
Right! Like you ever had a gf!
Martin Gardner's puzzles are amongst my favourites.
Finding the ever-elusive G spot.
Has to be jigsaws...Do 'em and save 'em... And frame them if you like... Heres a tip...When finished, carefully place between two suitable size sheets of MDF and turn over to their reverse side...then using strips of 2 inch packing tape, cover the whole area...then you can pick it up as a flexible sheet that will not fall apart...then using a paintable glue [ e.g. BONDCRETE ] glue the sheet onto an MDF board cut to size...] 60 x 90 suits most jigsaws. And hang like a picture.
crossword puzzles
Logic puzzles. Unfortunately, logic puzzles are less suited for Liberals because the answers aren't given to them - they require them to think.
Logic puzzles...
I prefer to train my brain on the b-trainika website. This is an online multiplayer game containing many competitions with a multi-level difficulty system. There, during the game, you can comprehensively develop memory, attention, thinking and productivity.
I love puzzles. At the same time, I believe that the brain needs to be trained comprehensively. I can recommend - an interesting online multiplayer game for a comprehensive training of memory, thinking, attention and productivity. This site has a lot of interesting things, including the game Spinning Pazzle.
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