• I was lucky, both of mine were sleeping all night by 2 months. The first time they do, it kind of freaks you out. I had to go check to make sure they were still breathing!
  • He slept through the night right away and I had to wake him up to feed him. He was a pretty good sleeper and still is.
  • My first, at 10 months. My second -- she's 3.5 and still doesn't.
  • At about 1 years old.
  • mine were good sleepers, thank God. I remember my sisterin law who had hers close to mine, being very envious, because hers did not...
  • My oldest never slept through the night until she was about 18 months old, though she was easy and wouldn't normally require any soothing to get back to sleep. I could pretty much just stand over the crib for a minute or two and she'd be out again. My youngest was sleeping through the night at 2 months, but went back to waking in the night when he started teething. He was a handful, too. I'd have to hold him to my chest and rock him back and forth, back and forth, sometimes for hours before he'd settle down.
  • About 8 months or earlier than that
  • mine was sleeping thru the night 9+ hours and was in her own crib at 3 weeks old
  • Both of them were sleeping through by 6 weeks.
  • 3 or 4 months. when i sttarted giving her like a 1/4 of the spoon (that the formula has) baby cereal (rice) around 11 or midnight every night and from then i added gerber to the bottle a month later.
  • He usually cried every night being stupid, and then I started giving him something to cry about, and that tired him out!
  • Give the kid some camomille tea at night, it will sooth his/her stomach and read a bedtime book..children need to feel safe when the light are out..try it for a few nights and make sure you kiss them goodnight..
  • 1 1/2 months! finally! She was diagnosed with reflux and got put on prevacid, and it helped her! I think the pain of the reflux was keeping her up
  • Very early...with both of them. I'd say within a month or two.
  • around 1 year..they were all stubborn:) But now they are all in bed by 9 and sleep till 8:)
  • Well I'm 17 years old and I still can't, never have...
  • My son will be 4 months old on October 2 and he just started sleeping 8 hours at night. My daughter was the same slept 8 hours once she turned 4 months.
  • That was so long ago that I don't remember--but I can tell you to be careful what you wish for. They go from not sleeping, to sleeping normally, to not being able to get them out of the bed! And you'll be surprised at how quickly that
  • For both of my children they started to sleep through the night at about 3 months old. Sleeping through the night is a developmental thing. Some people believe that feeding children solids helps them to sleep through the night. Our pediatrician said that this is a myth, but that some babies do seem to sleep through the night after they start to eat solids at around 4 months of age. If you are concerned about your infant not sleeping through the night even after 4 months of age, I would suggest asking your baby's pediatrician about it. They should have good suggestions on getting them to sleep through the night.
  • my daughter started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old. I guess i was lucky.
  • The second night after his birth
  • 2 weeks old! :)
  • The first time was at 2 months when I fed him actual food. The poor child was starving and cried constantly.
  • Every mom has techniques that work and she stands by. I am the parent who will let my child cry it out but others won't do that. It's normal and your choice! You obviously love your little one. Could you try doing the bedtime routine but putting him in the crib awake? Teach him that it's okay to fall asleep alone. That might be why he cries when he're not there. If you feel strongly about not allowing him to cry (so hard to hear the cries), could you move his crib to your room? If he wakes, he can see you and he might go back to sleep. Be patient!!
  • If you have baby sleep problems, you can try this proven audio program. New baby sleep system, tested and proven in the United States, Europe and Australia. In just 35 minutes, you'll know how to get your baby to sleep soundly through the night. Simply download the Baby Sleep Solution audio program and turn that dream into a reality tonight...
  • Our two older boys slept through the night by about four months. The youngest one didn't sleep through the night until he was six years old. That was when he stopped waking up around 4 a.m. and crawling into bed with us.
  • How did everyone do it? My 6 week old is still sleeping in a bassinette by our bed. She goes to bed around 11pm, is up for a bottle at around 3am and refuses to go back to sleep til around 7am. She is not over sleeping during the day but for some rease she wants to start her day at 3am. My husband works away from the home durning the week so it is just me here. I work as a babysitter out of the home and have to get up at 6am. I am about to loose my mind. I am exhausted but I don't know if I can or should move her to her crib. I try to put her in it for naps during the day but she starts screaming. I do not rock her to sleep. She falls asleep on her own at night and in her swing during the day. I did cave in a couple of nights and sleep on the couch while she fell asleep in her swing. I am so scared to start any bad habits that will haunt me later on. Any suggestions?

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