Not at all. Love it. I have raised my own animals, butchered my own meat, and am thoroughly comfortable with it. And I think it is far more ethical for a meat eater to eat 1/100th of an animal for dinner than a vegetarian having an organic head of lettuce who may kill 40 or more insects and snails just in the process of washing it.
not at all.
I like the taste of it. It does sadden me however. I would love to find my natural vegan roots(excuse the pun). +4pts.
No. absolutely love it.+5
Sometimes, but I'm pretty much a big hypocrite when it comes to meat. I can't eat anything that comes from a baby animal (lamb, veal, etc.) nor anything that actually resembles what it was (think hog roasts).
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!I like it.
It doesn't bother me as long as I am acquainted with it beforehand. I won't finger a fish in one of those live tank restaurants or a live lobster in the market. I also couldn't eat any of the animals I raised if I lived on a farm.
Heck no.
No. I'm an omnivorous animal.
Not at all.
Not so much. But about having animals killed.
It been proven that plants are no less endowed with feeling and communication abilities so ; We have to eat something or die !
I did so I became vegetarian. It seemed the only non-hypocritical thing to do =D Great question.
Nope I have no problem killing animals for my consumption. I would never kill and animal for kicks though
Not at all. We're omnivores by our nature aren't we?
no. but i do believe you are what you eat (you physically become what you ingest, only what your body cant digest becomes waste) i just think its dumb to eat stupid cows and lambs. i prefer carnivorous animls because they can fight back and only through our natural wit can we overcome them (a wild tiger would have no problem or moral dilemma eating you) humans used to have to work in groups to overcome large prey like buffaloes but whats the joy in keeping a cow in a pasture that has no notion of running and then slaughtering it mercilessly so it can become 60 fatburgers.
Only if I saw the animal while it was alive. The Bambi factor.
no, i have no problem whatsoever i am getting ready to do my weekly grocery shopping and meat is on my list.
Not at all. Eating meat is a part of the natural food chain, so no :).
I don't feel bad about meat but what meat does to you. Good question+5
Only if I have been over eating it. Too much meat isn't good for your health. I would also like to change the way we mass raise animals. I think they should have better living conditions while they are alive. Contrary to popular belief, animals do experience pain. I have no problem with raising the price of meat products to encourage people to cut down their consumption while ensuring that animals live a somewhat comfortable life before they are dragged off to the slaughter house. I'm also against all of the steroids and stuff they put into our meat. They are not good for our health.
No, I love meat. +4
I love animals!! There delicious !
no i love meat never understood vegetarians
Well, the food chain depends on one thing or another. And eating meat can be prevented, but most of it is part of our nutrition. Meat is delicious! +2
No I don't, because I love the taste of it. But yes I feel sad for animals :(
Nope, because it tastes so so nice :)
I love animals! They're delicious !!
Yes and am basically vegi-curious.
I feel bad about eating 4 legged animals
I feel bad about NOT eating meat. Do you feel bad about eating vegetables? They were once alive too.
Hmmm... No *laughs*
Should i? its not a crime its not like we personnally slaughter the animals now...
I do feel bad when i eat excessive.
Nope, since most of my meat comes from local farmers or from hunting. I no longer buy commercial veal and buy very little meat from supermarkets. Being at the top of the food chain is a good thing.
not the least bit
I was vegan for twenty years. Lately I eat a little meat and egg. No fish. I don't know why.
No. I've been eating meat for most of my life, until I started to follow a mostly vegetarian diet a few years ago
most animals eat meat, even sweet little birds eat meat and fish and cats and dogs etc etc etc etc etc eat meat
bostjan the adequate 🥉
What sort of bird eats dogs?!
No, us humans thrive better eating meat.
No, why should I?
I'm happy to report the rampant guilt-tripping of the friggin-vegans has failed miserably to instill the slightest regret or shame in me.
yes lately i do when i see the dear animals ..but all/most animals eat meat.and even birds eat meat/fish also eat meat
If God didn't want us to eat meat, he wouldn't have made it so tasty. For a more authoritative source: Genesis 9:3, KJV: "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things."
I get cranky if I don't eat meat within a week.
No. I ate meat just about every day for the first 60 years of my life prior to my following a mostly vegetarian diet.
No, God created animals so we can enjoy the meat. When the Jewish people were in the wilderness before they entered the land of Israel, the consumption of meat was necessary to fill an appetite. Deuteronomy 12:20 "When the LORD your God enlarges your territory, as He has promised you, and you say, I will eat meat, because you crave meat, you may eat meat whenever you desire."
cant get enough.
Oh no, not at all. As a matter of fact, tonight I'm grilling pork chops. 2/16/23
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