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If he likes it and you like it and she likes it and you can do it safely... well, that's a lot of conditions, but if you've covered all of them, then why the hell not?
He might want to watch you have sex with another man too. It is fun both ways I used to be a swinger with my ex.
it could be a good idea seeing how you should not get jealous that is usually the only bad part but as long as he knows the deal that it may be a one time thing but I would want to get his opinion if I were you
Good idea. I'm sure he's game for it too, right? And would you be joining in?
Go for it, and join in so that he can have the time of his life!
Wow, You got one lucky man.
If it's your friend, then it is a good idea. If it's your Mother, then it's probably a bad idea. Unless you live in Utah.
I’d volunteer to be the woman!
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