Ha Ha! I'm sot of a combo package of the two of those myself.Different men and guys like different types of women,so the induvidual will tell you himself if he likes you or not.*+++++*
Well! they do say "there's someone for everyone" just find a bloke who can accept you for who you are! :-) Don't let any man try to change who you are!! personally I go for a woman who knows her own mind & sticks to their guns, yeah! a little tuff but not someone who wants to arm wrestle me all the time & a bit of the girly girl is nice to walk out with too! ;-)
Generalizing is an unhealthy habit. Personal attraction, like most other things is only handled well on a person-to-person level. There's no thing 'men' in general want, besides whatever strikes us as what we want at that particular point in time.
Men like all sorts of women, just like we women like many different types of men. Just find the one who likes you for what you are.
there are men who prefer your sort of fact, every sort of girl(s) would definitely have some male fans!
I like girly girls personally
I'm not a big fan of girly girls but I have no interest in a girl that is so masculine, she loses her femininity. Somewhere in the middle there is a girl that will engage in the same activities the guys will but retain the femininity that we men find attrative. To me there is a perfect balance.
I am very much like you. The last time I wore pants, I was 8. I only wear skirts and dresses. I am not strong at all so I am sure you can at least beat me up. LOL! Forget throwing a punch, I can't even open a soda bottle. I am the way I am and I don't change and look for the right to guy who will like it. P.S. I have not logged in in a log time because I there wern't enough girly girls on here. It is nice to see another one here.
I prefer the other kind, sorry... Just so long as "tough" doesn't mean "violent"
I can only really speak for myself but yes, I prefer feminine women to ladettes!
There are many men who prefer either kind.But it really doesn't matter, you shouldn't care what others think of you. It's your life, not theirs. +5
There most likely are guys who prefer girls like you. There's nothing wrong with loving to wear dresses and doing girly things. What kind of girly things do you do? I don't even consider myself a girly girl and I don't play football. I still have a boyfriend. What's that tell you?
I'm a girl so not really privy to what guys like, but I would think it depends on how girly you are. Are you the kind who can't go out till every item matches, or your day is ruined if your manicure got a little bit messy or you can't move a box over 20lbs because thats a boys job. Or you are always running late because it takes you 2 hours minimum prep time and guys should just learn to wait, after all beauty can't be rushed. If any of those apply than I would think a guy may prefer the sometime tom boy.
The 'girlier' the better! I like 'em REALLY feminine, soft, frilly, cuddling, etc. Here in America, girls and women have practically stopped wearing skirts and dresses altogether. I wish there were more like you.
I like girly girls. My wife is one. The only challenge is getting her to go to ball games and races and stuff like that. Even a girly girl can like baseball...:)
It's a false dichotomy. There are not two kinds of women. But, to answer your question: If she's preoccupied with her appearance, I can't be bothered with her. If she wears makeup, yuck. Dresses are fine, but if she can't dress appropriately for some sort of outdoor activity, forget her.
Its funny that guys say they like girlie girls. I'm a little of both. I like girlie things but at the same time I like being capable of doing things that men do as well. I guess to put it bluntly I enjoy being a full woman. Every time I meet a guy who has a girlie wife they say they wish she were more like me. You can be both, feminine and independent. I say this because everytime I meet a self proclaimed girlie girl, what it really translate to is, I can't do anything but cook, clean and bear children, and I must have a man to make me complete and do things like change light bulbs and batteries and mow the lawn. I can't even make a decision without my spouses approval. Bleeeehhhh! For me it just translates to lazy and daddy raised a princess who will spend her last cents on a manicure than food for the children. But I guess different strokes for different folks. I'm sure there are guys out there who do enjoy being a princesses b_tch.
OK, you just put on that flimsy little sun dress and a thong then just stand there and let me look at you. Turn around a few times. That's nice! After I am sufficiently worked up I'll go home to my wife and take my frustration out on her, she'll appreciate you even more than I do. Just joking, you're OK. Be yourself and don't worry about what people think, everyone is valuable in their own way. I think girly girls like you are very sexy. Some man will appreciate you for yourself and I wouldn't blame him. Good luck.
I consider myself a girly girl in the way I dress and that I'm quite femme, but I don't see that as stopping me sometimes playing football or other sports. I'm quite good at running and swimming too, and I'm on a girl's football team, but I wear dresses and skirts a LOT.
Good for you! Playing sports is good but then when over start looking like a real girl in a dress or skirt and blouse.
Being of the Old School, 1940's I prefer girly girls who wear cute dresses with puff sleeves. Girls with very little or no make-up and act like girls. I do not care for the torn and ripped legs on girl's pants. Why do girls and boys for that matter today, want to look so trashy and unkept with enough make-up their face would crack if they smiled.
depends on the guy, theyre all didfferent
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