No.But what they say may be interpreted differently.Just like everyone has an opinion so we have our opinion on what they say.A knife can be used for killing or for cutting vegetables also.Depends on our tendencies!+
That, or they have mental problems.. like the homeless people who think they can talk to god and jesus...
didnt you mean prophets?
sometimes. if they are, then they are called false prophets.
yes..if they are false prophets
Erm, yes
Jesus Christ spoke of false prophets, as well as false teachers. matthew 7:15 says: "be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep's covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves." so these are the ones that unequivocally are the liars. however, it is not fair to categorize all prophets as liars.
They're story tellers.
It remains to be seen but dollars to doughnuts you are. My money is on them.
If I am a liar and a corrupter (which I am), I don't see what makes such a huge gap between them and I.
Several religions like Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. speaks of prophets and their works. He is the formal representative of God. When a prophet is prophesying he doesn't speak his own words--he speaks the words from God. If he was speaking his own words, he would be a lier.
If what they say does not go along with the Bible, then they are liars. An easier way to tell is whether or not that have ever been on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
Probably not in the sense that THEY believe they are telling the truth and aren't actively trying to deceive others... perhaps just dillusional.
Phuckit! I dunno.
False prophets are liars. True prophets are inspired by God and are not liars. With love in Christ.
See Deuteronomy 18:21 21 You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?" 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.
a prophet of GOD must be 100% correct, if he says that their will be a red elephant walking down the street and trip over a little girl but will not hurt her, and that comes true then he is a prophet, if however everything is true but the elephant is grey then he must be stripped of his title. false prophets are liars and usually have a lot of truth but just a little lie..."the bible is true every word of it from cover to cover but it is the interpretation of the time, but it is really good." "god is love and since god is everything everything is love and since everything is love then i am love and if i am love then i am god." +2
all those who speak in the name of gods must be for they do not have the rights to do so they are only spreading lies
They are not liers, IF people totally believe in them. If people do not believe in them, then yes, they are liers, but only in the eyes of the skeptics. People's beliefs shape reality(s), and there are many of both...
Yes, all prophets are liars. There is no god, there is no prophet.
here are my thoughts,if they speak about some thing and it don't happen then they are not phophets. that don't make them a liar,it only proves they are not phophets.
Not all but some are :) god and bad people r everywhere :)
No doubt most people will tell you that prophets of other religions are (were) liars.
Not the real ones, no ... ... the false ones are or can be liars and deceivers, but then they are not true prophets ...
Not if they believe that which they say. They may be incorrect, or psychotic, but not untruthful.
Prophets are zealots that either spent too much time alone, ingested too many psychedelic drugs, or have other brain problems. Most aren't liars, they are just deluded. The real problem is the people that believe what some unwashed psychopath says.
the feed people false hope or doom...
I believe you meant to say prophets not phophets and yes, they are all liars who are either looking to control you through fear or get you to do things to make them happy.
Invariably, yes.
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