Man I am not punky brewster. I only own white socks.
I only wear white socks.
I like my white socks, but they do look odd when I have to dress up. I have several colors, selected by my wife, as I have no fashion sense.
Mostly, white with a few black pairs.
Mostly white, yes..but also have some variety.
mostly white
Dirty white......
LoL. I have white sox with pink on the heel and toe. Sometimes I wear my boyfriends sox, and somtimes he wears mine...depends on if we are in a hurry and cant find any sox. LOL.
All variety of black or argyle :)
Two colors: Black and White. One or the other, not both. I have one pair of Black and Silver and another pair that is Black and Gold (both with metallic thread).
Most of my socks are black. I have some holiday socks in colors.
My socks are all identical. That way I never have to search for a matching sock. Life is good.
Most are white, I do have a few other colors though.
Most are black or white, but I sometime where colored ones with dress pants or suits.
Most of mine are white, but I have one pair of funky lime green ones reserved for being silly.
I think most of mine are multicoloured, I dont have any normal ones lol. I have some stripey ones, Betty Boop ones, Snoopy ones, dotty ones, sheep ones....loads lol.
They are either dark blue or brown. I am such an exciting person. :)
Any color or variety you want. Take your pick. It's usually whatever mood I'm in, that's what I'l take ,haha :D
Most are black and the same kind, for the reason Mr. Natural gave.
Most of them are one color, except for the ones that have suffered industrial bleach trauma.
they're mostly white but i have a few fun pairs! :)
only the really 'daring' ones where multi colored socks.. :)
Many colors
all white tube socks
6-17-2017 When I was in the military I resented having to pay full price to wash sox separately so they wouldn't put black lint all over my uniforms. So I didn't wash them: I bought new sox until I had a washer load. Then I only had to wash them once a month, and I could grab any two sox and have a pair. I have continued to do that to this day, except that now I also have white sox in addition to my black sox. But no other colors.
Have my dress socks which are blue,and everyday use socks which are gray, never were white, they looked dumb on Cliff Calvin. So never went there
All of mine are black, with the exception of a pair my daughter bought me when she went to Disneyland.
different colors
I have some crazy print socks.
I have different coloured socks, and patterned socks, and also plain socks, I like to mix it up a bit, live life on the edge with a pair of bumblebee or reindeer socks, because that's the daring individual I am, can you handle it?
Linda Joy
I can dig it, sistah!
variety of colors
Mostly black & in mismatched pairs now.
I have a variety of colors that depend on the outfit I am wearing that day.
I have a lot of colors and designs, but I don't usually wear them.
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