Ever so slightly more than Politicians.
Nope, I'm a skpetic, I ever trusted the media, they would revoke my licence.
They get basic facts right, but I don't trust them to report all the relevant facts. Media must appeal to as many people as possible in order to maximize advertising revenue. This makes the news shallow and sensational (e.g. Michael Jackson coverage). This has to be held in tension with the ideological preferences of the target news market. People tend to consume media that is produced in, reflects, or reinforces their worldview (hence the rise and complete dominance of Fox News in recent years). This sometimes (or often) restricts what is covered and how it is covered.
Having been involved in various ways I would say not at all.
mostly everytime..but not the gossips section
Not too much. Well lets just say I wouldn't bet my life that EVERYTHING they say is valid. : )
ndividual outlets I trust not at all, but taking all of them into consideration allows me to discern what I think is most likely the real story.
Yeah right! They can all go suck it! lol +5
Never! So Bias!
Media=people, therefore not at all.
not much unless it's things along the lines of interviews or school newspaper. =P
They give a new meaning to the term spin doctor. Never trust the media. Even the ones you like. I love Keith Olberman and Rachael Maddow and I love Al Franken and Michael Moore but they are opinionated too.
bugger all
Very little.
I trust only FOX the rest can Kiss my Grits!
If you're talking about most of the mainstream media, about as far as I can throw it... which isn't very far because television equipment is very large and quite heavy.
Very little
I trust the national media to have an agenda, Our local media is not too bad.
Not one bit
I use to trust them until my dad was invovled in a shooting (he is a police officer) and they had the whole story messed up so now when a story comes on it's hard to tell if they are true or not.
Yes. When someone tells me about something that I haven't heard about on the news or something then I assume it isn't true and consider that person a conspiracy theorist and tell them to go get a life.
I trust some outlets more than others, but I would never repeat something I heard on the news unless it was verified by other sources. It makes conversation a bit difficult but I'd rather be silent than wrong. If only some pundits would take that approach...
I trust Fox News. It is not part of the media, liberal as it is. Fox news wants you to think about what they are saying. NBC, ABC, CNN, HLN, and MSNBC want you to let them think for you. And for you to act for them. The news is known for having attractive, often well meaning, talking heads furthering the ideas and/or agenda of the higher ups. Rest and relax your eyes on them sure. Just don't assume the true motives behind all of it are pure.
totally don't trust them.
As they are the biggest bunch of liars and government lackies in the world,I would say a big NO.
I don't..... they are def one of the biggest problems in America. Creating a nation of fear.
I trust them as much as I trust the other guys attorney.
Not 100% that's for sure. I listen, watch and read everything with a little healthy scepticism. Everyone seems to be reporting stories for shock value and sensationalism instead of accuracey.
I trust them in that I don't think they lie so much as they omit information. Or convey facts in a vague fashion.
i don't any more.especially the local media.
In Croatia there is no daily media that isn't corrupted, so I read all and I now to recognize false 'politic' news from those which aren't written on a political line.
Not in the slightest. The media is SOOOO biased, even the news.
Not very much after seeing this video
depends on what it is but about 80%. You kind of know from trashy newspapers that its going to be trash. i.e. the papers with page 3 women on the front. Other papers e.g. Sunday Times etc. will be mostly the truth.
It depends by news channel: CNN: 80% CBS: 75% ABC: 75% NBC: 70% MSNBC: 50% FoxNews: 10%
You have liberal bias. Fox is more honest than CNN.
I trust the sports section, but have difficulty accepting some of the rest.
Oh please. The media is the peak of power. They can easily twist and transform anything and make those poor souls who put there trust in them believe things that just aren't true. No, I don't trust the media.
It's not the media you have to worry about trusting, it's the EVIL DIRTY LYING MUSLIMS who own everything that makes up the media!!!!!
Get me a list of the investors then i'll let you know.
Not one little bit! It'll advertise any junk that pays it well and say that junk is fine. Some people let media think for them. That's sad!
i dont
mostly, but they don't tell us other scenarios and other current affairs
Proverbs 14:15 “The naive person believes every word,But the shrewd one ponders each step”
i dont
It depends on its kind. Nowadays social media tend to be more trustworthy than TV
This much > *
Any media dependent on ratings, will tend to run the "sensational" whether its accurate or not, informative or not, unbiased or not. When there's big money in media they will chase the money. when there's big money in politics our reps (sadly) will chase the money.
I do not trust the media at all. All media are biased and will do anything to promote its biases. It will advertise anything it is paid well to advertise. Anyone who allows the media to think for him is a mindless robot.
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