a dead but really i would say a crab
a cat that uses the bathroom outside.
a cactus.
A pet rock. +5
Awww...Beat me to it...
A snake, but i've never owned one. +1 for pet rock
genaraly a fish, but if your talking about mamals id say a cat, unless you have leather furniture
A cat
..I agree with snake was pretty carefree...a few mice now n again and she was fairly mellow...they just don't make snakeleashes..hehe
Any pet you love is no trouble at all. My Cockatiel was a breeze to take care of my favorite pets ever.
A tiny turtle! +5
None of my animals are burdensome at all. I love em...and taking care of them is an honor. +4
Only have had Cats and SDogs and a few fish! I would say possibly a snake!
Pet rats are pretty easy to care for. I've had 5 of them (not all at once), my nephew has had 2 since he was 9 years old, and my sister had about 4 in her life too. Great pets.
The cats that like to go outdoors.
Pet Rocks. Hope this helps.
A Chia pet.
I would say a dog that is house trained ,if you have a big fenced yard, and he doesn`t dig under or jump over!Or bark too much.
Tetras. They don't really require much more than a fishtank and some food now and then. Just don't mix them with any other fish though cause they'll kill and eat goldfish. Forgot to feed a tank of tetra for a year myself, they were still alive and well, but they probably killed and had eaten a couple of the other cleaner fish and another tetra though I had in the tank.
A plant or how about a pet rock. Goldfish?
I don't think cats are too much trouble to care for...
stuffed skunk
Stuffed animals. 😄
My dog is no problem for me. He is a gentle and loving dog and knows to go to the back door of the house so he can be let out to the back garden to do his business. My dog is house trained, very friendly and easy going.
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