G'day Nunya, Thank you for your question. I try not to fight at all. That may be because I am not much good at it. Regards
If provoked, ill definately be the first to throw the punch.
Try to defuse the situation and if they throw the first punch you have every right to defend your self!
Depends. If my friends were being attacked I would support them in every way possible, however, my usual policy is not fighting at all. . In fact, Im called the Peacemaker in my form lol
no fighting at all
Fighting ended in 3rd grade; it's not worth it after that age. ;)
I hate fighting, but if you hit me, I'm going to have to fight you.
No fighting for me. So Please dont punch me OK.
No fighting at all unless to defend myself or close friend or family member.
attack is the best defence punch and run.....
I prefer NO fighting at all.
I know how to fight but I prefer no fighting at all. +5
1st punch type!
wait to be called out
No fighting .. it's a waste of energy.
I'd rather not fight at all nowadays, but when I was younger I would usually let them punch me first, so that I couldn't be accused afterwards of sucker-punching them or anything.
When I was younger,fight,now,the pains associated with fighting make it not so smart.
I prefer to be hit first so that I can claim self- defense in court.
No I don't fight and I'm never in a situation to do so :D
Believe it or not, NO, I would have to be seriously provoked to physically react to someone. +4
Yes. If I'm at a point where I feel like there is no avoiding a fight why wait!! Lol... I'm gonna grab the nearest brick and dive in!! Lmao...;)
No fighting at all!
First punch type of guy, and thats all it usually takes.
I'd rather not fight at all but if it comes down to it I wait to get hit first then I go crazy. I used to be the 1st puncher but then I grew up
Never start a fight, ALWAYS finish one.
They re out of luck if they expect me to fight them.
Nope,I'm the one who delivers the final "knock out" punch.
No fighting and no drama please ;)
Return anything thrown at me.
I would rather talk about thins and not get anybody mad at me.
If something arises, I was always the one to throw the first punch. Now I would let them do that and sue them. Fortunately, I have not been in that situation in a long time.
no fighting at all - it's childish - unattractive and makes me feel nervous - no drama momma!
i normally wait for someone else to start it,i dont fight much anymore i used to fight all the time when i was at school.
Once im angry thats it im going in for the kill , if im not actually that angry then i'll just fight back if i am hit
be the mirror.........what ever is give...should be give back
I NEVER draw first blood. I will return whatever is handed to me, however. HI NUNYA! +5
I used to be the first punch type, but since the muscles in my legs are almost totally gone now I try REAL hard to avoid violence. When was the last time you heard of someone with muscular diseases being the first punch types? That and age has also mellowed me out.. I leave the fighting to the dumbass kids now. The dumbass in me was burned out a while ago. ;)
I've never thrown the first punch. I try to avoid fighting.
A threat to me is a threat to my family, when it becomes real, whoever will have made the first move, I will make sure whoever does not succeed!
I try to avoid fight but they seem to be drawn to me. Im not the one usually to throw the first unch but i will be the one who deals the final blow.
Violence is never the answer.
no fighting at all
I'm old now, and haven't fought in years. I was an amateur boxer in my youth, and I know the value of the first punch. I always tried to keep my fighting in the ring, but it didn't always work out that way. I always tried to throw the first punch in a fight that was forced on me by some man thinking he was tougher and could knock me out. A solid punch to the "3rd button" would usually knock the wind out of them, then a strike to the nose would bring tears to their eyes making it hard to see. That was often enough to take the fight out of an opponent. If more was needed, I already had the advantage.
If you want to fight me you had better run, or else how are you going to catch me?
I'm the type of person who will call the police immediately. 👮
No fighting at all. It’s better to be peaceful and safe rather than be violent. Anyone who hits another person should be reported for assault.
Linda Joy
ANYONE? What if its self defense? What if they're trying to steal your child? -
Shadow Of The Mind
There are certain martial arts that teaches a student not to hit first but to block themselves from getting hit. If someone is trying to steal your child, call the police for attempted kidnapping. Only if you’re able to confront the kidnapper they will walk away and the child will be safe with you.
First a good sucker punch
The Bible says as long as you are not guilty of the first offence or the second you can defend yourself. I count calling me out or starting the fight verbally as the first offence and the second is if they strike (or kick, but they seldom kick first) then I will let loose because I'm little and I need all the advantage I can get! I'll stop when they stop moving or quit fighting like I was trained to.
I am a Black Belt in Karate and I teach my students to avoid a fight at all costs. If they must fight, fight to the death.
I'm a Black Belt in Karate and I will avoid any fight but if I must fight, I will fight to the death.
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