I don't think they need me there. Fire a cannon would be interesting. Their job must have some danger.
Ice man
No, they won't let anyone fire the cannon. But I've been there when they did it, and I did ask if I could fire it, but they make you stand back away from harm while they perform their job. It really is something to see the projectiles hit the neighboring mountainside and start the snow to avalanche.. -
To see this happen sounds like interesting experience. Rolling snow I guess is heavy. Im thinking the ground will shake. -
Ice man
You are far enough away that you won't feel the ground shake after the cannon fires, but you can hear it. The weight of a mountainside of snow coming down snaps big trees off like they were little match sticks being broken. -
learned something I didn't think about before. Thanks.
Oh, yes please ! I have great experience of firing my own cannon. Sometimes five times a day.
Ice man
You're such a braggart. -
Lilo Avli
It is my swollen head which gives me the greatest pleasure. -
Ice man
I'll bet you have trouble getting that swollen thing through the doorway. Surely your ears must rub on the door frame ? -
Lilo Avli
Not if I walk backwards.
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