It is wrong! Humans should use their higher level of intelligence for good, not for killing!
Nothing wrong with it. -
Linda Joy
You pretty much have to kill SOMETHING in order to eat! May as well kill the animals for eating all the vegetarian's food!
I don't think it's wrong. Everything we eat was once alive whether animal or vegetable. Anyone who thinks they aren't responsible for the death of their food products just because they weren't the one who got their hands bloody is living in a dream world.
There is nothing wrong with hunting. I am not a hunter and I love animals. If someone wants to hunt, they use all the meat and they use the hide. I see nothing wrong with that. If they are just hunting for sport and leaving the animal carcass there to rot, that is wrong.
I don't have a problem with controlled hunting. Many people around here depend on game for food. Would you like my recipe for barbeque ground hog?
If the meat is used, then no, I don't believe it is wrong.
Wrong, we really dont NEED to hunt anymore... Wit how far food technology has come in this day and age....
my family that hunts eat the meat so their controlling the deer population and getting full at the same time
I see nothing wrong with hunting as a mean to feed yoursel and your family, but I haven't quite come to grip with hunting with your stomach full and your fridge and shelf with plenty. For a long time I've been wrestling with the idea of taking the life of another creature just for sport.
If you use the meat it's perfectly fine. I fail to see the difference between killing an animal yourself and paying a slaughterhouse to do it.
Its good when the meat/hide is being used for the family but I dont believe in trophy hunting (shooting just to kill)
I dont think you could ever call it wrong, its natural - Granted, Unnecessary for most of us. Like many people have already said... I see no problem with hunting to feed yourself i also see no problem with hunting as vermin control I don't judge ppeople for hunting for sport.. but i dont see what purpose it serves
Of course it's wrong. No one wants to die as someone else's food. If a hunter is willing to be shot down by me to be fed to a hungry lion (a carnivore thqat can't survive on plants), then he may hunt. Otherwise what gives him the right to kill simply because he can? Might is not Right. Choosing to eat flesh over plant foods does not pertain to survival matters but directly and solely pertains to an immoral, low-life, lack-of-discipline kind of eating habit.
I love animals and I hunt but the reason I want to do it is so that my Lab mix has something to do. Its a good thing my family likes duck. But its not wrong even if your just killing it. What if a wolf is on its death bed was hungry and it needs to eat soon but it finds a deer that has been shot, you just saved a wolf :) Any way all meat eaters hunt, why should it be bad for humans to hunt, its not our fault we invented the gun first
You don't have a lab, our lab is a puppy and is already acting wild. Like collies they need something to do to get rid of their energy. Our lab is already fetching and he saw his first waterfowl today and he went wild. Trust me its for the best for him. And in GA we can only hunt a max. of amount of something during a season so the animals is not endanger
Hunting will be right the day they give guns to animals and allow them to fire back. Till then, shooting defenseless animals for pleasure 'tis wrong, my friend
Other animals can't use guns, so giving them guns is useless.
Game is very well-managed these days. I don't participate myself, but I think if you wanna, go fer it! - Also, there's the whole "Americana" thing, but I'm not too sure that can carry much water anymore vis-a-vis *any* argument! - ;-)
It's right, because humans have been doing it all through history. Only nut groups like PETA demonize it. and they con people a nd are terrorists. They're far worse than the hunters they demonize.
i think its wrong cause youre killing animals
i think its wrong but i cant stop people from doing it
It's right, since humans have always done it since they first appeared on this planet.
To each their own, I guess but its not against the law neither man's nor God's. "1) At the turn of the century, there were around 40,000 elk and only 500,000 deer due to the lack of mega-farms and because wild game was the main source of meat for the public. Today there are over a million elk and over 33 million deer, thanks to hunters funding wildlife management programs. 2) Hunting is the ideologically purest form of gathering free-range, fat-free wild meat for the ultimate in protein sustenance. 3) Hunters formed our national park system that encompasses over 230 million acres of protected wildlife habitat, thanks President Roosevelt. 4) Hunting keeps a large group of humans connected to the animals of the outdoors and that connection strengthens our concern for their wellbeing. It also forces us to take an active role in those animal's lives. 5) Killing deer keeps us all a little safer. Deer collisions kill over 200 motorists a year at a cost of around 10 billion dollars. Hunting helps keep that number from being a lot higher and although tens of thousands of deer are killed on highways, hunters take 6-7 deer for every highway-killed deer. 6) Hunters are still actively funding conservation programs that play a major role in wildlife conservation such as; Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federations, Ducks Unlimited, etc. All of which help fund land to be purchased and set aside for wildlife habitat only. 7) Turkeys and waterfowl were nearly wiped out in the late 1800s and again, hunters stepped up and accepted protective regulations and continued funding for their recovery. 8) 78% of Americans have a favorable view of hunting. As the shadow grows over our country’s economic future, more and more people are realizing that hunting is in fact a necessary tool and not just an outdated practice. 9) As the rise in popularity rises, fanatic anti-hunting organizations are lessoning their rhetoric and some are even encouraging cooperation with hunting organizations so they can stay viable and relevant. 10) Finally, hunting is awesome. It is legal, ethical, and traditional. It is a heritage worthy of being passed on to future generations. "
"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway
God permitted Noah and his descendants to kill and eat animals, provided they bled the animals before eating them (Genesis 9:3,4). God, however, does not approve of the killing of animals for sport with disregard for life. - Proverbs 12:10
Vegetarians / vegans may determine that hunting is wrong but for everybody else that would be hypocritical.
Linda Joy
Its hypocritical to criticize people for killing animals to eat when they are killing plants to eat. And the hunters are actually preserving the vegetarians food when they kill the animals that eat their food!
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