we think with the wrong head
they can pee while standing... wait, thats not a problem.. let me think of something else :P
they think they can do whatever they want!
we have 2 heads
Some know of how a woman's emotions work, and they like to play with them!
cant keep their pants onlol
I have never met one that can clean as well as me. I love your new avatar!
some are often easily manipulated.
theyre all so loveable!!! :D
their idea of clean is Not clean.
were allways right
they are often reckless and insensitive. I try to be the exception, btw!
we think with our heads, not our skulls
Were actually thinking about answering this question
They are too EASILY Manipuliated by females .
our failure to understand womens emotions, it's not our fault it's just the way were built, so I guess it's not our problem it's womens
being lazy.
we have a limited amount of bloodflow...? lol
They think with their private part lol
they are selfish
the problem with men is. that all men are different and like every humain being you cant stuff them into a catagory saying this is whats wrong. otherwise you would have been able to decisions hook that smoken hotty up to a computer and fix him. instead you do what they do with us. make one of 3 decisions. choose a man based on attraction and workable problems. choose a man based on attraction and the least amount of problems. choose a man based on the fact that he has a smoken hot body who cares about problems.
too deep to describe.
not enough space to fully answer this question, just go through life knowing that we are worth the trouble we cause - well most of the time that is
The problem with men is, they are never trusted by women due to the consistent attack on their character, their history devoid of the profound achievements they are due. Actually, that really doesn't make sense, but hey, I'm a man :-P
they are inconsistent and do not seem to know what they want. But this is a trait shared by both genders and it comes more from immaturity than from one's biological sex.
2 many women and not enough money.
They don't produce asexually hence the need for women, hence the perceived need for competition, hence all of the human-created problems the world has ever known!
mostly a fantasy of women
A HARD D*ICK has no concious!!
we share a bathroom with our lady
we are a bit insensitive
We allowed women to vote.
the same problem that's with women.
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