He had a good taste in facial hair. Without him, we wouldn't have a name for 'that' type of moustache style
He was Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1938.
He was good at marketing. He was a good leader.
not really,this is very hard...........his shoes were allways clean........ thats about it.
He was one of the most charismatic leaders in history. He had an amazing grasp of the effectiveness of propaganda.
He certainly knew how to get things done. Retch, retch, retch.
He was a good artist.
Yes he is a dead son of a bitch!!
A really good public speaker.
One can always serve as a good example of a bad example!
He's been dead for over 50 years
Hey, the dude was a good leader. He knew how to make people follow him, f'd up as he was. He also made me enjoy kool aid much more.
Brilliant public speaker, both motivational and persuasive. Knew how to incorporate others with more knowledge than him into his 'group' and use them for his own gain. Created a regime of fear, but not one that was so extreme that no one would speak up to make suggestions, give bad news etc (See Iraq under Saddam Hussein for a good example of how NOT to do that!)
His starting of the second world war brought the international community out of the great depression.
Although he ended up hated he had great leadership abilities during his early days. Germany was having troubles yet from WWI and the Great Depression was not helping either. He was able to pull Germany up and put it on a more solid base with the help of three major banking institutions, the Wolfgangs of Germany, the Rothchilds of England and the Federal Reserve system of the USA. There is much more to the banking institutions financial dealings in Hitler's Germany if you should desire to investigate it before and through WWII.
He got the Autobon built.
He managed to get Germany out of a horrible depression. He inspired people and was amazingly effective at getting things done. If he had died in 1938 he may well have been remembered as one of history's greats. Even despite Mein Kampf - it has to be remembered that his anti-semitic views were pretty common then even in the US and UK. None of this, BTW, should be construed as support for his policies or views or anything he did later. Despite any good he may have done - he was still one of the vilest figures in history. But the question was asked so I answered. +5
I heard an historian make an interesting point that I'll share. When compared to some other leaders of his time, particularly Stalin, he actually cared about his people. This was a tad narrowly defined, (to exclude Jews and a host of other people) but he was not strictly about his own personal power. He had a vision of Germany as a nation rising to greatness. Compare this to Stalin who was about his personal power. He butchered millions of his own people to preserve his own position.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT talking about what he did during the Holocaust. He was one of the greatest leaders in history. Think about it. He brought Germany out of their economic depression. He was very charismatic. He was a brilliant public speaker. He was a true genius... He was a very smart and well read man. He was a good politician; he knew how to get people on his side, and knew the extent of the effectiveness of propaganda. Also, if you think about it, he prevented an even worse government from taking power... Communism. If the Communist party had taken power, the number of people that died in the Holocaust, plus more would have died, because people would still be dying today. If his head wasn't so fucked up, he had the potential to do absolutely incredible things for the world. Just ponder what I said before you DR me because you think I'm a skin head (which I am not).
He kept his mustache so nice and trim.
The world paid attention to the german needs after world war 2 which they did not do after world war 1. The chess game of war became less attractive.
In an infamous way he became a huge part of human history ... Even at this moment we talk about him ... more than Elvis :)
He's dead. Committed suicide. Too bad he didn't identify that as the optimal outcome far earlier than he did.
Wasn't he sorta nice to his little sister? ;-)
He was one of the first world leaders to introduce animal rights legislation. I know this hardly makes up for being responsible for the deaths of 6 million people, but he did love our little, furry friends. He was also inspirational to the German Volk. Can you imagine a leader today who could motivate their people to such an extent that they became so radbidly nationalistic and turn them anti - Semitic, when there was no such hatred previously? He certainly had a way with words. He had great charisma. Under his leadership some areas of technology were revolutionized, such as decompression - chambers for instance. The information gathered during such horrific experimentation was crucial, because no other scientists would have dared to use human guinea - pigs. Also because of the enforced resettlement program prior to the war, the UK and more specifically the US gained the cream of the crop of German Jewish intelligensia and uber - scientists. In fact nuclear power and weapons were a direct consequence of this. America wouldn't be the world super - power if it hadn't been for Adolf's "gift". Achtung, I really hope no one will misconstrue this reply or be offended by it. What I've said does not mean I condone him or his ideologies in anyway shape or form. Hope this helps to answer your excellent question.
He was very passionate. He wanted to change germany and he did. Although the final result was not what he had wanted it to be.
he made the trains run on time.
that was Mussolini, another jackass, not HItler, I think!!
He created Volkswagen, whose name means the people's car--a cheap little car, but that was the point, so that the people of Germany could be able to afford their own means of transportation. This of course does not entirely mitigate the other things that Hitler did, though. He had a few good ideas, but, unfortunately he had many bad ideas.
YEs the SOB is burning in Hell!
He fixed the German economy, no small feat when it was in the deepest end of the Great Depression. I wouldn't mind knowing more about how he did that.
Built roads, developed the Volkswagen as an affordable car, got people back to work, gave young men an outdoor life, and regular food - and sorted out the economy - so generally, he brought Germany out of the great depression.
Bearing in mind I'm often critical of the lack of evidence of intelligence on this site sometimes, I have to say that I'm impressed that this question made people think rather than merely stimulating hysterical responses about how Hitler was a baddie etc..
I think Hitler was a genius, in some ways. I mean who else could get an entire country to turn against a certain religion? He had impeccable leadership skills and was able to rally for a cause. Now I am defiantly not for what he did to the people of Germany and the whole Nazis party. But who could really pull that off? He should have used his skills for the betterment of society, because I think he had a lot of offer.
he was a military startegiest i wonder if he could have played chess, seriously
I'm a meat-eater, so this would count as a good thing for me. But for all those gaunt, meat-hating vegetarian: Hitler was vegetarian sendschie
he inspired everyone to believe what he did. he was a brilliant psychological terrorist. he used a process called subtle suggestion. eventually people were desensitized to the idea of murder to cleanse the world. its the same form of mind control cults and pimps use.
He revived the German economy after WWI and put an end to the oppression imposed by the west.
He had good grooming.
no I mean if he was. we all know he was a cold blooded killer who de-humanized countless human beings for his own sick pleasure. but I am saying if he was not evil we could have a cure for cancer right now.
Disturbed said it all. Hitler did all those things. He did one other good thing: he failed to pass his genes to another generation.
I can tell him that he has been lucky in this life and he became famous ( infamous). That's the positive thing. But he will suffer big time in the hereafter. Eternal hell, God willing.
A great speaker.
He's dead.
He had an awesome moustache
He had very good taste in motorcycles....;-D.... . . .
He could have been a great leader if he used his influence to do good things.
He pet his dog. At least I saw him doing it in a picture once.
Do we remember Hitler so much because the Jew still blames the whole world for his actions back then? ... When many before he, were just as successful at war to annihilate enemies and others. Will they ask the same and remember the Jew for their atrocities committed against innocent muslims and their many women and children? Or a bomb dropped on a Japanese city to kill many innocent families ... Hitlers crimes were definately heinous, but how many did he actually commit himself? By Hitlers actions ... should those today be held more accountable than he for their knowledge and better understanding to use a different method to act better rather than act the same as he? Ha! ... There are no better or worse, when you line them all up together from history ... When it comes to death for any or all the wrong reasons it is wrong ... and wrong most of all when done today. I can think of bad things to say about many. Peace
He could paint better than me. The one on the right he titled "Mary with Jesus." What a nice Christian lad, eh?
wasn't great that Hitler committed suicide. Oh bravo Furher your the best
He was stongly opposed to smoking tobaco
He made people listen.
He is dead.
He's no longer with us.
He certainly knew how to incite some segments of the population to hate other segments of the population in order to obtain and maintain power.
I think I read somewhere that he accepted Christ before he died. According to Corrie Ten Boom, he did. He came up to her when she was speaking somewhere, recognized her after many years, and asked her forgiveness for torturing her and her sister who died in the camp. He claimed to have met Jesus, and she accepted his apology and forgave him.
He's dead, 'nuff said.
Hitler kept his promise to Eva Braun and married her and then he blew his brains out and she OD on poison But if it were not for Hitler there would be no Israel
He was charismatic and he brought together the German people for a time, on the heels of financial disaster, in pursuit of one cause albeit an evil one. Those who dismiss him do so at their own peril. Oh and at the risk of being disrespectful...he did provide some valuable lessons to the world. Those who fail to study his rise and fall and learn from it are idiots.
He makes a good dead man
Adolph Hitler was a Christian and regularly attended church services.
He was an effective public speaker. +3
He was apparently vehemently against smoking and tried to establish country-wide anti smoking campaigne.
Yes, if not the most, he was one of the most amazing public speakers in history. Disgrace is that what he spoked about was beyond f$@ed up. Listen to one, just one of his recorded speeches. Even when you can't understand what he's saying, you can feel the passion and firceness he put in his words. Uh, anything else good? No.
Unlike most of today's fakers, you know where you stand with Adolf, love him or hate him, at least you know where you stand, can the same be said of any of today's politicians or political leaders?
Hitler is dead.
There's nothing good to say about an evil warlocking government official, who is now dead as a doornail. Sorry.
He loved dogs.
He's DEAD.
And the 2nd. One good thing: He's in HELL!
His cutout makes a good target on the gun range.
He's dead
He backed Dr. Porsche's Volkswagen design. +5
Much as I hate to say this, he DID appreciate art and wanted to be an artist, but was rejected by the art schools....
Yes. He did the right thing and killed himself
He gave us the Volkswagon, From the book, "13 Satanic Bloodlines" he evidently did try to get the Jews out of Germany at the very beginning without killing them. Our space program is based of work done during Hitler's reign as well as much of the work on turbine engines.
ah, the VW........the main reason I'd NEVER EVER EVER buy one.........
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