My sister.. She lives there.
Icky, hot, and flat
Palm trees
Eau Gallie, my birth place.
senior citizens, hurricanes, and Cape Canaverel.
Gotta go see it.
jerry's parents from seinfield
CSI Miami
The space shuttle and gators.
a state
My favorite place, Disney World, I was just there again a month ago. I love Florida. From: freezing half the year in Wisconsin
HOME.born,raised and WILL die great-grandfather,grandfather and father the should hear the stories handed down in my family.there is a book called "Cracker" by John explains tons.
Florida Evans from "Good Times".
A postcard with the map of Florida.
Dollar bills with wings flying out of my purse.
Heat that feels like your skin will melt off some days, palmetto bugs, geriatric drivers, St. Augustine, my favorite place in FL, and expensive to live there. I lived in West Palm Beach for 6 years.
Old people
My time share is calling me.
Huge thieving racoons! [stole my babyback ribs one night right before dinner while my attention was momentarily diverted] ;-)
First thing? Those flowery tourist shirts.
The beach.
Miami Heat.+4
Oranges, lol.
Ponce De Leon and the fountain of youth
A mental image of the shape of the state is the first thing.
People too stupid to vote correctly, so their votes get invalidated.
My nice beautiful trailer that I had, Ramon and his family, basically the state itself. If I had money I would go down there in an instant and live there again.
Picking my way through thunderstorms.
Florida Evans from GoodTimes, Hurricanes, BULLY the movie and attractive sexy people
Home, I was born in Miami, Native Floridian and I have lived in south Florida, north Florida and now i am in central Florida in Tampa. Its also the best state out of them all. Also interesting fact it was the third state to succeed from the union.
Golden Girls
The beaches. I'm originally from Gainesville, FL. There aren't any beaches there, but there are a lot close by. There's Daytona Beach, St. Augustine Beach, Cresent Beach. It's so beautiful on the shores and it's nice when you can share the experience with loved ones. Oh, and UF also comes to mind. I love my Gators!
Flat, hot. humid, lots of bugs, lack of fresh water.
My friend Cyndi who used to live in the same Massachusetts apartment building I did..across the hall. She, her husband and son moved to Florida..I forget why. About a month after she moved she sent me a roll of "No bugs m'lady" shelf paper. She said without it her kitchen was overrun with silverfish and other quaint bugs. She said the humidity was ferocious and she had to fight mold/mildew. Altogether she had nothing good to say about the state. I developed my opinion about it when she told me that...around 1969. Since then we've had "the decider", chads, suspicious elections opinion has not changed for the better! :)
my big, smiley face !! That's where my in law's go for THE ENTIRE WINTER!!!!
The Kennedy Space Center.+5
On a radio program I listen to, whenever they report a story from Florida, they preface it by playing a brief soundclip of drumming from the theme to 'Miami Vice'.
Tampa Bay
family vacations.. bittersweet because my parents will not travel now even when i offered to drive my parents. +5
Me cause I live there!
The most south-eastern state of USA.
Huricanes, oranges,crocks, and old retired people
Oranges and old people.
Oranges and well there was something else that I was thinking of but it slipped away.. So for now only the oranges on the license plate.
A day at the beach
Sticky Jungle Heat and tons of Skeeres!!
Gators on a golf course.
Zombies and dinosaur remnant.
Miami. A major coastal city in southeastern Florida. the conga and rumba
I think of a gator sneaking up behind my ass while I'm playing golf.
Lately its crime.
Xanth...a magical land created by Piers Anthony, of course! :):):)
Piers Anthony. Alligators, fresh orange juice at a hotel I stayed at, WAY too many Cubans. Crime. Hurricanes, Flatness, Mosquitoes, Theme Parks, Gays in Key West, NASA, etc.
Disney, crocs and election fraud.
Micky Mouse
A nice warm place to visit. I would not want to live there. I am afraid of hurricanes. I still remember their inability to properly count the votes. Part of America a country I love and thank G-d I live in.
Humidity Mildew Huge bugs Chads Dippy politicians Disneyworld St. Augustine The Florida Keys, especially Key Largo (a Bogie movie) Key Lime Pie Everglades Mystery/intrigue/danger
Florida oranges and sunshine.
your moms big ass
Daytona Beach
Real old, overtanned Jewish ladies from New Jersey that call me a "meshuggene goy" and say "coffee" and "water" in the most ridiculous fashion. And "toid" instead of "third".
the beach st.augstine seaworld dinseyland
Chads, flying cockroaches, old people, horrible drivers, humidity and temperature both in the upper 90's (Fahrenheit and %RH), "Florida Man" headlines (for example: "Florida Man Denies Syringes Found in His Rectum Are His."), hurricanes, sunburns, stucco, and everything smells musty.
Linda Joy
ROFLMBO! Like the gerbils, "I musta just sat on them!"
Boot camp in Orlando. IN JULY!! 😈
Old dudes with black socks and sandals.
Alligators. 🐊
Walt Disney World Resort.
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