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What's Illegal in real life, is often had to control in the Cyber World. Many websites contain illegal content (i.e. Beastiality, Paedophilia) but in order for a person to be charged, the owner of the site must be identified. This can be extremely difficult, and can often end up being in a different country to the Law Enforcement agency investigating, they leading to durastiction issues. Its a sticky affair.
because people can put anything they want up on the web and a thing being illegal isn't going to stop people from doing it, filming it and broadcasting it
I'd say for the same reason that just because certain drugs are illegal doesn't mean you can't buy them on certain street corners. The internet is a world unto itself, and like our real world, it has dark corners where seedy and illegal activities occur. If you think about the number of law enforcement officers and their inability to stop or even really make any impact against bricks and mortar crime, there is no hope of them being able to do better in cyberspace. Perhaps someday we'll have an international law enforcement organization dedicated to policing the internet; on that day, we'll be able to celebrate finally having lost or freedom of thought.
Yahoo has Chatrooms for peodophilia and Family incest , that does not make it legal or right. They should be banned . Yahoo is a free forum for a lot of young people
Hacking is illegal as well.. and yet there are numerous websites describing how to take full control over a website or an email account. But with that its all on how you use the information that make it illegal.. IT guys test for security on networks. Thats not really the best of examples to use, however, with porn.. illegal child pornography seems to to be on the rise.. why? because there's is an extremly hight market for the content. There are a lot of sick pervs out there who want to see the material.. some go as far as doing it.. and others realize they can do it and make money from it.. so they make these websites. My opinion is.. people that report websites to have them closed down to their hosts are necessarily doing the right thing. Picture this. If the website is automatically closed down.. what justice is given to those children? If the websites are allowed to stay up and an investigation is done to find the location of either the men or kids in the photos or videos then it can helpful in finding the rings as well. If you just close the site, new ones will arise either by the same webmaster or another perv who noticed the site got taken down but he managed to download the entire site's contents then he'd start running his own. It's a touchy subject.. If you wish to argue or continue this conversation with me, then please feel free to email me.
First of all,how would you know that? They don't just pop up unless you went to something porn-related in the first place. Secondly,for the same reason people deal and/or take illegal drugs. A disregard for decency and/or the law.
It is not clear cut that zoophilia is illegal; it is in some places and not in others. ( Although I admit it icks me out slightly, in a way why should it be treated any differently from any other kind of animal cruelty?
childporn is also illegal, you can still find websites that show it, but I don't think it is illegal everywhere. I used to work in a DVD rental in Cyprus and in our "blue" section there were a few on bestiality. The most famous Bestiality star was from Denmark, she lived happily on a farm with her animals till her dying day... No one stopped her... Mind you that was in the 70's or early 80's.
It isn't illegal in every state.
I think that the important thing to realize here is that viewing the records of an illegal activity is a differant act than performing the illegal activity itself. Is it the premise of your question that showing pictures of bestiality is illegal? It would appear that bestial pornography is illegal in the United States. The lack of prosecution probably has to with the difficulty in obtaining evidence and the location of servers in other countries. I also imagine that if an organization starts feeling the heat, they might just shut down and start a new server elsewhere. Perhaps these sites do get shut down, but it doesn't receive much media coverage and new sites just pop up to replace them.
I am not familiar with the legal issues concerning beastiality. The fact that it is condemned in the Bible is enough for me to know that it's not a good practice.
Because there is such a thing as freedom of speech and the 1st Amendment (in the USA).
The internet is global, so there is content from all over the world coming together "in one place", so to speak - that place being your computer screen. Some things that are illegal here in the US (or in certain states specificially) are perfectly legal and accepted in other parts of the world. There's no way of restricting access to this material, especially here in the US, until some kind of illegal activity is taking place in association with the questionable material (ie: looking up how to make pipe bombs and then actually MAKING one). Simply viewing depictions of illegal activity isn't a crime in itself (aside from child pornography).
It's legal in many countries.
Why do people walk around with mary j plants on ther shirts?
The act of bestiality isn't always illegal. There are some countries and some U.S. States where is isn't illegal or at least isn't an issue worthy of concern. I don't feel that it should be "illegal" per se... I feel that cases where it should be "punishable" are those in which there is actual abuse. Bestiality in itself is NOT abuse because animals (humans included) have sex and it all works the same way. But just as anything else, it can be abusive or abused. It is not inherently "pathological" but can become a pathology. In some countries, it is not illegal to have such websites and is not illegal to own or possess such material. The U.S. on the other hand, has many laws that govern so called "obscenity" (which by the way is dictated by those who simply have an opinion about a specific subject and if it doesn't suit them, then it can't suit anyone else either).
Is viewing bestiality illegal in the UK and some parts of the U.S?
Same reason there is child porn. There are alot of sicko's out there!
beastiality isn't actually illegal in every state in America although i think making beastiality porn is. The reason why you see it on the net is because in other countries the making of beastiality porn is legal.
Lol heres the real thing, bestiality isn't illegal everywhere, if you look on wikipedia, it gives a list of the legality of this subject, and if it is illegal in that state, gives a list of the charges you will be filed with.
It is LEGAL in 20 states n the US.
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