Sorry Archie, but who's pulling the race card?
Archie Bunker
I'm asking a question. -
You specifically question blacks for their voting habits, but not whites or any other group. That is racist. -
Archie Bunker
Asking about the voting habits of one racial group is racist? Or do you think it's only racist if I'm asking about black voting habits and not whites? -
Useful idiots are programed to call everyone racist, its one of the mind control triggers implanted in them. -
Mushroom is racist I see. -
Archie Bunker
In some people's minds, asking questions about racism makes you a racist.
I think if anyone only voted for him because he's black then it's racism. But aren't blacks predominantly democrats anyway?
Archie Bunker
The majority of black vote democrat, yes. And blacks who voted for Trump are invariably labeled as Uncle Toms. But I think if you look at the voter turnout rates, it was always higher when a black guy was on the ticket, and fell sharply in 2016 when it was only white folks. Why is that? In my opinion, if it quacks like a duck..... -
So if whites say they voted for the white guy because he was white, by that definition it is racist too. -
Archie Bunker
The problem is, most people aren't gonna say they voted for someone because of their skin color. Well, except for Samuel Jackson. "I voted for Barack because he was black...His message didn't mean shit to me." -
You never know what people are really thinking, only what they tell you. -
Archie Bunker
Nope, we don't. -
Black people are supporting Trump more and more. Probalby something to do with illegal immigrants fire bombing their houses and driving them out. Someone forgot to tell Mexican's not to be racist I guess.
i dont think its always about being racist
First I want to address why I don't use the word "race" The accurate description of what is referred to is ethnicity. So a more accurate description that the word"racism" points to is ethnic/cultural prejudice. The way someone looks, the way someone talks, the way someone walks. Being "white" in a white privileged society, I have been insulated from the the harsh encounters directed at those with dark or exotic faces. Being half Italian I am equally repelled by strong Italian pride as I would any other ethnicity that emphasizes their particular distinction. As it strengthens them in their group identity, it equally divides them from other groups. Who was first......who was best........who was smartest.......The problem can be summed up in these two words "Tribal exceptionalism" How about referring to ALL of us as one diverse and colorful human "race". I have prejudice in me as we all do. If this prejudice is over-prideful or hurts another, I want to be called out on this as I wish those be called out in the public service.
Archie Bunker
You lost me at "white privileged society." -
The Washington Post article has many examples of white privilege : -
Archie Bunker
Now you lost me by quoting a Washington Post article. And one by Christine Emba no less which points to an article written by a radical feminist/anti-racist activist. Not very convincing, Roaring. I don't buy into the white-male-privilege mantra that's the liberal calling card nowadays. -
The Washington Post is too biased to be trustworthy.
It's only racist when it goes against Agenda 21 and the loser's corporate plans.
Archie Bunker
Agenda 21 is just a scheme to redistribute wealth. -
Linda Legion
What is Article 21? -
Linda Legion
Sorry I misread your post, I meant Agenda 21?
That’s a nice question, you’re brave. I am bi-racial, but I was adopted into an African-American family with existing biological children. I was raised by parents who went to segregated schools and their experiences shaped how they taught us. Males were taught to REMOVE themselves from ALL questionable situations, because they would become the automatic culprit (according to my parents). We, as females, were taught to speak up for ourselves and not accept wrongdoing of any kind. We were taught to speak and dress properly at all times, “because we were always under scrutiny, they’re watching us and expecting us to be stereotypical” (according to my parents’ frame of mind in the 70’s & 80’s). In retrospect, I see that they wanted us to become the best HUMAN beings as possible, not the best “black” or “bi-racial” person. Unfortunately, racism has existed since Luke wrote the book of Acts, where he tells us that “God is not partial”... Luke obviously wrote this to remind us to imitate that quality in our everyday lives. Racism is used by Satan to create divisions among us and distract us from what is most important (2 Corinthians 11:3). Think about it, if it’s not racism, it’s politics, sexuality, human rights, war, save the whales, etc. There’s always something to capture our minds, just as the “serpent seduced Eve”, we too are easily distracted from the “important things” (Philippians 1:10). There is only 1 solution all of humankind’s problems and it’s written in Matthew 6:10.
Archie Bunker
It's usually pretty hard to get a serious answer when you ask questions like this. It usually results right into the name calling with no serious discussion. -
The Bible is merely bad fiction. -
Archie Bunker
And yet some of us follow it's teachings, ReiSan. Does one's faith make questions on race irrelevant?
You don't seem to understand what "racism" means, kid - let alone why it happens. You also seem largely ignorant about what evidences are brought before a court to judge something as racist, too. Hating dimwits like Trump is not racist. It's a good thing to hate a fool like him who does dog whistle politics and plays the victim. Obama had character and the ability to speak properly, unlike Trump.
What a bad joke to claim Barack Hussein Obama "had character". He was a character in a tragedy that lasted eight years. Donald Trump is not a dimwit. -
Archie Bunker
Kid? Really? I'll take that as a compliment. What are you talking about with "evidences brought before a court?" Who's court and for what? Not wanting to break your bubble, but being a racist is someone's God given right. Beliefs and thoughts are still your own. You're free to hate white people all you want. Only actions are subject to law here. To your point, you're saying that because Obama was a eloquent speaker, his policies were better for the people? That seems awfully small-minded. And let me ask you this.. why was disliking Obama's policies almost always seen as racist?
That guy is only a fan of Obama because he is a celebrity,and celebrities liked to party with Obama. That is all!
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