Yep. I've always loved to shoot. I guess I got it from my grandfather who was a sniper in the Marines. I'm better with a rifle than a pistol. That's my wife's area of expertise. She's amazing with handguns.
I have held a gun, shot a gun, gone hunting with a gun, and I own a gun. I practice shooting a hand gun at the shooting range on a regular basis.
Yes. Makes it easier to shoot.
Nooo i haven't and i feel left out. I would love to hold and fire a gun just once ... dont think i have ever actually seen a real gun :(
Yes. I did rifle shooting when I was younger.
sure have
Many times, I'm a skeet shooter and deer hunter.
Yes I have. Me and my dad usually go out hunting that's the only time I use them. Last time I went hunting I shoot a deer.
Yes I have.
As you have checked my answer before, i hold my canon only.
I have held and fired numerous guns over the years.
Yes, probably more than 10.
Yes I have and you'll be able to hold it one day.;-)
I don't like guns but have shot one a couple of times. Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.
Yes, I have, many times.
Back when guns were legal here, my father had an air rifle he kept locked up. He took it out once, talked to me about how dangerous guns are, let me hold it and pointed out the safety switch etc. And years later I held a gun every time I did clay target shooting.
Yes, a few guns.
Yes, fired one- Yes. Hit the Center of the Target- Yes with ALL the rounds in the Clip!
Yes, many times. Man types as well.
Yes a shot gun..and I didn't like it..don't like guns at all :D
many times.I used to work for an armoured truck company. We had to carry a firearm.
yes i have... and fired them as well
Yes I have, but not in a long time.
Yes, I have a Walther PPK I carry in my fanny pack or my purse when I'm just out and about. "Don't leave home without it"
not today, yet.
No, and we have gun restrictions here so even if I wanted to (and I don't) I couldn't unless I went to a firing range and had a special permit etc. +5
Held, shot, owned, cleaned, researched, instructed people in, bought, and very nearly sold.
Many times, many different types. I shot expert with pistol and rifle in the Army. I regularly compete in 1000 yard rifle shooting. I carry a pistol on a daily basis (properly licensed). +5
So far I own 20 guns and I hold some of them every day. :-)
Never, never, never
Many times. I've been proficient with guns since childhood and have hunted. I can shoot vermin menacing a henhouse in the dark and have done so more than once. I just don't want to own a gun, to have one in my home.
Sure, I have held many guns in my life.
Sure. I'm a fairly decent shot.
A toy gun when I was a kid but I would never in my lifetime hold a real gun. That's just not me and they are dangerous things. People who own a gun for killing animals or people have their own issues with no respect for life itself. There is something wrong with those people.
Linda Joy
But do you eat meat? If so, someone had to kill it. If not you're killing plants to eat so what's the difference? You don't have the guts to kill it yourself? Have you ever cut flowers or cut the grass or squished a bug? Its all the same. Don't go acting like you're better than anyone else alive for killing what they eat just because you're too chicken to do it yourself. You just forced someone else to do it for you. -
Shadow Of The Mind
So you think it’s right to kill? If so you have no sense of morality. I respect life unlike barbaric and criminal people in this messed up world
Once upon a time I was a merc for nearly a year, so yes...held a gun, cleaned a gun, shot a gun, and taken out targets with a gun.
Held and used guns, rifles, and pistols. They are useful for providing food and protection.
M-16, .45 cal, .50 cal, 81 mm mortar - yes, I had the pleasure. Forgot to add: a LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon) - blew up an APC.
Hows your hearing are you deaf as a post -
Army Veteran
Nope. Hearing is one of the few bodily functions I still have.
Yes, and had a lot of fun shooting in firing ranges. Guns are profoundly serious though.
yes years ago bro in law had us shooting at targets with a 22 rifle
only when I was a teenager.
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