• Take the molecular formula for the compound C6H12O2 and find the mass of each element: C - 6mol x 12.011g/mol = 72.0642g H - 12mol x 1.00794g/mol = 12.09528g O - 2mol x 15.9994g/mol = 31.9988g sum of masses = 116.1583g Then take the mass of each element and divide it by the total mass of the compound: C = 72.0642g / 116.1583g x 100% = 62.04% H = 12.0952g / 116.1583g x 100% = 10.41% O - 31.9988g / 116.1583g x 100% = 27.55% To check, they better add up to 100%. This works for any percentage composition problem.

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