why don't you change your cap?
It depends where you live.... how far away are you from the pizza shop, whet kind of traffic at that time of day, etc. Contrary to what many people think, how long it takes them to get there is more important than the size of the order. If the travel situation is good, I do two bucks for the order plus a dollar a mile.
$2 +5
I don't tip pizza delivery men. They get their payment. I think it's down to cultural differences. I've never met anyone who tips someone like a pizza delivery man
I've never met anyone who DIDN'T.
two to three bucks..:)
It depends on how much the order is +3
Depends on your order and your distance from the Store.
I'd say $2.00 to $5.00 should be ok ..... depending on YOUR finances ...
£1 or 50 pence, you can convert it cos i dont know how
I give what I can up to the cost of the pizza.
I tip 10% rounded up to the nearest dollar. The Pizzeria is not more than 4 miles from my house, I think if it were very far, I'd tip 15%. Remember, the difference between being cheap and being generous is only a dollar or two, so go ahead and be generous to the person bringing you that yummy pizza.
$3-5. It's the convenience of not having to go out that makes the difference to me, not the distance to the shop itself.
15-20% like you'd tip a waitress or $2 minimum. Some places only pay $5 total for gas and a small delivery fee (a little more than waht the gas cost to get it there)and no wages (depends on the pizza place. At most places the Driver has to use his own car. Many times if he doesn't get tipped he doesn't actually make any money on the delivery. Fortunately most people tip $2-$5
Here South Korea, Never tipped delivery man
If you can afford a pizza, then you can afford to tip. I would say $2-3 dollars
I have never tipped a delivery person - never occurred to me that I should.....
They already charge a delivery charge so I don't see much point in tipping but I will round it up to the nearest pound to save their change.
Just tell him he has beautiful eyes,,, or give him $2 dollars.
15% is a "good" middle of the road amount!
I would give them $2.00 a smile and a thank you.
an average of $3
the tip is already built in.
15% to 20% sounds fair - it's within the going rate. I find it easier to tip at the time I place the order. That way I don't have to fumble around with cash and it's all incorporated into one charge that I can easily account for.
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