Faith in humanity.
POWER! just came back on recently, been out for almost 2 hours!
I let a woman break my spirit and I feel so embarrassed to admit such a thing to anyone.
I lost a key. :-|
I spelled ordered wrong SHOOT ME
Dammit, I just lost the game. :(
It was my virginity and I had it here just a minute ago...ok, that makes me look bad. :(
i lost my favorite shirt... =/
Lost my age.
I lost a little hope...i'm only 21 so i hope i have enough to last me for bout 80 years!!!
Well .. there's that old genealogy joke that's been kicking around for several years now ... << I'm not crazy, I'm just losing my census. >> Ok, ok .. what can I say? LOL
Have you seen my stapler? Or maybe: Have you seen my baseball?
"Patience". I lost it when I was a child and was hungry. I lost it when I was a teenager trying to be an adult. I lose it as now an adult when I see or hear things that other people say or do that hurts someone that is deserving of respect and equal rights. I lost it today when I was told by the Vets that after waiting for an hour and 45 minutes for an emergency visit for my dog, the vets was still going to charge a fee of 50 bucks. Where is the emergency??? I told them "great so I am paying an emergency fee to breathe your air".
I lost sanity, when my youngest child was born:)
I lost money awhile ago. Just bought a burger..
my mind and my photo album from 97 to 99 , it was lost somewhere in the england. Wish I could get it back.
My favorite Dupont lighter. I am really pissed about that!
lost my cool... started crying in front of everyone today.
All of the above!
I lost my temper, I usually do...
back to inv +6 my mind; I have that disease...CRS! Thank goodness for sticky notes.
My wallet (found in the fridge); my reading glasses (found on head); car keys (found in the ignition); memory - (still trying to find that) - what was the question again? :)
My job
a job
Some calories by having a high metabolism. 😁
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