Turkey, duck, ,guinea fowl, and ostrich.
turkey, quail, pheasant, Cornish hens
turkey :)
Duck, goose and cornish hen
Turkey, duck, quail, dove, ostrich, pheasant, cornish game hen, goose and sparrow....yes sparrow, I was offered to try it and I did.
Turkey, duck, quail, ostrich, pheasant, cornish game hen
I'm a vegetarian.I don't eat any birds.Hey wait a minute.I like chicks,does that count?Lol.
I've had turkey and I think I had ostrich once. I will never eat Duck. The Anaheim Ducks are my team and I feel it would be sacreligious. =P
Turkey, Duck, Goose, Squab, Quail, pheasant, Hen, Ostrich, cornish game hen.
turkey, duck, goose, quail, pheasant, ostrich, and cornish game hen.
Turkey and Peeps.
I've had cornish hen before (actually its very good) also I've had duck.
Turkey, goose, duck, quail, pheasant, emu, ostrich, grouse, squab, cornish game hen, doves, guinea hen
Someone shot me the bird once, and I went over and licked it.
Turkey, goose, duck, quail, pheasant
duck in orange sauce and pigeon pie mmm.
duck, quail, goose, white-wing dove, morning dove, rock pigion, turkey, phesant, I can't remember the name of one it is in western colorado/eastern Utah, Carnish hen.
duck,goose,dove,turkey, and quail.
Duck, Turkey, Cornish Game Hen, Quail, Squab (pigeon)
Cornish game,turkey,duck,goose,partridge,pheasant,woodcock,(yes it's a bird)Never a pigeon.
Ostrich is very nice
Turkey, duck, quail, pheasant goose and cornish hens.
Turkey Rock Cornish Game Hen Pheasant Duck Squab +5
Duck and it's very delicious 😋
no other ..
I’ve had quail and duck and turkey before
Goose, duck, Cornish hens, turkey, quail, ptarmigan, and pheasant -- and doves. The latter are delicious, though you do have to watch out for buckshot in the households where I've been served them. I serve Cornish hens for Thanksgiving every years, never turkey, and I love to serve duck or goose for Christmas.
Quail dove, turkey duck, ostrich, goose, guinea, pigeon, peafowl, probably others too.
Quail, pheasant, duck, turkey, ostrich, cornish hen, peacock, peeps and chocolate chicks
Goose (my favorite), duck, turkey (least favorite), and pheasant.
Turkey, duck and squab
Whatever kind of bird that is in McDonald's chicken mcnuggets.
Turkey and duck and not keen on either.
"Cornish game hen" is just a trade name for a variety of chicken.
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