About three hours.
I think it was around 3-4 hours....then we fell asleep on the phone together but I don't think that counts.......
no idea but around 6 hours
3hr's 47min's I know because it was long distance and I paid $273.58 for the call. never again!
Not a clue! Several hours, at least. When my wife was pregnant with our first child, my Dad's health took a turn for the worse (he was terminally ill with cancer at the time). My wife couldn't travel because she was too close to the due date, but she had me fly out to Texas to visit Dad for a few days by myself anyway. Early the morning I was supposed to catch the flight back (And I mean EARLY that morning), I got a call from the birthing coach we had been seeing. She was in the hospital with my wife, who was in labor! The lady came to be my wife's coach, because I couldn't be there. Anyway, she gave the phone to my wife whenever she could, talked to me when she couldn't, and basically I was on the phone for the entire labor and delivery, up to and including hearing my son cry for the first time and naming him with my wife over the phone. Beats me how the heck long it was. But I didn't get any sleep the rest of the day, as I had to catch my flight back home afterwards, and was a little too occupied with events afterwards to sleep!
Over 3 hours locally. Just over 2 hours to Canada, and about same to Australia.
several hours
4 hours talking to my husband from out different duty stations.
Probably about 5 hours to my best friend when we were just out of high school.
4 hours which is 240 minutes.
6.52 minutes
about 5 ish hours cant really remember, i was about 15 at the time on the phone to my then bf.
Hour: to family and friends back home
About 3 hours.
12 minutes.
More than 1 hour! Many times....
Over eight 8 hours, and I hate talking on the phone.
5 hours one time and one time ONLY! I really hate talking on the phone. LOL +5
10 hours and like 30 something minutes. When I was younger and met this guy we talked on the phone all night that night until like 6:00 that next morning.
About an hour everyday international. I discourse on some spiritual topic to my students.
I don't know the exact mins, but I know it was like 8 hours lol
When I worked for the federal Government and was on a stakeout ; I had to keep in constant contact for eight hours or so I stood by that darn phone booth and spoke now and then to the person on the other end of the line continually telling them that I was seeing NOTHING ...happening.
3 hours...hate using phones though
2 + my mother years ago.
8 hours
I want to say it was like 7 hours to my old b/f....I hate talking on the phone though, I wouldnt talk to anyone else that long.
2 hours +
5 minutes. I'm a man.
12min8sec. It was my first phonecall from Iraq to my mom.
the most recent one that i can remember was that fifty minute one with my boyfriend (tony.) don't really remember what we were talking about. just all these random things we could come up with. =D
I couldn't tell you exactly, but I do know that it ran down my battery charge and disconnected us
just over 4 hours.
a little over two poor bf had to listen to my crisis. lol.
Well my longest phone call was twelve hours and we never ran out of things to talk about(: it was from nine in the morning till nine at night(: I am not calculating the minutes(:
The longest call I have had with a Male was probably about 4 minutes long. The longest call I've had with a female.. About 4 hours!.. And I took in alot less than in the 4 minute call!
About 5 hours. I hate the damned phone. I only use it in emergencies.
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